Rabu, 31 Desember 2008


Wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR -2009.

Welcome Comments For MySpace



Another fresh new year is here . . .
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!
What more can I give you than a good New year recipe. Try out this unique recipe.

Recipe for a Happy New Year.....

Take twelve fine, full-grown months; see that these are thoroughly free from old memories of bitterness, rancor and hate, cleanse them completely from every clinging spite; pick off all specks of pettiness and littleness; in short, see that these months are freed from all the past—have them fresh and clean as when they first came from the great storehouse of Time. Cut these months into thirty or thirty-one equal parts. Do not attempt to make up the whole batch at one time (so many persons spoil the entire lot this way) but prepare one day at a time.
Into each day put equal parts of faith, patience, courage, work (some people omit this ingredient and so spoil the flavor of the rest), hope, fidelity, liberality, kindness, rest (leaving this out is like leaving the oil out of the salad dressing— don’t do it), prayer, meditation, and one well-selected resolution. Put in about one teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkling of play, and a heaping cupful of good humor.
See how God shower His love and happiness for you. Hope you like this recipe.

This is one of my favorite New year morning wish I want to share with you.

"A Morning Wish". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W.R. Hunt
"The sun is just rising on the morning of another day, the first day of the new year. What can I wish that this day, that this year, may bring to me?
Nothing that shall make the world of others poorer, nothing at the expense of others; but just those few things which in their coming do not stop with me but touch me rather, as they pass and gather strength:
•A few friends who understand me, and yet remain my friends.
•A work to do which has real value without which the world would feel the poorer.
•A return for such work small enough not to tax unduly anyone who pays.
•A mind unafraid to travel, even though the trail be not blazed.
•An understanding heart.
•A sight of the eternal hills and unbelting sea, and of something beautiful the individual hand has made.
•A sense of humor and the power to laugh.
•A little leisure with nothing to do.
•A few moments of quiet, silent meditation. The sense of the presence of God.
•And the patience to wait for the coming of these things, with the wisdom to know them when they come."

Guide words: An Anthology of Inspiration and Humor, p. 13


Today I was feeling bit low in the morning and thinking another year went away , with all its moments and memories. Then like a whisper a voice told me -“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened”.I think it is 2008.
If you are also feeling same as me, then throw away all this sad thoughts and say Good Bye to 2008 with a big smile.

Good Bye Comments For MySpace


Have fun, party till you drop down. Just enjoy.
O! it is almost 12oclock -
I am watching someone is silently entering in our life is it 2009- let see


Selasa, 30 Desember 2008


How many types of cakes have you tried from Christmas till now , many is’nt it. Your sweet tooth may be quite bored by now . But the parties are not over yet, for me it will last for second week of January. While I cannot change the menu served in those parties I visited, I find out some delicious yummy substitute of sweet cakes in my parties. Today I am sharing with you one such sweet cake substitute- Prawn cake. I hope you will like it and enjoy cooking it too.


Prawn 1cup boiled and minced
Eggs 4eggs beaten
Soya sauce 1tsp
Green chilly 1finely chopped
Onion 1 finely chopped
Garlic 7 clove finely chopped
Ginger ½ inch finely chopped
Potato 2 big boiled and mashed
Leaves (fresh) 2tbsp
Sugar pinch
Olive oil 1tbsp
Salt & pepper according to taste

Mix together all the above ingredients and put it in a lightly greased bowl . Steam till firm.You can serve it with tomato ketchup and with your favorite veges sauté in little bit of butter and bit roasted cumin over the vegetable . You can have it with bread and grilled tomatoes also. Try out in your own way and write back your comments . I am waiting to here from you.

Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008


In this festive season when you have to organize lots of parties , you must be looking for something which is easy to make yet tasty and unique. I always look for some recipes which is healthy, good to taste and surprise my guests.
When I am looking for such, my aunt with her email greetings sent a unique recipe –SWEET MAGIC SNOW BALLS. As I read the recipe the first thing that came to my mind was the soft white fluffy balls soaked in thick, sweetened, creamy milk.
When I cooked it , they turned out really yummy. So I thought why not share this
with my blog friends.


Milk ½ liter
Sugar 1cup(or if you want more or less
you can adjust according to taste)
Milk powder 1 big cup
Egg 1
Baking soda ½ tsp
Saffron few strands
Powdered cardamom ¼ tsp
Rosewater 2to 3drop
Silvered almonds 2tsp
Pistachios 2tsp
Cashew 2tsp
Raisin 2tsp
White oil 1tsp

Put a pan in flame an pour the milk and add sugar. Let it boil in slow flame.
In a small bowl soak saffron in 4 tbsp of warm milk .
Now take a bowl and put the milk powder ,baking soda and the egg mix it well. Make a dough so that you can make balls with it.
Now grease your hand with oil and take a portion of the dough and give a small ball shape .Like this make few small balls with this dough.
Now put this small balls in the boiling milk. Let it boil for 10 to 12min until the size of the balls increase and it turns soft. Now add soaked saffron, cardamom powder, rose water. Put off the flame.
Serve it in beautiful dessert dish garnish it with cashew, almonds, pistachios and raisins. Serve chill.
•Note this point while cooking this dish let it cool down in room temperature and then put it to the freezer other wise it will turn stiff.
I hope your guest will enjoy this sweet snow balls in the dinner table and praise your culinary skills. Don’t forget to write me back your and your guest feed back.

Rabu, 24 Desember 2008


I think your Christmas preparation is going absolutely perfect, mine too. I am very thrilled this year because this year I am celebrating Christmas with all my friend world wide through my blog.
Merry Christmas to you all may God bless you with love peace and happiness.
You may have all prepared a nice dinner table for all your beloved family, me too.

But how can I forget something really healthy in my table. So I tryout a whole chicken roast.
Chicken is a popular dish among the non-veg lover.Why not be so it has good amount of vitamin-A,K,E,B6,B12,and good amount of mineral like Potassium,Iron,Magnesium,Phosphorous,Calcium.Omega3 and 6.When you roast chicken its nutritional value remain intact and it’s healthy .
Watch out this delicious chicken roast recipe which I cook for today ,you can try and rock the party.

Once again.


Selasa, 23 Desember 2008





Minggu, 21 Desember 2008


Oh, yes indeed, the countdown has begun for another fun filled Christmas. I remember those old days when granny use to pack lot of chocolate cup cakes for us.
Now chocolate cup cake is a dream for me. So for obvious reason I am looking for some thing healthy because I surely cannot miss some pieces of cakes to pamper my spirit after all its Christmas time I hope you understand-isn’t it. I suddenly drop in to this video while searching , they are featuring carrot cup cakes, they are really Yummy. So I thought why not share it with my friends.
Before you take a look on this video which will detail you how to make Carrot cup cakes, just have a look on the beneficial value of carrots.
Carrot is an edible root vegetable which is originated from Asia. It gains high respect in Western countries as it has been regarded as the best dishes for its outstanding nutritional and medicinal values. Even Dutch have listed carrot as one of their national dishes.
A single carrot will supply all your Vitamin- A need for the whole day. Beta carotene is an anti-oxidant, and thus it prevents cell degeneration. Anti-oxidants also slow down the ageing process. Carrots are also good for the skin. Carrot juice is like a tonic. It will improve the overall health and increase immunity.

Hope you will like it. Don’t miss to write your comments on my healthy carrot cup cake choice.
Santa is on the way-let see what he bring for us this Christmas.


Rabu, 17 Desember 2008


Garlic has long been considered a herbal "wonder drug", with a reputation in folklore for preventing everything from the common cold and flu to the Plague! It has been used extensively in herbal medicine.

In general, it exhibits antioxidant activity, which is good for your skin. It also contains flavonoids, which is good for heart and body.
Garlic helps to boost up our Metabolism rate. Thus help us to reduce our weight easily. Garlic lowers or helps to regulate Blood Sugar.
Garlic contains a range of compounds including "Allicin", which is a pungent oily liquid that gives crushed garlic cloves their characteristic smell, and has been shown to be the antibacterial agent due to its active sulphur. Raw garlic is very smelly, so in order to reduce it smell, you can simply add it to your gravy, salad dressings, to soup, yummy pizza or just garnish it before serving or have it in your own style.
Today I am showing my style of taking garlic. It is one of my favorite recipes. All my friends who suddenly drop in for dinner and I have to make something quickly this is one of my top choice,they all love this recipe very much, hope you will too.It is fast to make healthy and yummy. Give it a try and do leave your comments , I will love to get your feedback.

Egg(hard boiled)            4 (halved)
Fresh Garlic paste 1tbsp
Butter 1¼ tbsp
Salt according to taste
Black pepper powder
(freshly ground) according to taste
Lemonjuice 1tsp


Put the pan into flame. Add butter let it melt then add the garlic paste stir for ½ min .Now add the boiled eggs, add salt, pepper,lemon juice and toss it nicely. Your delicious Garlic Egg is ready, serve hot with bread and salad. I hope it will rock your dinner table.

Senin, 15 Desember 2008


There's lots of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven't the time to enjoy it.
~Josh Billings

If we give the above quote a thought then we will understand that people though spend a good number of time and money to stay healthy in today’s world but are they really happy? Happiness is most important, of all human endeavors. It is the single most sought-after thing in the world. It’s a commodity that’s valuable to everyone. But are there any “secrets” to achieving happiness?
Several studies have been made which links human happiness to chemistry. Experts revealed that a person can change how he thinks and feels by changing what he puts into his mouth. The kind of food that we eat can actually affect the chemical composition of our brain and eventually influence our mood. Thinking is a biochemical process. For brain cells to communicate effectively with each other to create neural pathways, they require chemicals called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the 'messengers' carrying messages from neuron to neuron.
Neurotransmitters are made from amino acids found in protein foods e.g., meat, fish and cheese.
Vitamins and minerals are needed to convert ordinary amino acids into these powerful neurotransmitters. Certain substances or elements found in food have the ability to alter the production or release of neurotransmitters. Serotonin is an example of a neurotransmitter or chemical messenger that transmits our thoughts and actions to the brain.

Serotonin is sometimes called our ‘satisfaction’ brain chemical because, in addition to giving us a sense of well-being, if levels are normal then we don’t feel the need to overeat sugary and refined carbohydrate foods which give us a short term serotonin boost, at the expense of a sharp drop-off soon after.
We make serotonin from an amino acid (protein building block) called tryptophan. By eating tryptophan rich foods we can naturally boost levels of serotonin. Tryptophan is not as widely distributed in our foods as other amino acids, and it is found mainly in: turkey, chicken, fish, pheasant, partridge, cottage cheese, bananas, eggs, nuts, wheat germ, avocados, milk, cheese and the legumes (beans, peas, pulses, soya), and there are also smaller amounts in breads, cereals, potatoes and rice. Because tryptophan is such a large molecule, other more easily absorbed amino acids actively compete with it. In order to divert them, and encourage the uptake of tryptophan it is helpful moderately raise insulin levels by eating starchy foods, such as brown rice, whole meal bread, porridge oats and jacket potatoes, alongside the protein foods.
If brain serotonin levels are low then it can be tempting to reach for foods, and substances, which will temporarily give us a boost. These include sugary foods, refined carbohydrates (such as crisps, white bread, white rice and other processed foods), and alcohol. The problem with these foods is that they perpetuate the cycle of cravings. Normalising serotonin levels is probably one of the most important, and most ignored, means of reducing the need to binge-eating and drink.
While serotonin is the messenger, it is necessary for the message to be received. The brain chemical receptors are built principally from vital fats which include EPA and DHA. These two are found mainly in oily fish, such as mackerel, salmon, tuna, herrings and sardines, and also fish oil supplements, cold-pressed flax and walnut oils. In many cases it has been seen that depression has been shown to be significantly improved by introducing these fats daily, over three or four months.
So now you know what kind of food can elevate your mood so make a good balance and be happy.
Realize that happiness lies within you. The time to be happy is now and the place to be happy is here.

Jumat, 12 Desember 2008


The most awited festive season has come, when I was kid I wait impatiently for Santa as soon as December starts and make my whish list in advance .My father laugh loudly when he see my long list and use to say “give Santa an opportunity to visit others too.” But he used to bring me everything that I listed which I thought was gift from Santa and he make my Christmas really special. He is no more with us ,nine years back on a chilled winter night of December 12th he left us for the land of God . He is the best DAD that God could ever bless me with. He was a happy men and always teach us how to smile when we are sad. He used to say- “that whenever you remember me be happy . I always want to see your happy face.”
To days post is dedicated to my lovely dear DAD. Though we all miss him very much but we also know that his blessings and good wishes are always with us .A happy man like him will remain happy and make others happy too in the land of God. May be it is his inspiration from that unknown world that we are walking successfully today fighting against all odds of life and God is showering His happiness and love toward us.

Today I want to share my dear Dad special recipe.


Cooked  Basmati rice              1medium bowl
Mixed vegetable
(carrot, potato, French beans,
Beetroot, cauliflower cut into
small cubes) ½ cup blanched
Raisin 10
Cashew nut 10
Butter/olive oil 1tbsp
Lemon rind ½ tsp
Salt according to taste
Sugar ½ tsp
Black pepper ½ tsp or
according to taste
Lemon juice 1 ½ tsp


Place a pan on the flame add butter and now give all the vegetable and sauté for 3 to 4 min. Now add the raisin and cashew and sauté for another1/2 min .Now add the cooked rice stir for 1min. Add salt, sugar, black pepper mix well, add lemon rind then put off the flame. Then add the lemon juice. Give a minute of standing time, garnish with leeks of parsley and tomato slice .Serve hot.

My Dad will remain in my heart forever and I will ask God to bless me with this lovely family for every birth in this World.

May you all be blessed with lovely caring families.


Rabu, 10 Desember 2008


Chick peas are very healthy and nutritive. But most of the time to make it more tangy we add lots of oil and spices to it which is not at all necessary. But today I will share with you a very innovative ways of making chick peas without a single drop of oil.

Chick peas             250grm
Ginger ½ tbsp
Green chilies 1tsp (chopped)
Tomato 1big red finely chopped
Red chilly powder ½ tsp
Turmeric powder ½ tsp
Roasted cumin powder 1tbsp
Lemon juice 3tbsp
Coriander leaves 3tbsp(chopped)
Sugar 1tbsp
Salt according to taste.


Boiled the chick peas adding little bit of salt to it. Now put another pan on flame and heat the pan now give the boiled the chick peas. Now add all the ingredient except the roasted cumin powder ,lemon juice and coriander leaves. Add1/4 cup of water. Cook for some time say about five minutes and then put off the flame and then add the roasted cumin powder, lemon juice and finely chopped coriander leaves. You can also add finely chopped onion to add more taste to it. Serve hot with bread .

Minggu, 07 Desember 2008


A disorder in which people use food to satisfy a variety of emotions in order to cope with them is Binge Eating Disorder. People may binge when they experience any negative emotion, such as anger, sadness, or depression. Another reason a person may binge is out of boredom. People have used food as a coping mechanism for so long that now that it is a habit to turn and use food to make them feel better.
Binge eating disorder is also characterized by compulsive overeating in which people consume huge amounts of food while feeling out of control and powerless to stop.
"Binge Eating Disorder" is the most common of all eating disorders. It affects about 25 million people.
There are many consequences to bingeing. High blood pressure, Heart disease, diabetes, Osteoarthritis, Joint and muscle pain ,Gastrointestinal problems , Sleep apnea , and obesity are just a few complications that can arise when people binge. Many people can become sick from a binge because the foods that they chose to binge on as not full of vitamins and nutrients. The foods are full of sugar, salt and fat and this, obviously, is very unhealthy.

Below are some suggestions of what you can do the next time you want to binge eat. Try some of these to get your mind off of food.
• Wake up early. Go for a morning walk. If you have a dog, take him/her with you. Try to enjoy everything beautiful outside that God has gifted and shift your focus from food to the pretty flowers you see, the nice houses you see, or the nature that surrounds you.

• Exercise. Not only will exercise help you lost weight in a healthy way, but it also lifts depression, improves overall health, and reduces stress. The natural mood-boosting effects of exercise can help put a stop to emotional eating. If you can then try to add ten minutes meditation it will give you mental peace and inner strength to fight back your binge disorder.

• Eat healthy breakfast. Choose fruits and steamed vegetable that will also help in your weight check. Skipping breakfast often leads to overeating later in the day, so start your day right with a healthy meal. Eating breakfast also jump starts your metabolism in the morning. Studies show that people who eat breakfast are thinner than those who don’t.

• Avoid temptation. You’re much more likely to overeat if you have junk food, desserts, and unhealthy snacks in the house. Remove the temptation by clearing your fridge and cupboards of your favorite binge foods.

• Stop dieting. The deprivation and hunger of strict dieting can trigger food cravings and the urge to overeat. Instead of dieting, focus on eating in moderation. Healthy food in small portion is good stay healthy.Find out food that is rich in nutrition and not full of sugar and too much salty and try to avoid fried food .

• Distress. Learn how to cope with stress in healthy ways that don’t involve food.

• Some good ways- is play an instrument of your choice, listen to a good music that relax your mind, read good book, go for a long drive , take a nice relaxing bath –close your eyes and feel calmness take over your whole body, write and share with the world, do some work of charity you will find that love is not something we look for love is something we give and your world will change slowly you can feel the warmth of love and care that Universe will shower upon you. Not only your eating disorder but you can cope all problem of your life .You will feel the inner peace that you are looking for so long.

• Believe in yourself . Be a believer in proving to yourself that you can do anything. Give affirmation -

I can beat binge eating disorder.
I can lose weight.
I can be healthy… and happy.

This mentality came from you making a decision that you want your life to be the very best that it can be.

Then see how life give you a welcome smile and you live a grand life full of health, happiness and love.

Kamis, 04 Desember 2008


In our calendar when we see the month of December comes our inner kids spring up and we just keep aside our health and fitness resolution and start to indulge in cakes and pastries. Sometime it is good to become young again and bring back those innocent moments in our life .So this weekend try some nut cakes but make sure take a little portion of it and fifteen minutes of additional exercise next morning . But for the kids enjoy as much you can with your friends – it’s party time buddy.

 Ground walnuts    1 ¼ cup
Sugar ¾ cup
Cocoa powder 3tbsp
Eggs 4(separated)
Vanilla essence or
Almond essence 1tsp
Mixed candied peels 25grms
Bread crumbs 2tbsp

PROCEDURE:Beat the egg yolks. Mix together walnuts, sugar, cocoa powder, essence and finely sliced candied peels and mix into the yolks. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold into the mixture . Grease a cake tin lightly and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Pour the mixture and bake in a preheated moderate oven for half an hour ,or till a knife inserted comes out clean.

It is easy to make and quick . I think both of your kid will love it, the one who is really a little kid, and the other who may be 30, 40, 50 or 60 yrs old but have a little kid still in his heart. This weekend bring that kid out from his heart and enjoy the innocent moment of love and happiness.


Selasa, 02 Desember 2008


The red beautiful romantic fruit that always add special color flavor and taste to our regular dish is one and only all of our favorite TOMATOES.
But do we know that how helpful this tomatoes are ?

Those who need to gain weight for them it is very useful. Take a ripe red tomato each day with your daily meal and see the difference.
A ripe tomato everyday help to increase red blood cells and your pale face will glow once again .Life will be once again worth living and enjoying give it a try .

Lycopene, the phytochemical that gives tomatoes their red color, is a powerful antioxidant... but research indicates that it's most effective when accompanied with other nutrients.
And that's an important point that all women need to know, because an impressive new study has confirmed the growing evidence that a lycopene-rich diet may be a key nutritional tool in preventing heart disease.
There are many usefulness of tomatoes so today I am sharing with you one of my favorite tomato dish hope you will like it.

Tomatoes           500grms (halved)
Potatoes 125grms (boiled ,peeled
and finely sliced )
Parsley 2tbsp (finely chopped)
Onion 1medium size (minced)
Garlic 5 flakes (minced)
Cheese 125grms (grated)
Salt & Pepper (according to taste )

Remove the seeds from the halved tomatoes and then mix all other ingredients. Now fill into the scooped out tomatoes shells. Sprinkle a little more cheese above it and bake it in moderate oven for 10 to 15min.


Minggu, 30 November 2008


Finally the terror night is over, the magical city of Mumbai in India is slowly coming to its usual from once again. We salute the Brave Hearts who saved this city , and we mourned deeply for those who lost their lives in this fierce battle may their soul rest in peace.
But we all know that the show must go on, so why not say cheers to life with a cup of tea.
Today I am going to share with you some secrets of white tea.
Like all teas, white tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. The leaves are picked and harvested before the leaves open fully, when the buds are still covered by fine white hair. This gives the tea its name. White tea is scarcer than the other traditional teas, but many tea drinkers prefer white tea over all others.
The leaves are steamed or fried to inactivate oxidation, and then dried. The buds may also be shielded from sunlight during growth to reduce formation of chlorophyll.

White tea is excellent for your health. White tea is full of anti-oxidants that help ensure a healthy lifestyle. There is also much less caffeine in white tea than in other teas. (15mg per serving, compared to 40mg for black tea, and 20mg for green). Studies have also shown that white tea contains more active cancer-fighting antioxidants than even green tea.

A 2004 study at Pace University determined that white tea can help the body's immune system fight off viruses and dangerous infection-causing bacteria. The same study concluded that fluoride-rich white tea helps prevent the growth of dental plaque, the chief cause of tooth decay.
There are many varieties of white tea, with beautiful and descriptive names such as: white Persian melon, white ginger, golden moon, silver needle and white cloud. White teas are produced mainly in China and Japan, but the Darjeeling region of India (noted for its high quality Black Teas) also produces fine white teas.

White tea             ½ tbsp
Water 1cup
Sugar/ Honey 1/2tsp (optional)

The best way to infuse white tea is to use a high quality tea pot or infuser and then steep white tea in purified water that is below the boiling point. Use of high quality purified, oxygenated water will add to the flavor of the tea. As in this tea only buds are used so you have to add ½ tbsp of tea. Now strain it with a strainer. You can add a little bit of sugar or honey for taste but for health I will suggest to avoid this . If you want to stay healthy you can drink white tea twice daily.


Jumat, 28 November 2008


Once again the financial capital of India become the target of the terrorist. But this time it kept all the people stunned as it may be the first time in the World history that terrorist have planned such an organized terror for such a long hours. The whole world is keeping their eye on Mumbai as it is not only a terror attack on a largest Democratic Country of the World but it is also a open threat to World Peace.

The meticulously orchestrated dance of death in Mumbai has left at least 120 dead and over 350 injured. Sixteen policeman, including three top officers have died in the line of duty.

All the world leader should take serious action to eradicate terrorism from its root ,but we the general people can do no more but can pray to God that He bless us with PEACE.

Let no more innocent have to die such death .
Let all the innocent angels of God whom He sent to this world and gifted life be safe in His Hands.

Take some time to pray for world peace.

I want to end up with this quotes-


If there is to be peace in the world,
There must be peace in the nations.
If there is to be peace in the nations,
There must be peace in the cities.
If there is to be peace in the cities,
There must be peace between neighbors.
If there is to be peace between neighbors,
There must be peace in the home.
If there is to be peace in the home,
There must be peace in the heart.

-- Lao Tzu (570-490 B.C.)

God bless.

Kamis, 27 November 2008


Cultivation of organic and biodynamic foods are practiced since people first learn to grow their own food.
Organic food comes from land fertilized naturally rather than using any chemical fertilizer.
The more sophisticated form of organic cultivation is biodynamic farming, it use various organic preparation for specific purpose.
Some are used to accelerate the development of live enzymes in the soil, others to attract more etheric nutrients from the atmosphere. Though in modern days chemical fertilization is mostly used to fertilize the soil, to control pest and diseases , to enhance the growth and appearance, and to prolong self life of the produce but there are numerous problem associated with chemical farming.

Good food depend upon healthy soil and soil remain certain plant friendly bacteria stays in the soil like some bacteria in our intestine necessary for proper digestion and assimilation of food. Due to use of chemicals soil become so depleted of enzymes and nutrients, that the result is lack of vitamins and minerals , which is then compensated by injecting chemical injection.
Foods that are chemically stimulated lack organic nutrients develop an abnormal cellular structure with an over abundance of carbohydrates (in the form of starches and cellulose) at the expense of cell-building protein. What is more disturbing is, that your body have to cope with the toxic residue that becomes the part of the food . Gastrointestinal system face problem to eliminate this chemical toxin from your body which over time attack our immune system ,leaving you susceptible to allergies ,diseases and degeneration. So organic food is better option than its chemical counterpart as it is more nutritious and easily digestible.

Give it a thought.

Selasa, 25 November 2008


This dish is really for the kids. As festive season are knocking at our door step and we are busy trying out something new and innovative to bring smile on the faces of our little angels , here is something new which I have come across and want to share with you.
Hope you will like it.

Eggs                               3 well-beaten
Castor sugar 1cup
Refined flour 1cup
Salt ¼ tsp salt
Baking powder 1tsp
Dates(pitted and sliced) 1 ½ cup
Essence of vanilla 1tsp
Walnuts(broken) 1cup

Beat egg with sugar until very thick . Mix in the flour, salt ,baking powder and the egg mixture. Add dates, essence and walnuts. Bake in a waxed paper-lined pan in a moderate oven for half an hour or till a knife inserted in the center comes out clean .While still warm cut into bars and roll in icing sugar(this is not very necessary but you can add it to make it more yummy. Your kids will surely like it and if you want to accompany them then go ahead but remember enjoy sweets as an occasional treat, in little quantity and half an hour of more exercise is a must.

Minggu, 23 November 2008


Hot Chicken soup in chilled winter evening is my all time favorite. The recipe which I am sharing with you today is my Grand pa’s favorite. He is no more with us today but whenever I have this soup I fill the warmth of his love and care. When I was young he himself used to cook this for my brother and me every alternative Sunday. While we use to relish this dish, he shares some of his childhood adventures with us. It was such a great fun I really miss those days. So all you out there far from your Grand pa’s and Granny’s make some time to visit them, this coming vacation. I hope you also have some great moments that your heart will remember forever. Don’t forget to share those with me next time you visit.

Onion                           1 big chopped
Ginger ½ tsp paste
Garlic 1tsp paste
Egg 1 (take the white part and beat it)
Chicken stock 2 cup
Corn flour 1tsp (mixed in 2 tbsp of water)
Salt according to taste
Sugar ½ tsp
Black pepper according to taste
Butter 1tbsp
Spring onion finely chopped 1tbsp

First of all you make the chicken stock. Now to make the chicken stock take 4 to 5 pieces of boneless chicken and now boil the chicken with 2 ½ cup of water add little salt. Now when the chicken is well cooked cool down the mixture and put it in a blender and blend it . Strain the whole mixture you get the stock. Now put a pan on flame and add butter. Add the chopped onion sauté it and then add the ginger garlic paste. Sauté it for ½ min.
Add chicken stock as it starts to boil slowly add egg white and go on stirring. Then
Add salt if needed and bit of sugar and black pepper. Stir and then add corn flour .Stir a little and now it is ready, put off the flame. Put it on a serving bowl and garnish with spring onion . Our grand pa use to give a little bit of tomato garlic sauce . This is not necessary but if your kids want you can add this extra taste to this dish.


Kamis, 20 November 2008


Egg plant is one such vegetable that is not so popular among the food lover but if you can prepare it with little love and care they are really delicious. So next time you visit the food mart bring some fresh good looking egg plant and try out this recipe I hope you will never regret . Also don’t forget to write your comments about the recipe and how it help you to rock your dinner table.


Egg plant- 1 large
Onion - 1small minced
Ginger- ½ -inch minced
Green chilly - 3 minced
Cinnamon- 1 large
Cardamom - 1inch
Salt - according to taste
Sugar - 1tsp
Tomato - 1 finely chopped
Yoghurt- 1tbsp (whipped) but it is optional
Coriander leaves - handful finely chopped
Clarified butter- 1tbsp


Grill the whole eggplant over an open flame (before you grill brush some oil ) till the skin turns black and turns soft. Let it cool down. Now peel off the skin and cut off the tail and mash the eggplant .Now put a pan on flame give the clarified butter now add cardamom and cinnamon .Now put the chopped onion ,ginger and green chilly. Sauté a bit add the chopped tomato sauté for 1min now add the mashed eggplant .Add salt and sugar cook till the mixture turns thick . Add coriander leaves and yoghurt stir well and serve hot . It is great with bread .


Selasa, 18 November 2008


What ever we eat is Mother nature in the form of food .The fruits that we eat are all mother nature and as mother take care of her newborn so do our mother nature take care of us.
So all the fruits ,vegetables, spices, nuts and herbs have some kind of healing capacity in them that help us to stay healthy. Today I will tell about some healing property of some of very common vegetable and fruits that are always available in our kitchen.

Acidity and heart burn is a very common problem .
Eat a few almonds when your experience heartburn symptoms. Drink a glass of cold milk for quick relief of heartburn and acidity .Acquire one piece of clove and suck on it gradually .Drink fresh mint juice gradually after meals. Eat watermelon, banana or cucumber each hour in acute case.
Dark Circle is a problem that many of us face mainly we those who spent hours in front of the computer, excessive strain cause .Some very near neighbor of your kitchen can help you to get those mesmerized look of early 20’s.
Create a 1:1 mixture of fresh potato and cucumber juices. Soak some cotton and put on your eyelids and stay for 20 minutes and then wash your eyes with cold water. Apply a mixture of lemon and tomato juice (equivalent parts) on the dark circles 2 times a day. Make a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice and apply it for dark circles under the eyes. Apply compressed mint around the eye .Massage with almond oil under and around eyes at bed time daily for 2 weeks and see the development. Almond helps to get rid of dark circles, and is an excellent "skin food". .
Wrinkles – we spend thousand bucks to keep this fine line away from our face and those who can’t afford those costly treatment live a frustrated life full of stress. But simple day to day home remedies can cure this so called huge problem. Watch out-
Empty the contents of 3 Vitamin E tablets into a small bowl. Add to this 2 tablespoonful simple yogurt, 1/2 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the face with the use of a cotton ball. Remain it on for 10 minutes and wash. Softly massage coconut oil on parts of skin prone to wrinkles each night a bedtime. A paste of turmeric made with sugarcane juice is enormous to avoid wrinkles and slow skin ageing.
Cut a green Thompson seedless grape in half and softly press it on your face on the wrinkles. Stay it for 20 minutes and wash with warm water and let it dry in natural air. Massage the core of pineapple on the face and stay it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off. This works best on wrinkles. Applying juice of green pineapples and apples on the face every day for 10-15 minutes is fine for wrinkles and broken skin. One can apply egg whites to the skin under eyes to reduce wrinkles. Odor-free castor oil can be applied to the skin beneath the eyes or on that of the throat. Application of pure castor oil frequently avoids wrinkles.

Obesity-In obesity, there is an increase in the size and the number of fat cells all through the body. This causes a buildup of overload body fat. One of the places where this excessive body fat can easily be seen is around the waistline. A waist measurement of 40-45 inches or more in men and 35 inches or more in women is linked to an amplified risk for heart disease and other health problems associated with obesity.

Cabbage is considered to be an outstanding home remedy for obesity. Recent research has exposed that a valuable chemical called tartaric acid is present in this vegetable which inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight decrease. Substituting a food with cabbage salad would be the simplest way to stay slim.
One or two ripe tomatoes taken early morning as a substitute for breakfast, for a couple of months, are measured as a safe method of weight reduction. They also supply the food elements essential to conserve health.

Stress is another major problem of our generation. Yes Mother nature is here also with Her love and care to bring us out from stress.
The leaves of holy basil have been found helpful in the treatment of stress. They are observed as an anti-stress agent. Recent studies have shown that the leaves protect adjacent to stress significantly. It has been suggested that even healthy persons should chew twelve leaves of basil two times in a day, morning and evening, for preventing stress.
It has a deep consequence on adrenal glands and the immune system; a sufficient amount of this vitamin, along with vitamin A, can help prevent many of the modifications caused by stress. Potassium deficiencies are linked with breathlessness, fatigue, insomnia, and low blood sugar. Potassium is necessary for healthy heart muscles. Nuts and whole grains are good basis of this mineral. Calcium is a normal tranquilizer. Deficiencies can cause fatigue, nervousness and stress. Dairy products, eggs, almonds, and soya beans are rich basis of this mineral. Magnesium is known as nature's tranquilliser and is associated with the avoidance of heart attacks. It is establish in many fruits, vegetables, seeds, dates, and prunes

Mother nature is always busy to keep us healthy and see us happy. So is it not our duty to return back the favor by preserving and saving the greens in whatever possible way we can. I will place my humble request that if you can’t join any movement for saving greens then at least you can plant some herbs
in your kitchen window, show the world that you are thankful to Mother nature for all Her unconditional love and gift.


Minggu, 16 November 2008


I am very happy today, my nursery school friend Dev rang me up yesterday after one year and we spend an hour talking. It seems all those grey lanes of past suddenly turn green, I can hear the school bell, the school prayer and all those innocent moment of laughter and game that we all friends spend together. Dev is now in Gibraltar busy working as a PRO of a MNC. This is his all time favorite dish; I told you earlier that my mother is a very good cook and whenever he used to come to our place this was his one and only request. Today I am sharing one of my close to heart friend recipe with you .
Hope you will like it.

Chicken 1medium chicken sliced
Mixed vegetable 500grams(like bell pepper, carrots,greenpeas
cabbage etc.)
Boiled noodles 250grams
Corn flour 1tbsp dissolved in half tsp of chicken stock

Vinegar ¼ cup
Tomato sauce ½ cup
Mustard sauce ½ tsp
Pepper powder 1tsp(or according to taste)
Sugar ½ tbsp (or according to taste)
Salt according to taste
Sesame oil 1tbsp

Steam the chicken and shred it. Make thin slice of the vegetables and steam them. Put a pan in flame and now give oil now give tomato sauce, mustard sauce , pepper powder and salt ,sugar , chicken and vegetable stir it for a half a minute now add one and half cup of chicken stock or water .As it starts to boil add the corn flour mixture and vinegar .As it thicken put off the flame. Take the noodles in a serving bowl and put the chicken soup over the noodles. Garnish with chopped green onion.

This recipe is dedicated to Dev with a thought-

Myspace Friendship Graphics Quotes

May God bless you with happiness and our friendship remains as a wonderful treasure of heart.

Kamis, 13 November 2008


Some veggie don't look that delicious but they are really good for health.Okra is one such vegetable.It keeps your body cool and very nutritive.It is also good for the diabetic patient.According to science this veggie have good amount protein,calcium,magnesium,phosphorous,potassium,sodium,iron and vitamin A & C.So today tryout this recipe and comment that whether this dish spice up your romantic evening or not.

Okra -500gms finely sliced
Refined oil- 100 gms
Cucumber- 1 finely chopped
Roasted cumin powder- ½ tsp
Red chilly powder-1/2 tsp
Raisin-25 to 30
Cashew nut -15 to 20
Coriander leaves- 3tbsp
Sugar- 1tbsp

Heat oil and deep fry the okra till crisp, remove from heat .In bowl take yoghurt, cumin powder, chilly powder sugar & salt mix well. Add cucumber and fried okra. Garnish with raisin, cashew nut and finely chopped coriander.You can eat it with bread or hot steamed rice.
ADD LOTS OF LOVE and see the difference in the taste and eyes of your beloved.

Selasa, 11 November 2008


Below is a very healthy preparation of fish it is easy to make and delicious to eat.I hope you and all your friends will surely like this try out this yummy dish for this weekend party and surprise your friends with your healthy style of cooking.

Bone less fish- 500gms
Carrot- 1 boiled & cut into cubes
Beet root- 1 boiled & cut into cubes
Green peas- 1 cup boiled
Cucumber- 1 finely sliced
Tomato - 1 finely sliced
Lemon juice- 4 tbsp
Mustard powder- 1 big tbsp
Butter-25 gms
Cream-1/4 cup
Cashew nut -12 to 15
Lemon juice-4 tbsp

Wash the fish cut into cubes and boil it. Rub some salt in cucumber & tomato and keep it aside. Sauté the boiled fish in butter with pinch of salt and white pepper. In a bowl mix lemon juice, mustard powder, 1/2 tsp sugar, salt and all the boiled vegetable mix well .In a serving dish first place the cucumber & tomato. Then the fish cubes & above it the vegetables. Garnish with cream and cashew nut. You can relish it with your choice of bread.

Senin, 10 November 2008


Sometimes we don’t pen down our thoughts just because it is our passion but it become our duty to speak on issues that is related directly to the society we are living.
The world refugee problem is one such which remain a burden to all those soul who want to see a better world .
Refugees are individuals who are outside their country of nationality or habitual residence or have a well-founded fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion; and are unable or unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution.
When the Indian subcontinent was partitioned in 1947, millions of people were forced to migrate. Steady streams of refugees left China and East Germany, especially in the 1950s. The Korean War produced some 9 million refugees. Other major refugee-creating events of the 1950s include the Hungarian Revolution (1956) and the uprising in Tibet (1958–59). Sub-Saharan Africa's massive refugee problem is rooted in the continent's colonial past. Before colonization, Africans had moved freely within their own tribal areas. However, the boundaries fixed by 19th-century colonial powers often cut across tribal areas, resulting, particularly after independence, in mass movements of refugees across national borders. By the early 1990s there were close to 7 million refugees in Africa, including 4.5 million displaced Sudanese. The Arab-Israeli War of 1967 expanded an already swollen refugee population in the Middle East (now estimated at 3.2 million). The Vietnam War and Cambodian civil war created large numbers of Southeast Asian refugees; the India-Pakistan War of 1971 produced about 10 million refugees, most repatriated to newly created Bangladesh.
Children and youth constitute approximately 50 percent of all refugees worldwide. They are the deliberate targets of abuse, and easy prey to military recruitment and abduction. They typically miss out on years of education, particularly the younger ones. More than 43 million children living in conflict-affected areas don’t have a chance to go to school.
Can you imagine spending your childhood in a refugee camp? With no parents, no school to go to, how would you cope? It is the story of thousands of children from Eritrea who grow up in the Shimelba refugee camp. The camp is home to 14,000 refugees who have fled persecution in Eritrea. It is situated near the border between Eritrea and Ethiopia-an area that has witnessed extensive fighting over the years. A startling 70 percent of the refugees here are children, with 500 new refugees flooding the camp every month.
Make some time to look at them.
This are all fact that I gather from various sources but we sitting in comfort of our home can never imagine the pain, the trauma the struggle one faces leaving there mother land. Mainly the innocent kids who don’t even know the meaning of conflict have to go through inhuman situation and live a life which is worst than death.
We all know we cannot change the mind of the warmongers and may be we cannot bring good life to all those who are suffering but if we all try soulfully may be we can bring smile to many such faces those are waiting for our helping hands like- Refugee United who are trying to reunite the refugees irrespective of there color, race or religion.

My blog catalog friend Content connection in her blog post her favourite song-
If the heart is always searching
Can you find a home

This line touched me and I think all those who leaves there native land due to some reason or the other have face this pain, if we are unable to do anything we can give our moral support and heart felt prayer to all those organization who are working selflessly for the welfare of the refugees and wish that God bless those homeless a better future full of sunshine.