Minggu, 21 Desember 2008


Oh, yes indeed, the countdown has begun for another fun filled Christmas. I remember those old days when granny use to pack lot of chocolate cup cakes for us.
Now chocolate cup cake is a dream for me. So for obvious reason I am looking for some thing healthy because I surely cannot miss some pieces of cakes to pamper my spirit after all its Christmas time I hope you understand-isn’t it. I suddenly drop in to this video while searching , they are featuring carrot cup cakes, they are really Yummy. So I thought why not share it with my friends.
Before you take a look on this video which will detail you how to make Carrot cup cakes, just have a look on the beneficial value of carrots.
Carrot is an edible root vegetable which is originated from Asia. It gains high respect in Western countries as it has been regarded as the best dishes for its outstanding nutritional and medicinal values. Even Dutch have listed carrot as one of their national dishes.
A single carrot will supply all your Vitamin- A need for the whole day. Beta carotene is an anti-oxidant, and thus it prevents cell degeneration. Anti-oxidants also slow down the ageing process. Carrots are also good for the skin. Carrot juice is like a tonic. It will improve the overall health and increase immunity.

Hope you will like it. Don’t miss to write your comments on my healthy carrot cup cake choice.
Santa is on the way-let see what he bring for us this Christmas.


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