Jumat, 07 November 2008


Some time when your breakfast is not that heavy and you need to fill in the mid morning you can try this healthy fruit drink. This is very easy to make and very delicious .


Diced banana 1cup
Diced apple 1cup
Orange juice 1cup
Black pepper a pinch
Salt and Sugar according to taste

Take the diced banana and apple blend them together and strain the mixture.
Now add the orange juice salt and sugar and pinch of black pepper. Your delicious orangey fruit drink is ready for you . If you want to add more taste then ask your dear friend or your beloved to give a sip. I am sure your healthy fruit drink will be more healthy because food strengthen the body while love strengthen the soul. A person is incomplete without love. So next time you make any drink don’t miss to add love in it, and don’t forget to give your comment on this heart inspiring recipe. I am eagerly waiting to hear from you.

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