Kamis, 26 Februari 2009


I think many of you have visited Budapest which is one of the finest city in Europe but Hungary is not all there, spend some time in the fabulous villages , those beautiful churches and castles you then only can enjoy the real Hungary.
Do you have any idea about Hungarian cuisine? Hungarian dishes are delicious, flavor full and spicy and bit heavy so people with sensitive stomach should be careful trying them.

Today I am sharing with you a traditional cuisine from Hungary- Mutton Goulash.
A stew or a soup (pronounced goo-yash). This my version of goulash with little addition and alteration , it was first served to me by one of my Hungarian friend Aurelia who was in my town and told she will take the charge of my kitchen and one evening she cooked this delicious recipe for us. One platter is sufficient to satisfy a hungry soul like me.


Boneless mutton leg 150grm
Baby onions 50grm
Garlic 5grm
Bell pepper 50 grm
Carrot 50grm
Button mushroom 45grm
Paprika 5grm
Refined oil 15 ml
Butter 20grm
Tomato puree 25 grm
Flour 10grm
Baby potato 25 grm
Salt according to taste
Black pepper very little

* Those of you who love a little mild taste use paprika and black pepper according to taste.

First of all make small cubes of the boneless mutton wash and clean and keep aside.
Cut carrots , bell peppers into cubes. Peeled the potato and the onions.
Put a pan on flame give oil and then give the chopped garlic. As it turn a little brown add the mutton chunks add salt and pepper and stir for 5 to 6 min. Add tomato puree and enough water let it boil for few minutes . As the gravy thicken a little put off the flame .
Now put another pan on flame put oil and butter in it and all carrot, bell pepper, mushroom, onions, potatoes in it. Stir a for a sometime, add flour and stir for another 1 minute . Add the mutton chunks with the prepared stock in it. Cover the pan and let it simmer for sometime until the mutton is cooked. Garnish with some fresh thyme and serve hot with bread rolls. I prefer Kenyer (“KEN-YEAR”) it is a type of Hungarian bread an oval shaped , golden colored one kilogram loaf. Most commonly it is either fehér kenyér (white bread) or félbarna kenyér (half brown bread; made with half rye flour). Shopkeepers will usually gladly cut the kilogram loaf into 500 or 250 gram pieces for you.
Before exploring the beautiful country Hungary explore unique Hungarian cuisine in your dinner table with your loved ones.


Senin, 23 Februari 2009


Today the whole India is celebrating the grand success of Slumdog Millionaire as it bag 8 Oscars award . And I am no exception but more than an Indian I am celebrating as global citizen because it is a film from the heart to the heart and by the heart and so it has touched so many hearts world over and become such a great success.
Wall Street Journal critic Joe Morgenstern refers to Slumdog Millionaire as, “the film world’s first globalized masterpeice.”
I congratulate all the cast and crew of this great film, especially to Mr.A.R.Rahman , who use this great stage to spread the message of love telling that “I choose love in my life and so I am here at Oscar.” May we all choose love in our life and live in a peaceful world.
I am proud and enjoying the moments with a glass of Garden Fresh Orange Smoothie.
You too can share this simple delicious healthy drink while you enjoy the award winning track “Jai Ho” from Slumdog Millionaire given below in this post.


Fresh orange juice 2cups
Low fat Yoghurt 2 cups
Sugar 3 tbsp
Salt a pinch
Ice cube 10 to 15

Blend the orange juice, yoghurt, sugar, salt and ice cube in a liquidizer.
Pour in glass and serve chilled with ice cube at the top.

Enjoy the award winning song from Slumdog Millionaire “Jai Ho”.


Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009


Today I am sharing with you my Big Brother’s favorite dish, which I am cooking this weekend-Fish In Mustard Sauce.
But before sharing with you my recipe let me share some interesting fact about this age old spice –Mustard. It is one of the worlds favorite for flavor and health .
The word mustard comes from a Latin word “mustum” which mean must. Do you know this Mustard is consumed more than 700million pounds every year around the world. Though Dijon mustard (named after a lovely French city Dijon) the most popular mustard style but Canada is the worlds largest supplier of the crop. Mustard seed is a powerful anti-microbial agent.
There are three main types of mustard seeds used in cooking: white, brown and black. Black are the largest and most pungent of the three; white (yellow in color) the smallest and mildest.
So now you know a lot about mustard.
Lets then start with the recipe -


Good quality fish fillet 4
Yoghurt ½ cup
Mustard 1tbsp
Garlic 1peice
Green chilly 1
Cashew nuts 6
Ginger paste ¼ tsp
Cinnamon powder little pinch
Cardamom little pinch
Salt according to taste
Pepper according to taste
Sugar ¼ tsp
Oil 1tbsp(preferred
mustard oil
but for those who want
a mild taste
use oil of your choice)


For those who like more pungent taste they may take black seeds but for those who love the mild one they take the white mustard. I prefer the white mustard seeds.
First of all make a wet smooth paste of mustard, garlic, green chilly and cashew nuts together. Now take a bowl and take the yoghurt beat it add the mustard paste ,ginger paste, salt pepper, sugar ,oil and beat it to avoid lumps. When it become smooth marinate the fish fillet with this total mixture sprinkle cardamom and cinnamon powder above it and leave it for 10 minutes.
Now steam the fish in high heat for 10 to 15 minutes or until cooked.
Served with hot steamed rice.
The taste of this dish is bit sharp but once a while I love to taste such food with family. I hope you will like it too and for those who love to experiment with some unique flavor and taste for them this will be an exotic experience. As we are using the steaming process for cooking, the food value is also very high and it is healthy, nutritive and delicious.

Before signing off let me give you a health tip-
For congestion of the head or lungs, mustard is an excellent remedy. To treat congestion with mustard, put a tablespoon full of the ground seeds into a foot bath and soak the feet. This will draw the blood to the lower part of the body and help relieve congestion.
This is a general tips and not a medical substitute.


Rabu, 18 Februari 2009


Food which flow in your whole body as pure water ,like a river , takes away all diseases and empties them into sea. Vegetable and fruit juices play an important role to those who want to practice wellness. For me orange juice is my all time favorite but for vegetable carrot juice is the one which I liked the most but a friend of mine said that she mixes both beet root juice and orange juice with little bit of flavoring which is extremely delicious and healthy. She share her recipe with me and to day I am sharing that with you. Hope it will add taste ,flavor ,color and health in your regular diet.


Beet root 250grm
Orange 5
Black salt ¼ tsp
Cardamom a pinch
Cinnamon a pinch
Ice cube some(optional)

First of all put the beet root in the juicer and bring out the juice .Then put the oranges and bring out the juice. Mix both the juices . Add black salt, cinnamon, cardamom. Now again blend the whole mixture and your beet orange juice is ready to serve .
Serve with some ice cube at the top but this is optional. Sip or drink your juice slowly. this allow better assimilation.
A daily glass of beet root juice help to beat high blood pressure say researchers. And orange juice is full of Vitamin-C. It is also a powerful antioxidant neutralizes harmful elements within the body. The nutrients found in orange juice, such as potassium, folic acid and Vitamin C, may provide against cardiovascular diseases.
But those who are suffering from severe health problems must consult there doctors before adding such drink in there diet.


Senin, 16 Februari 2009


Heart the center of all emotion and the most blessed part of the body . Whenever we talk of love the first sign that we all show is the sign of our heart. Valentine’s day just passed and we are showered with heart sign balloons , chocolate , and many more. I too receive a lot of them from my friends and I realize that our heart is so precious, it is the house of all our beloved. So it become our duty to take care of that precious possession .
This are some points which I sometime miss to follow but such special occasion reminds me to take care of my best friend residing in my body – My Heart.

This are some tips that can keep your heart healthy-Take Care.

• People who have a tendency to suppress their emotion when under stress- a personality trait known as “ type D” – are at a greater risk than those people who openly express their concerns and feelings . With the help of a trained therapist or a caring loved one, learn how to speak your mind in a positive mind and heart – healthy way. Look around a friend is always their for you.

• Regular aerobic workouts condition the heart and keep the blood vessels dilated and working properly. So get up and get going. The best aerobic exercise are walking, running, swimming, cycling, skating.

• To stabilize both blood pressure and cholesterol levels, keep your weight in check. Even modest drops of excess poundage have been shown to be beneficial.

• Studies have shown that lying can cause blood pressure to soar . Researchers speculate that when people are trying to deceive, theirs brain have to work extra hard , which requires more blood to the brain – thus raising the blood pressure. Lying also produce stress , another fact or that sends blood pressure climbing . “Looking to your heart you will find there is nothing there to hide” So speak your heart.

• Certain pollutants ,particularly carbon monoxide, are known to aggravate angina. To avoid carbon monoxide, steer clear of tobacco smoke and stay inside on heavy smog days .

• One of the keys to preventing and treating heart disease is learning how to relax . Relaxation reduces stress, and stress has been identified as a probable risk factor for heart disease. Some relaxation techniques that have proved beneficial are meditation, yoga, prayer and biofeedback training (Biofeedback is scientifically proven to have a powerful, positive effect on your emotional and physical well-being by teaching you to alter your brain activity, blood pressure, muscle tension, heart rate and other critical bodily functions) . Just go and find out a relaxation program that you enjoy and incorporate it into your daily routine.

Don’t give an excuse to try out tomorrow which will never come because tomorrow will always come as today .So start today and stay healthy, a friend of yours far from you will Always be there to pray for you so that you can-

“Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.”
Mary Anne Radmacher


Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009


Yes the long wait of one whole year ended and finally the day came when all loving heart of this world is following the sacred religion and that is Love –a divine blessing to mankind.
How you plan to celebrate your Valentine's Day ?
Under star –lit sky in a premium suite terrace starting with a BMW pick up from your door step. The fine tune flowing from the live piano, aromatic candle lights, red lilies around you while chefs spread out a special international menu and making it a memorable evening of love.
But there are many who will love to indulge in a quiet moment of togetherness away from the hassle bushel of regular life, for those quiet soul I am sending some flowers, love and a quick diet lasagna which will be delicious healthy and is sure to set your juices running and make the evening a special one. Try out my Love Lasagna and make this Valentine Dinner a memory to treasure for long long time to come.


Lasagna noodles 6 Uncooked
Chicken 1 cup shredded
Zucchini 1medium
Tomato 1 cubed
Onion 1 sliced
Garlic 14 chopped
Tomato puree 1 big bowl
Rosemary 1 tsp
Fresh parsley hand full
Olive oil 2 tbsp
Cream 2 tbsp
Parmesan cheese ½ cup grated
Rock salt according to taste
Pepper according to taste
(freshly ground)

Cook and drain the noodles as directed on the package.
Mean while cook the chicken in water with salt , pepper and 2 garlic.
Wash, trim and slice zucchini into 1/2-inch-thick rounds. Put a pan on the flame give 2 tbsp of olive oil and give the tomato cube and then sauté for a minute then add the zucchini ,rock salt and black pepper. Sauté for 2 min and bring it out from the pan and keep aside.
Now put the same pan in high flame in that remaining oil give in it sliced onion and chopped garlic, stir a bit then add tomato puree, rosemary, parsley , black pepper and rock salt ( while using salt keep in mind that we have already used salt in zucchini and chicken). Now stir the sauce for 1 to 2 min . Then put off the flame and let it cool .
Now grease a oven proof dish and put the fried zucchini tomato in the base, then chicken layer after that spread 1 tbsp of cream on it and then cover it with lasagna noodles put the sauce over it .Now again repeat the layer once starting with zucchini and ending up with the sauce now liberally spread cheese over it and in a 200°c preheated oven bake it for 20 to 25 min . Give 10 min standing time before cutting.
Take some fresh green beans (washed with strings removed and ends trimmed) and blanched . Now sauté in olive oil with salt and pepper it is a good accompaniment for this Love Lasagna.

Enjoy this dish and be in love.
Can you see that your beloved heart is melting slowly and can your hear what
his/her heart is whispering-
Change you earth or change you sky
Yet will I love you till I die........

I am wishing all my friends and visitor world over


With love always.

Share my Lionel Richie favorite for today’s evening.

Kamis, 12 Februari 2009


Love is in the air-so why should our break fast table stay behind in this happening Valentine week.
How about some heart shaped sandwich which will be healthy ,delicious and without spending a word all your feeling will reach it destination. I have thought of a Valentine break fast table .Red Heart sandwich (I am giving the recipe below) served in a designer dish with some glazed carrot and zucchini and some green juicy grapes. A heart shape omelets served in a black plate. A glass full of strawberry juice and a bouquet of fresh flower. From the nutritional point of view grapes and strawberry are rich in Vitamin-C and good antioxidant. Eggs increase the serotonin level and it is a feel good food. And the
Sandwich made of beetroot is also nutritious. This is all about the food value but the whole breakfast is symbolic.
Let me tell you how ? Heart sandwich served with green juicy grapes ,glazed carrot and zucchini will say may the year passes but love will remain evergreen and shinning. The omelet served in black dish will say that in midst of terror confusion and darkness a heart is still there where you can get peace and warmth, the strawberry juice will represent the extract of sweet emotion told and untold and last but not the least the flower symbolize a oath of every loving heart that in the midst of all colors of life love will retain its beauty and freshness.
This is some simple tips to make the most loving day the most memorable one. You can use this tips to make your Valentine Day special too. Let me know whether they worked for you or not.


Beet root 1 cup grated and balanced
Potato 1 boiled and mashed
Tomato ketchup 1 tbsp
Chilly sauce ½ tsp
Onion 1tbsp chopped
Ginger ½ tsp chopped
Raisin 8 to 9
Butter/ olive oil 1 tbsp
Sugar 2 pinch
Salt and pepper according to taste
Bread slice 6

First of all take a heart shape cookie cutter and put it on the bread slice press your heart shape bread slices are ready. For the stuffing take a bowl then put the mashed potato, beet root, tomato ketchup, chilly sauce, onion, ginger, butter/olive oil, raisins, sugar ,salt and pepper and mix it very well. Your stuffing is ready now put it in between two heart shaped bread . If your health permit then you can sprinkle some grated cheese in the stuffing and toast it in butter/olive oil greased pan and serve hot with some glazed carrot and zucchini.

Relish the moment with my favorite singer Richard Marx and my wish that every man sing this song for their lady love. What do you think am I right ?


Selasa, 10 Februari 2009


I HAVE BEEN TAGGED BY CROCODILE SOUP FOR THE SOUL. Thanks to my friend sweet Lanne who gives some easy to cook quick recipes. So make some time to visit her delicious blog.
The rules for being tagged are:1. Display The TAG (you can download it above) 2. Blog about seven weird facts about yourself 3. Tag 7 blogs in your post 4. Comment on each of the 7 blogs to let them know you tagged them .

Now I am giving you seven fact then you all decide they are weird or not.

1. Presently I am reading lot on law of attraction and visualizing millions of visitors in my blog every day. Rhonda will be happy if she knows some one taking her Secret so seriously!

2. I heard that laughing helps to increase ones immunity. So I started a 10 minutes laughing session every morning which my family have to bear. Ha ha ha ha ha! This is only the ha ha type then start the ho ho ho ! Do you get the view.

3. I want to visit the highest point on the earth and meditate for an hour. Why one otherwise I will soon turn to a Ice cream ….. I am not sure about the flavor!

4. Though I am very serious about my fitness regime still love to be a bit lazy after I woke up in the morning.

5. I still love to sleep on my Mama’s lap and listen to lullabies (sound crazy !)

6. I still fight with my Big Brother on what to watch in Television ( sweet fight of course!)

7. This is my wildest dream that God accept me as His best friend and give me His personal phone number or email id so that I can reach Him to share all my good and solve all problem in a second and live happily ever after with all my loved ones. Sounds like fairy tales but I am waiting!

Enough of my crazy fact .
If you think that it is too much then refresh your mind visiting some awesome blogs of my friends. I hope you will love them.

Word journey – A journey in the path of faith and divine love.

Scandinavian Ways- Those who want to roll in the world of good food and wine then the best place to drop in.

Artisan of Words – Beautifully presented some great food for thoughts.

In my Kitchen- Give some yummy homemade recipes.

Coffee Break- For coffee coffee and more coffee.

Lights Camera Action- a real happening blog exactly what the name suggest.

Romance Books- This blog will paint you in real color of love this Valentine .

I thank all my friends and fellow blogger for their love and support. It is you who keep me rolling. In this week of love your always is saying to you all-

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009


Week end is the time when all of us want to try out something more delicious than our regular diet so we often make compromise and put on so much calorie in our diet that it become difficult to make up later on and often it is the cause of our mid-week sickness.
So I find out a new recipe which is delicious to taste without using a single drop of oil. This is for those friend of mine who is suffering from heart diseases or trying to loose weight . Give it a try and let me know whether it can add flavor to your weekend dinning or not.


Basmati rice 500grm
Carrot, peas ½ cup chopped
Cardamom (small) 3
Cinnamon 1inch
Clove 5
Whole black pepper 6
Bay leaves (dried) 5
Cumin seed ½ tsp
Raisin 2 tsp
Sugar 1tsp
Salt according to taste

Wash and soak the basmati rice for half an hour. Drain the water. Put the rice, some more water in a pan. Bring the rice to a boil and cook until the rice is done. Drain and keep aside. Boil all the vegetable with a little salt and keep aside.
Now put a pan on flame in that give bay leaves , cinnamon, cardamom, clove, pepper, cumin seed dry roast the spices when you get the flavor of the spices coming out add the boiled rice ,vegetable ,raisin, sugar and salt . Stir it well .It is now ready to serve . You can have it with any of your favorite dish but I love to have it with honey chicken or garlic egg.


Rabu, 04 Februari 2009


Fettuccine is one of my favorite. But to cook the sauce sometime become very time consuming so I have to skip and go for something else. But my carving for the food force me to search some easy to cook healthy recipe and I find out one while searching. I am sharing that with you today. Before going to the recipe have a look at the picture, this is just to bring some laughter on all of my friends face after all this is time to celebrate not only love but also happiness . I may be far from you but if I can add little smile to your life and make your day a little more delicious with the recipes I share, I feel blessed within . Let me know what you feel.


Ripe tomatoes,
seeded and diced 2 1/2lbs.
Brown rice syrup 2 Tbs
Balsamic vinegar 2 Tbs.
Thinly sliced basil 2 Tbs.
Chopped chives 1 Tbs.
Minced Italian parsley 1 Tbs.
Garlic, minced 2 cloves
(about 2 tsp.)
Fettuccine 1 lb.
Basil sprigs for garnish

Combine tomatoes, rice syrup, vinegar, basil, chives, parsley, and garlic in large
serving bowl. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Cook pasta according to package directions; drain.
Toss pasta with sauce. Season to taste with salt and lots of freshly ground
black pepper. Garnish with basil sprigs, and serve in a heart shape plate.
If you cook with exact ingredient you can enjoy this dish with five of your friend.
Source: Vegetarian times.

Senin, 02 Februari 2009


After a long day of hard work if you are tired, hungry need something to boost your energy and make you back to action then you can try this simple yet delicious shake which will supply you 127 (approx) calorie. While relishing this drink think about the picture given above and if you have a recent fight with your beloved then give him/her a call after all Valentine Day is coming and it is the real time to get dissolve in love .


Low fat milk 5 cups
Apple 1 large chopped
Black Dates 12 (deseeded
finely chopped)
Vanilla essence few drops
Ice cube 4 to 5


Soak the dates in ½ cup of warm milk and leave aside for at least 20 to 25 minutes. After that in a blender put all the ingredients and then pour it in individual glass. And serve chilled.