Selasa, 10 Februari 2009


I HAVE BEEN TAGGED BY CROCODILE SOUP FOR THE SOUL. Thanks to my friend sweet Lanne who gives some easy to cook quick recipes. So make some time to visit her delicious blog.
The rules for being tagged are:1. Display The TAG (you can download it above) 2. Blog about seven weird facts about yourself 3. Tag 7 blogs in your post 4. Comment on each of the 7 blogs to let them know you tagged them .

Now I am giving you seven fact then you all decide they are weird or not.

1. Presently I am reading lot on law of attraction and visualizing millions of visitors in my blog every day. Rhonda will be happy if she knows some one taking her Secret so seriously!

2. I heard that laughing helps to increase ones immunity. So I started a 10 minutes laughing session every morning which my family have to bear. Ha ha ha ha ha! This is only the ha ha type then start the ho ho ho ! Do you get the view.

3. I want to visit the highest point on the earth and meditate for an hour. Why one otherwise I will soon turn to a Ice cream ….. I am not sure about the flavor!

4. Though I am very serious about my fitness regime still love to be a bit lazy after I woke up in the morning.

5. I still love to sleep on my Mama’s lap and listen to lullabies (sound crazy !)

6. I still fight with my Big Brother on what to watch in Television ( sweet fight of course!)

7. This is my wildest dream that God accept me as His best friend and give me His personal phone number or email id so that I can reach Him to share all my good and solve all problem in a second and live happily ever after with all my loved ones. Sounds like fairy tales but I am waiting!

Enough of my crazy fact .
If you think that it is too much then refresh your mind visiting some awesome blogs of my friends. I hope you will love them.

Word journey – A journey in the path of faith and divine love.

Scandinavian Ways- Those who want to roll in the world of good food and wine then the best place to drop in.

Artisan of Words – Beautifully presented some great food for thoughts.

In my Kitchen- Give some yummy homemade recipes.

Coffee Break- For coffee coffee and more coffee.

Lights Camera Action- a real happening blog exactly what the name suggest.

Romance Books- This blog will paint you in real color of love this Valentine .

I thank all my friends and fellow blogger for their love and support. It is you who keep me rolling. In this week of love your always is saying to you all-

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