Senin, 16 Februari 2009


Heart the center of all emotion and the most blessed part of the body . Whenever we talk of love the first sign that we all show is the sign of our heart. Valentine’s day just passed and we are showered with heart sign balloons , chocolate , and many more. I too receive a lot of them from my friends and I realize that our heart is so precious, it is the house of all our beloved. So it become our duty to take care of that precious possession .
This are some points which I sometime miss to follow but such special occasion reminds me to take care of my best friend residing in my body – My Heart.

This are some tips that can keep your heart healthy-Take Care.

• People who have a tendency to suppress their emotion when under stress- a personality trait known as “ type D” – are at a greater risk than those people who openly express their concerns and feelings . With the help of a trained therapist or a caring loved one, learn how to speak your mind in a positive mind and heart – healthy way. Look around a friend is always their for you.

• Regular aerobic workouts condition the heart and keep the blood vessels dilated and working properly. So get up and get going. The best aerobic exercise are walking, running, swimming, cycling, skating.

• To stabilize both blood pressure and cholesterol levels, keep your weight in check. Even modest drops of excess poundage have been shown to be beneficial.

• Studies have shown that lying can cause blood pressure to soar . Researchers speculate that when people are trying to deceive, theirs brain have to work extra hard , which requires more blood to the brain – thus raising the blood pressure. Lying also produce stress , another fact or that sends blood pressure climbing . “Looking to your heart you will find there is nothing there to hide” So speak your heart.

• Certain pollutants ,particularly carbon monoxide, are known to aggravate angina. To avoid carbon monoxide, steer clear of tobacco smoke and stay inside on heavy smog days .

• One of the keys to preventing and treating heart disease is learning how to relax . Relaxation reduces stress, and stress has been identified as a probable risk factor for heart disease. Some relaxation techniques that have proved beneficial are meditation, yoga, prayer and biofeedback training (Biofeedback is scientifically proven to have a powerful, positive effect on your emotional and physical well-being by teaching you to alter your brain activity, blood pressure, muscle tension, heart rate and other critical bodily functions) . Just go and find out a relaxation program that you enjoy and incorporate it into your daily routine.

Don’t give an excuse to try out tomorrow which will never come because tomorrow will always come as today .So start today and stay healthy, a friend of yours far from you will Always be there to pray for you so that you can-

“Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.”
Mary Anne Radmacher


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