Senin, 10 November 2008


Sometimes we don’t pen down our thoughts just because it is our passion but it become our duty to speak on issues that is related directly to the society we are living.
The world refugee problem is one such which remain a burden to all those soul who want to see a better world .
Refugees are individuals who are outside their country of nationality or habitual residence or have a well-founded fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion; and are unable or unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution.
When the Indian subcontinent was partitioned in 1947, millions of people were forced to migrate. Steady streams of refugees left China and East Germany, especially in the 1950s. The Korean War produced some 9 million refugees. Other major refugee-creating events of the 1950s include the Hungarian Revolution (1956) and the uprising in Tibet (1958–59). Sub-Saharan Africa's massive refugee problem is rooted in the continent's colonial past. Before colonization, Africans had moved freely within their own tribal areas. However, the boundaries fixed by 19th-century colonial powers often cut across tribal areas, resulting, particularly after independence, in mass movements of refugees across national borders. By the early 1990s there were close to 7 million refugees in Africa, including 4.5 million displaced Sudanese. The Arab-Israeli War of 1967 expanded an already swollen refugee population in the Middle East (now estimated at 3.2 million). The Vietnam War and Cambodian civil war created large numbers of Southeast Asian refugees; the India-Pakistan War of 1971 produced about 10 million refugees, most repatriated to newly created Bangladesh.
Children and youth constitute approximately 50 percent of all refugees worldwide. They are the deliberate targets of abuse, and easy prey to military recruitment and abduction. They typically miss out on years of education, particularly the younger ones. More than 43 million children living in conflict-affected areas don’t have a chance to go to school.
Can you imagine spending your childhood in a refugee camp? With no parents, no school to go to, how would you cope? It is the story of thousands of children from Eritrea who grow up in the Shimelba refugee camp. The camp is home to 14,000 refugees who have fled persecution in Eritrea. It is situated near the border between Eritrea and Ethiopia-an area that has witnessed extensive fighting over the years. A startling 70 percent of the refugees here are children, with 500 new refugees flooding the camp every month.
Make some time to look at them.
This are all fact that I gather from various sources but we sitting in comfort of our home can never imagine the pain, the trauma the struggle one faces leaving there mother land. Mainly the innocent kids who don’t even know the meaning of conflict have to go through inhuman situation and live a life which is worst than death.
We all know we cannot change the mind of the warmongers and may be we cannot bring good life to all those who are suffering but if we all try soulfully may be we can bring smile to many such faces those are waiting for our helping hands like- Refugee United who are trying to reunite the refugees irrespective of there color, race or religion.

My blog catalog friend Content connection in her blog post her favourite song-
If the heart is always searching
Can you find a home

This line touched me and I think all those who leaves there native land due to some reason or the other have face this pain, if we are unable to do anything we can give our moral support and heart felt prayer to all those organization who are working selflessly for the welfare of the refugees and wish that God bless those homeless a better future full of sunshine.

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