Kamis, 20 November 2008


Egg plant is one such vegetable that is not so popular among the food lover but if you can prepare it with little love and care they are really delicious. So next time you visit the food mart bring some fresh good looking egg plant and try out this recipe I hope you will never regret . Also don’t forget to write your comments about the recipe and how it help you to rock your dinner table.


Egg plant- 1 large
Onion - 1small minced
Ginger- ½ -inch minced
Green chilly - 3 minced
Cinnamon- 1 large
Cardamom - 1inch
Salt - according to taste
Sugar - 1tsp
Tomato - 1 finely chopped
Yoghurt- 1tbsp (whipped) but it is optional
Coriander leaves - handful finely chopped
Clarified butter- 1tbsp


Grill the whole eggplant over an open flame (before you grill brush some oil ) till the skin turns black and turns soft. Let it cool down. Now peel off the skin and cut off the tail and mash the eggplant .Now put a pan on flame give the clarified butter now add cardamom and cinnamon .Now put the chopped onion ,ginger and green chilly. Sauté a bit add the chopped tomato sauté for 1min now add the mashed eggplant .Add salt and sugar cook till the mixture turns thick . Add coriander leaves and yoghurt stir well and serve hot . It is great with bread .


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