Rabu, 18 Februari 2009


Food which flow in your whole body as pure water ,like a river , takes away all diseases and empties them into sea. Vegetable and fruit juices play an important role to those who want to practice wellness. For me orange juice is my all time favorite but for vegetable carrot juice is the one which I liked the most but a friend of mine said that she mixes both beet root juice and orange juice with little bit of flavoring which is extremely delicious and healthy. She share her recipe with me and to day I am sharing that with you. Hope it will add taste ,flavor ,color and health in your regular diet.


Beet root 250grm
Orange 5
Black salt ¼ tsp
Cardamom a pinch
Cinnamon a pinch
Ice cube some(optional)

First of all put the beet root in the juicer and bring out the juice .Then put the oranges and bring out the juice. Mix both the juices . Add black salt, cinnamon, cardamom. Now again blend the whole mixture and your beet orange juice is ready to serve .
Serve with some ice cube at the top but this is optional. Sip or drink your juice slowly. this allow better assimilation.
A daily glass of beet root juice help to beat high blood pressure say researchers. And orange juice is full of Vitamin-C. It is also a powerful antioxidant neutralizes harmful elements within the body. The nutrients found in orange juice, such as potassium, folic acid and Vitamin C, may provide against cardiovascular diseases.
But those who are suffering from severe health problems must consult there doctors before adding such drink in there diet.


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