Kamis, 04 Desember 2008


In our calendar when we see the month of December comes our inner kids spring up and we just keep aside our health and fitness resolution and start to indulge in cakes and pastries. Sometime it is good to become young again and bring back those innocent moments in our life .So this weekend try some nut cakes but make sure take a little portion of it and fifteen minutes of additional exercise next morning . But for the kids enjoy as much you can with your friends – it’s party time buddy.

 Ground walnuts    1 ¼ cup
Sugar ¾ cup
Cocoa powder 3tbsp
Eggs 4(separated)
Vanilla essence or
Almond essence 1tsp
Mixed candied peels 25grms
Bread crumbs 2tbsp

PROCEDURE:Beat the egg yolks. Mix together walnuts, sugar, cocoa powder, essence and finely sliced candied peels and mix into the yolks. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold into the mixture . Grease a cake tin lightly and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Pour the mixture and bake in a preheated moderate oven for half an hour ,or till a knife inserted comes out clean.

It is easy to make and quick . I think both of your kid will love it, the one who is really a little kid, and the other who may be 30, 40, 50 or 60 yrs old but have a little kid still in his heart. This weekend bring that kid out from his heart and enjoy the innocent moment of love and happiness.


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