Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009


Week end is the time when all of us want to try out something more delicious than our regular diet so we often make compromise and put on so much calorie in our diet that it become difficult to make up later on and often it is the cause of our mid-week sickness.
So I find out a new recipe which is delicious to taste without using a single drop of oil. This is for those friend of mine who is suffering from heart diseases or trying to loose weight . Give it a try and let me know whether it can add flavor to your weekend dinning or not.


Basmati rice 500grm
Carrot, peas ½ cup chopped
Cardamom (small) 3
Cinnamon 1inch
Clove 5
Whole black pepper 6
Bay leaves (dried) 5
Cumin seed ½ tsp
Raisin 2 tsp
Sugar 1tsp
Salt according to taste

Wash and soak the basmati rice for half an hour. Drain the water. Put the rice, some more water in a pan. Bring the rice to a boil and cook until the rice is done. Drain and keep aside. Boil all the vegetable with a little salt and keep aside.
Now put a pan on flame in that give bay leaves , cinnamon, cardamom, clove, pepper, cumin seed dry roast the spices when you get the flavor of the spices coming out add the boiled rice ,vegetable ,raisin, sugar and salt . Stir it well .It is now ready to serve . You can have it with any of your favorite dish but I love to have it with honey chicken or garlic egg.


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