Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Wish You A Happy, Healthy And Delicious New Year 2011

A new year is unfolding—like a blossom with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within and I am praying to God-

As the dawn breaks on a new year, let us give thanks for all we hold dear: our health, our family and our friends.

Let us release our grudges, our anger and our pains, for these are nothing but binding chains. Let us live each day in the most loving ways, the God-conscious way. Let us serve all who are in need, regardless of race, color or creed.

Let us keep God of our own understanding in our hearts and to chant God's name each day. Let us lead the world from darkness to light, from falsehood to truth and from wrong to right.

Let us remember that we are all one, embracing all, discriminating against none.

May our year be filled with peace, prosperity and love. May God's blessings shower upon us and bestow upon each of us a bright, healthy and peaceful new year.
-Reverend Marcy "Melchezedek Order"
Wish you all A Very Happy Delicious New Year 2011. May all your dream come true this year.

To celebrate the coming year I thought why not share with you a delectable dessert recipe. Of course dessert is my favorite and I thought to start 2011 on a sweet note . So this utterly butterly delicious hot brownies, pistachio ice cream with hot fudge sauce. I think this is the “show stopper” of my new year eve dinner party. I have made lots of delicious dessert but this time I want to serve something a little more……… exciting . Something that would impress and entertain my friends.

Today I will share only the hot fudge recipe with you because due to lack of time I asked my aunt to prepare the brownie for me and the pistachio ice cream was store brought. If you have time you can surely make it for yourself but friend in the last minute hurry I can make it . So for now the divinely delightful hot fudge recipe.

Unsweetened chocolate      1/4 th cup coarsely chopped
Semisweet chocolate 2 cup coarsely chopped
Light cream 1 cup
Sugar 1 cup or to taste
Vanilla essence few drops


In a sauce pan combine the chocolates, light cream and sugar. Bringing to boiling, reduce heat then simmer the mixture uncovered over low heat for 1 to 2 minutes until it is a creamy, stirring frequently. Remove from heat then add the vanilla essence. And you silky smooth hot fudge is ready. In a single plate I make a base of this dreamy fudge sauce and put a thin slice of brownie over it a scoop of pistachio ice cream and then again drizzle the sauce over it and a delicious comfy dessert is ready to serve.
I am going to entertain my friends and family with this delectable dessert when we all welcome 2011. Give it a try in your coming parties and let me know how it turns out for you!

Enjoy A Rocking time!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Crispy Fish With Spinach Butter Rice And Orange Sauce (Christmas Special)

I know everyone of you are busy with your last minute Christmas preparation and I am also waiting for a rocking day but this year I plan a non –hassle Christmas dinner. A very delicious, eye appealing dish and a total meal and easy to cook so that you have lot of time to spend with your friends and family. I hope you will like crispy fish with spinach butter rice and orange sauce a simple yet elegant festive dinner plan.
For Crispy Fish
Fish fillets 4 pieces
Black pepper to taste
Salt to taste
Mustard sauce 1 tea spoon
Lemon juice 1 table spoon
Ginger garlic paste 1/2 teaspoon
Oil to deep fry
For Batter:
All purpose flour 2 teaspoon
Corn flour 2 teaspoon
Salt to taste
For Spinach
Spinach 1/2 bowl blanched and roughly chopped
Garlic 2 clove chopped
Butter or diet butter 1/2 teaspoon
Mozzarella cheese 1 cube
Salt and pepper to taste
For Butter Rice
Cooked long grain rice 2 small bowl
Butter or diet butter 1 heaping spoon
Red green and yellow bell pepper 1/4 cup finely diced
Salt and pepper to taste
For Orange Sauce
Butter 1/2 teaspoon
All purpose flour 1 teaspoon
Orange juice 1/2 to 1 cup
Sugar a pinch
Salt and pepper to taste


Don’t get panic seeing the long list of ingredients but truly speaking friend if you go through the procedure then it is just some prior preparation and then a delicious dish can be presented within half an hour and  your guest book will be filled with overwhelming appreciations.
Now I will start with Orange sauce
Place a fry pan on medium flame and then let the butter melt in it, add one teaspoon of flour stir for half a minute then add the orange juice. Stir for few minutes adjust seasoning. Let it thicken and then put off the flame.
For Spinach
Put a pan on flame let the butter melt in it then add the chopped garlic stir and then add the balanced spinach in it. Stir for 2minutes adjust the seasoning. Then add the grated mozzarella cheese in it let the cheese melt it will give a chewy texture to the spinach. Put off the flame your spinach is ready.
For Butter Rice
Put another pan on flame let butter melt in it add the bell pepper in it. Stir for a minute then add the cooked rice (I use the good quality of basmati rice) then add salt and pepper. Mix well and you are done with the butter rice.
These steps you can prepare in the day time if you are making dish for dinner, just you should have to on your microwave to warm them up when you dish out.
For Crispy Fish
Marinate the fish fillets with salt, pepper, mustard sauce, ginger garlic paste and lemon juice for half an hour. Now take a bowl take flour and corn flour in it and now pour soda water in it (this will make your fried fish really crisp), I am not giving any measurement of it just make sure that the consistency of the batter should not be too thick or thin but the medium consistency to coat well then deep fry those fish fillets. Drain out the excess oil.
Your whole dish is complete now come the presentation part that’s up to you, you can use your creative to make it appealing but if you ask me I take small bowl place a layer of butter rice and then spread the spinach above it then another layer of rice and then press well. Now in the serving plate I just turn the bowl upside down and pour the orange in the base of the plate and place the crispy fried fish above the rice tomb.
Serve with some green salad and a delectable dessert. A rocking hit Christmas dish, I hope you will like it.

Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving,
May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season, and throughout the year! Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and love.
 Merry Xmas!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
lennycpizzeria.com-image source
corbisimages.com-image source


Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

Delicious Green Salad

Temperature is  going down quickly in my city and I am enjoying the chilled whether outside. I remember in my school days we use to blow hot breath in our school bus glass windows and write lovely notes for our friends, a very innovative way of time pass and to get your message out, one such is still in my memory box -Really!! Friends are the best part of our small life. So true isn’t it! Those are lovely days if you have any such winter memory do share with us, friends coming to this blog will love to share your ever precious moments. In this winter days one thing I miss most are lush green trees and few of my friends living abroad are telling that it’s full of snow outside and like me if you are missing the greens then this green salad can bring back that missing green in your dinner table and be your mood enhancer!
So don't wait to try!

Small head butter lettuce-1 washed and dried, leaves torn into bite-size pieces
Onion – 1 thinly sliced
Blanched peas -1/2 cup
Salted roasted almonds, coarsely chopped -1/2 cup
Ricotta salata -1/2 cup shaved thinly with a vegetable peeler (optional)

Salad dressing
Lemon juice- 1 whole
Lemon zest-1 tea spoon
Olive oil -2 table spoon
Sugar- 1/2 teaspoon
Ajwain(carom seeds)/thyme-1/4 teaspoon
Salt and pepper- to taste


In a bowl mix all the salad dressing ingredients . If you are using fresh young peas then keep them raw otherwise balanced a little bit. Then toss the lettuce, onion, peas with the dressing. Adjust seasoning and serve right away in individual serving plates and top with roasted almond and ricotta salata(if using).This salty cheese really make all the flavor sing. This green salad can be a light dinner choice with a protein like chicken breast of fish fillet any week nights or a good choice to serve to an elegant dinner party! Let me know how you will like to have this light, refreshing and delicious green salad.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
wolfgangpuck.com-image source


Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Delicious Rocky Roads Bars

Last week was a too hectic so I thought to rest and relax in weekends but when you have some crazy friends around then who will let you be lazy and sleep in your couch. Leela asked me to join for dinner this Saturday night. I thought it will be some close friends gathering in her house but to my surprise she  throw a wild card party for us. I am talking about wild in the spirit of intense, unsuppressed emotion-excitement, delight, surprise, joy, happiness and fun. On this Saturday night, all friends poured life into this party coupled with the spooky atmosphere; it was like a post Halloween themed night. The whole evening was delicious and wonderfully entertaining. Leela and Suman her husband are wonderful host, superb cook and know how to throw a party. All those glamorous and delicious foods are telling us go ahead, salivate. In my last post I wrote a lot about restricting in our dessert intake and truly telling you when it comes to the dessert section of the table I thought yes I can show courage to skip this section, I was ignoring all those snowy peaked ice creams and dessert but when I saw those small Rocky roads bars the wild child within me just jump out and I literally fall weak at the knees and I can’t resist to take a piece and when I have it…….ummmm… delicious! Back home next day I called her for the recipe and she told me about it which I am sharing with you today. In this festive season such recipe is a keeper and is simple and easy to make. I hope you will love it.
Unsalted Butter       125g
Chocolate 300g
Mini marshmallows 100g
Desiccated coconut 4 table spoon
Chopped peanut 1/4 cup
Chopped walnut 1/4 cup
Glazed cherries 1/4 cup
Fresh orange zest 1 teaspoon
Golden syrup 2 to 3 table spoon
Icing sugar 2 tsp to dust


First of all heat the chocolate butter and golden syrup in a heavy based saucepan over gentle heat. Remove from heat. Now fold the marshmallows, desiccated coconut, peanut, walnut, cherries and orange zest in this melted chocolate mixture. Mix well. Pour the mixture into line sliced tin smooth the top with a spatula. Refrigerate it until set or overnight. Use a warm knife to cut into equal size squares then dust it with icing sugar.
This can be a great dessert choice for your Christmas parties and both kids and grown up can’t resist to fall for your Rocky Road Bars.
If you have any wild party idea for Christmas and New Year do share with me I would love to know about them and I hope we all will have a rocking festive season.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/nataliejohnson/3099366672/ -image source


Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Stay Slim In Winter Holidays

Christmas countdown has already begun and I know Christmas is that time of the year when we allow ourselves to indulge in caloric foods yet also except to look awesome in slinky outfits. So today I thought to discuss the recipe how to stay in shape during Christmas and winter holidays. If you find them happening then you can go for some I hope you will feel better.

Christmas is here and it’s a great time to taste all those Christmas cookies and but our body still needs some vital nutrients and vitamins to stay strong. So eat plenty of veggies and fruits and just give few minutes time to listen to your body. Drink plenty of water, in summer we drink plenty of water but in winter we skip this, hydration is another key element to winterizing your body.

Don’t go to holiday meal empty stomach because this can be a surest way of falling sick. So eat light healthy high fiber snack such as fruits or few wheat crackers before you go, it will curb your appetite and prevent over eating. Holiday brunch with irresistible food and dessert is hard... hard too hard to say no but try to fill up with fruit juices , salad and veggies before those eye catching dessert call you to have more and more. Rather than taking every dessert on the table try to pick your favorite or take a small portion of some of them.

Healthy eating at this time can be very challenging when most of the time we eat out. One of the most deceptive parts of the festive meal is the sauces. A healthy entrée or side dish can turn into a calorie disaster when you choose a wrong sauce. On the other hand a low calorie sauce can make a satisfying and enjoyable meal. I can name few butter and cream based sauce which can add your waist line such as béarnaise sauce, hollandaise sauce, alfredo sauce, carbonara are some from the many and don’t you forget those lovely sour cream, decorative soup topping they too count. You may feel good when you go for a baked fish or a Red Lobster but until you dip it in a tartar sauce. So go for tomato based sauces as tomatoes are low in calorie and source of heart healthy lycopenes. Also salsas, pestos, mushroom sauces are lighter and good for health. I hope you like this little sauce communication.

Eat slowly. The brain takes 20 minute to register fullness. So enjoy your meals by savoring the beauty flavor and taste of each bite.

Focus on quality of food and not on the quantity. This will help you to enjoy your favorite food and you don’t need to deprive yourself. Eat small amount of it and don’t go for second or you can use small serving dishes to eat so that food look abundant on your plate.

Cut short your alcohol intake or sweetened beverage as this are reasons for weight gain. Go for plain water or mineral water, unsweetened tea or sugar free soft drink. If you are among those where no firm reason to avoid hard drinks works, then hold in style a tall glass of cocktail and roam from one corner of the party to the other without sipping just once and by the time you take 3 to 4 rounds inspiring other to drink those who love to drink have already finished their 5 to 6 glasses and then you know ….. (hahaha) you can slip easily.

These are few tips that I am sharing with you so that we can all stay happy and healthy in this blessed season which engage the whole world in a conspiracy of love.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy


Kamis, 25 November 2010

Scottish Dessert Raspberry-Cranachan

A Very Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends.

This Monday I sat for a chat session where a friend from England shares an excellent Scottish dining experience with me. Her husband was there for his business trip and you know girls can never miss to pack the bag be a part of the journey where there is ample scope to shop and dine specially when New year is so near and the good news this time fortunately they met few of their Scottish friend. Now these hungry Scot friends take them for a treat to Boisdale of Belgravia, which is one of London’s most fashionable haunts of highland hospitality. “Magnificent restaurant, bar, courtyard and live jazz …. The blood red walls, exuberant tartan décor a unique old style atmosphere mesmerized her while her husband get totally carried away by the hypnotic scent of Cuban cigars and unbelievable collection of whiskey….o… ho! Men will remain men and when it comes to good cigar and wine there are nobody to stop them. It‘s dinner time so poor boy have to return to their dining table after his visit to the Cigar terrace. She told that Boisdale is one of the most iconic restaurants in London for its award winning Scottish menu. The menu sound quiet interesting to me dishes like Raviolo of spinach & sorrel with toasted walnuts, sage & parmesan butter sauce , Handpicked Unpateruised Herbridian Crab with Spiced Avocado,Cornish mutton & wild mushroom pie with rosemary and garlic mashed potato topping , Half a roast free range corn fed Black Leg chicken and few more delectable delicacies, the reason may be because I never tasted Scottish cuisine and somehow I feel very organic, healthy, fresh flavors of countryside. Now that’s what my instinct says talking to my friend but to know the real flavor someday I have to visit Boisdale and give all those a try but for now I am making Raspberry-Cranachan. Truly speaking when she told me about this dessert, since then I am drooling . It is creamy , delicious and what is more appealing for my lazy bones – it is super easy.
This year I decided to rock my Christmas party with this delicious Scottish dessert Raspberry-Cranachan . If you want something different, something Scottish for coming parties then don’t miss it .

Double cream      1/2 cup
Raspberry puree 1/4 cup
Toasted oatmeal 2 table spoon
Scottish whisky 1 teaspoon
Fresh raspberries 6
Scottish honey 1 table spoon or to taste
Leaf gelatin 1g


Oats can easily burn so with little care, scatter them on to a baking tray and toast under grill or in a low oven until golden brown.Your toasted oatmeal is ready.
Soak gelatin leaf in cold water for 10 minutes. Whip double cream to soft peak. Now gently fold in the raspberry puree, honey( if you can get the Scottish one go for the regular honey), whisky(any good malt whisky will do) and the toasted oatmeal with your spatula. Drain and melt the gelatin make sure not to boil it.
Then fold it in to the cream mix. Keep it in refrigerator for 30 minutes to 1 hour before serving. Serve it in individual serving glass or dishes garnish with honey glazed raspberry (toss fresh raspberry in warm honey) and then drizzle this warm honey with whisky over it. This whisky not only add a Scottish taste but give awesome kick to the flavor. Your delicious, creamy traditional Scottish dessert is ready.

*To make it more healthy  instead of double cream use  equal quantity whipping cream and fromage frais, instead of whisky you can use brandy or apple juice. Yes taste will definitely differ but in festive parties healthy you is more important to your family and friends.

So enjoy!
Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
http://www.flickr.com-image source


Jumat, 19 November 2010

Mulled Apple Cider

Mulled apple cider is one of my favorite warm up drink in winter, not because it is absolutely delicious but with it every sip I remember those colorful school days when we bunch of friends use to sit in our favorite roof top joints in a friends place and her Mom make this delicious spicy apple cider for us. I still remember how some of my friends shared stories about their secret crush and sobbed when they lost them you know why………… because all happen from 5th floor roof top and those poor handsome guys crossing roads never get to know that from such grand hill top there are sweeties and cuties pouring their heart out!...... sound hilarious yes they are like that but fortunately all those crazy girls get their Mr. Perfect and are happily married! Some of them are out of contact and I don’t know where on earth they are but till today in a chilled winter night whenever I make a mug of this apple cider for me and sit in my balcony watch the night sky I remember those moments even though those memories gift me wet eyelids ! Ok now I want to stop this emo journey and give you this delicious soul soother Mulled Apple Cider recipe. I am sure if you shared it with your loved ones in a chilled winter there will be some stories that you will love to remember!

Apple cider    4 cups
Cinnamon sticks 1/2
Nutmeg 1/4 tea spoon
Clove 1
Lemon juice 2 table spoon
Orange zest 1 table spoon
Brown sugar 3 table spoon (more or less to taste)


Place apple cider in a medium sauce pan in a slow flame. Add all the other ingredients except lemon juice and orange zest. Let it simmer half covered for 15 to 20 minutes in a very low flame. Within this time all the spices will mingle well to give you that everlasting refreshing aroma. Then add the orange zest and the lemon juice and put off the flame and cover it for a minute. Strain it through a fine mesh strainer and serve hot with a cinnamon stick and a spiral fresh orange rind- these is a simple garnish tip you may use or may not . To mull something generally means to spice and heat it so now you know why this is called Mulled apple cider. Relax and sip this delicious perfect fall drink.
Have A Lovely Weekend!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.

abcdlady.com- image source


Jumat, 12 November 2010

Japanese Clear Soup (Suimono)

It was a total mess last week I got hay fever and you know what happens in it, itchy, puffy, watery eyes and red, stuffy nose- OMG it’s terrible! I am not feeling to have anything, my taste buds are completely flat. Then Maa (Mother) came as a savior as she always does, she make a Japanese Clear Soup for me which is not a fill you- up- kind of meal but a delicious refreshing Asian soup. I think God bless every Mom with a caressing hand so that they can make anything special ! What do you feel………….! I am ok now and so want to share that easy yet delicious Japanese Clear Soup –Suimono's recipe with you.

Chicken stock        3 cups
Soya sauce 1 teaspoon
Dry sherry 2 table spoon(optional)
Mushroom 3 to 4 thinly sliced
Green onion strips 1 teaspoon
Celery leaves 1teaspoon chopped
Lemon Thinly sliced
Carrot Thinly sliced
Lemon peel strips few
Tofu small chunks
Cooked shrimp 4 to 5(optional)


In a large saucepan bring chicken stock to simmer. Stir in sherry and soya sauce. Simmer for few minutes. Top with all those other ingredients. Cook for another half minutes and you are done. If you want you can season with salt but this soup don’t need that as soya do all the work. Ladle the soup in small soup bowl and relish this delicious Japanese Clear Soup (Suimono).For me this is a total comfy, feel good soup and I hope you too will like the fresh flavors of Suimono.

For now Sayōnara (good bye)!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
http://www.japanesefoodreport.com -image source


Senin, 01 November 2010

Delicious Mint Rice with Creamy Prawn Curry

I have some crazy friends who think time doesn’t matter at all and they drop in any time, the other day two of them came 11 at night when I was having a diet salad with some bread and boiled egg just to skip cooking my dinner but God have some different plan and yes I have to cook for them something that is delicious yet quick because I want my dishes to be served as dinner and not breakfast….hahahah! The good thing is I have very few things in my freezer , just have some leftover rice and 4 to 6 tiger shrimp and little veggies and with this little ingredients I have to please my two dear hungry friends! I must say I am successful in my mission. Mint rice and Creamy Prawn curry served the whole purpose. You can take a look of this delicious platter. I am sure you will like this.

For Mint rice
Basmati rice cooked 3 cups
Fresh mint leaves paste 3 table spoon
Lemon juice 1/2 tea spoon
Yoghurt 1 table spoon
Spring onion chopped ½ cup
Clarified butter/ butter 1 table spoon
Coriander powder (dry roasted) 1/3 tea spoon
Green chilly 1 chopped (optional)
Sugar 1/2 tea spoon
Salt and pepper to taste

For Creamy Prawn Curry
Tiger shrimp 4 to 6
Garlic 1 tea spoon chopped
Yoghurt 3 table spoon
Clarified butter/ butter 1 tea spoon
Corn flour 1/2 tea spoon
Cayenne powder/white pepper 1/2 tea spoon
Sugar 1/2 tea spoon
Saffron a pinch
Salt to taste
Water a little more than 1/2 cup
Fresh coriander 1/2 tea spoon finely chopped
Fresh cream 1 heaping spoon (optional)

For Mint Rice
Heat clarified butter on a pan then adds the chopped garlic. Mix lemon juice with mint paste then add it stir, add yoghurt and chopped spring onion. Stir then add the cooked rice. Add sugar, salt and pepper. Stir and mix well now sprinkle coriander powder (dry roast the coriander seeds on a pan and then grind it, it give a unique smell to your dishes). Mix well and your delicious mint rice is done.
For Creamy Prawn Curry
Take a bowl and in it put yoghurt, cayenne powder, salt, sugar, water and cornflower mix well. In a pan heat clarified butter now sauté the tiger shrimp with garlic. After that add the yoghurt mixture stir well. Let it cook for few minutes. When the gravy starts to thicken take a spoon full of the gravy in a small bowl and mix saffron in it then add this saffron mixture in to the gravy. Let it cook for a minute. Then add fresh cream. Put off the flame. Garnish with finely chopped coriander. Your creamy prawn is ready to serve.
Serve this delicious Mint rice with creamy prawn curry with your favorite salad.

*The taste of the whole recipe will differ if you use butter instead of clarified butter but no doubt delicious in both way. And for those who want it to be healthier you can use diet butter.

The spreading light of happiness.......
The eternal victory of light over darkness as good over evil

With gleam of Diyas
And the Echo of the Chants
May Happiness and Contentment Fill Your life
Wishing you a very happy and prosperous Diwali!!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
http://www.tulsiindianrestaurant.com/ -image source

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Delicious Shahi Khichuri ( A yummy rice preparation from Bengal)

I am back and thanks to all of you for all your love and best wishes. Durga Puja is a traditional festival and a part of our culture , though it is a religious festival but the good part of this festival is that it has broken all the religious boundaries and enjoyed by everybody irrespective of their caste, creed, religion and economic status. This festival is the perfect example of unity in diversity. Now days it has taken a from of carnival and the creative effort that is added to this festival is making it world famous and a major tourist attraction. So any of you want to visit India this part of the year don’t miss Kolkata and it’s Durga puja, I am sure you will take back home bundle of colorful memories.
The colage above will give you a short synopsis of the festival and rest is written in words below.
The festival which is to declare the win of Goodness and Godness over the power of evil, last for five days starting in the sixth day( sashti) of the lunar calendar and end on the tenth day(Dasahami).In this five days Mother God is worshipped with perfect traditional rituals. Some of the important feature of this festival are the beats of dhak , Durga Puja is incomplete without the maddening beats of dhak , a large drum that is played by two thin stick which the dhaki (drumer) hang around their neck and play those enchanting beats that are enough to conjure up the sights and smells of Durga Puja. Sandhi Puja is an important ritual performed during evening at the juncture of Ashtami (eighth day) and Navami(ninthday). The goddess is worshipped with 108 lotus flowers, red hibiscus flowers, wood apple leaves and vermilion. A 108 earthen lamps are lighted to mark the end of the puja.After that Dhunuchi nritya' or ‘the dance with effervescent smoke' which is a traditional dance form Bengal, is performed in front of the idol of the Goddess Durga to the sound of dhak both young men and women participate in this and some places participant are awarded with lots of prizes according to the excellence of their performance. On the ninethday (Navami) various delicious vegeterian dishes is prepared for the  Ma Durga called bhoga and then this is distributed among the people as Prasad. This include shahi Khichuri ( a delicious rice preparation) with fried eggplant and potato with spicy mixed vegetable(labra tardkari) and mango chatni and payas (sweet dessert made with rice and milk). On the tenthday (Dashami) Bengali married women go to worship the Goddess and pray for happiness all the year through and share vermilion (sindoor),among themselves as well as with Ma Durga this ritual is called Sindoor Khela. And on the evening of the tenth day is Visarjan (immersion ceremony), Goddess Durga’s idol is mmersed in the holy river Ganges , Durga Visarjan is the most eye-catching event where the celebrations conclude with a bang.After that happy free hug ( Kolakuli) is exchanged between each other and everyone have rosogolla( melt in mouth tofu balls dipped in simple syrup) to wait for another year with this sweet memory and blessing of Goddess Ma Durga.
It’s hard to describe such festival in such few words but I try my best to give you a brief essence of the whole festival I hope you will enjoy reading.

Today I want to share with you a very delicious, easy and healthy dish that is served during this festival . This is shahi khichuri a fragrant subtle preparation pepped up by a number of side dishes. The finished khichuri smells awesome and taste incredible.
Basmati Rice    150 gram
Whole mung bean dal (without skin) 100 gram
Bengal gram dal 50 gram
Whole red chilly 2
Cardamom 2 whole
Cinnamon 1 inch stick
Clove 2
Tomato 1 big chunks
Carrot 1 big chunks
Potato 1 big chunks
Peas 1/2 cup
Cauliflower 6 big florets
Cumin seed 1/4 tea spoon
Turmeric powder 1/4 teaspoon
Chilly powder 1/4 teaspoon
Cumin powder 1/4 tea spoon
Coriander powder 1/4 tea spoon
Salt to taste
Sugar 1 tea spoon
Fresh coriander leaves 1/2 cup coarsely chopped
Mix raisin , cashew , almond, coconut finely sliced 1/2 cup lightly fried
Graram masala 1/2 tea spoon ( whole -black pepper 2, clove 1, cardamom 1,cinnamon 1/4 inch dry roast them together then gind into fine powder)
Clarified butter 1 table spoon
Soya or vegetable oil 3 table spoon
Water 2 glass


Cut and wash all the vegetable. Mix all the dal and rice and wash it. Heat oil in a pan and then break the whole red chilly little bit add it with whole cardamom, cinnamon and cumin seeds. When they start to crack add all the spices and tomatoes , vegetables , rice, daal , salt mix well and then pour two glass of water. Mix well. Put the lid and let it cook for 10 to 12 minutes or till the rice and dal are well cooked. Then add sugar ,chopped coriander, gram masala powder , fried coconut, cashew and raisin and at last a sprinkle a spoon full of clarified butter. (Instead of red chilly powder you can use black pepper and for clarified butter you can use butter but that will not give you the exact flavor and taste that I want to share with you.) Mix well. Your delicious pure vegetarian delicious khichuri is ready. This is a whole meal you can have it for lunch and dinner with fried eggplant or potato  or simply relish this Indian delicacy. Though the list of ingredient is bit long but once your prepared it is just few minutes job. I hope you will love it.

Cherish the music of Dhak , if you like just leave a comment may be your best wish vibes reach and inspire a  a drummer far away whom you will never meet-

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
indiafoodandtravelguide.com –image source kchidri

14K White Gold 3 Stone Channel Set Round Diamond Engagement Ring (1/4 cttw, H-I, SI) - Size 8

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Celebrating Durga Puja

Devi Durga

This is our  most beautiful Mother God Maa Durga we worship for health, wealth and prosperity.
The most auspicious festival that we celebrate in this part of the globe is on. I don’t know that you have heard about it or not but this is the time when we worship Mother God as Devi Durga. All Bengalis all over the world celebrate this special occasion. And in our city this is the carnival time with lots of color lights, glamour, glitz and of course delicious tasty yummy foods. I am busy for this preparation so I am bit late for this post. In my coming post I will share some good festive stories but it will be after a short break because I will be enjoying this once in a year grand festival with my family and friends. But while I enjoy Durga Puja you enjoy this lovely quick to make delicious healthy Chinese egg preparation Foo Yong.

Egg    4 
Green chilly 1 to 2 chopped
Onion 1 chopped
Garlic 2 clove chopped
Yellow and Red bell pepper 1/4 cup chopped
Shrimp 4 to 6 ( deveined)
Chicken small cube 4 to 6 (optional)
Spring onion 1 teaspoon (finely chopped)
Grated coconut 1 teaspoon (optional)
Fresh coriander 1 table spoon (finely chopped)
Sugar 2 pinch
Salt and pepper according to taste

Take a big bowl now beat the eggs with a pinch of salt. Now add all the above ingredients. Mix well. Adjust seasoning. Now take another bowl brush it with any vegetable oil and then pour the whole mixture in it. Then steam this whole mixture in your steamer for 10 minutes or till done. (Traditionally Foo Yong  is a fried dish but to make it healthy I tried the steam version.) You are ready to relish another delicious healthy dish.As I have to do lots of shopping and pack gifts for friends and family I have very less time to spend in kitchen so such easy tasty dish is appropriate for such time. Have it with bread for lunch or dinner and your are done with a guilt free filler.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Selasa, 28 September 2010

Delicious Swiss Chicken Roll

In weekdays I love simple cooking. This delicious Swiss Chicken Roll is one such simple recipe but bit elaborate. Cooking becomes a relaxing meditation when you make something with patience and lots of love. At the end of the day your hard work became worth when a delicious food bring lots of smile and appreciation from dear ones. For dinner this Swiss Chicken Roll can be a good choice. Try it!


Chicken breast    1 pounded to about 1/4-inch thin
Gruyere cheese 1 tall cube
Boiled potato 1
Onion chopped 4 tablespoon
Garlic chopped 2 teaspoon
Yellow and green zucchini 1/2 cup diced
Eggplant 1/3 cup diced
Tomato 1 diced
Onion 1 flaked
Tomato puree 1 table spoon
Olive oil 4 table spoon
Butter 1 table spoon
Parsley 1 table spoon finely chopped
Asparagus 3 to 4
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
Sweet Basil for garnish (optional)
Take the chicken breast season both side with salt and pepper. Now put the gruyere cheese (take the young Swiss cheese as it is creamy and nutty in this stage but with age it become more complex slightly grainy very similar to human nature hahaha ! jokes apart, gruyere truly adds savories without overshadowing the other ingredients and it is one of the best cheese for baking) in the middle and then roll it up, securing with toothpicks. Sprinkle salt and pepper in it. Take a fry pan then put a table spoon of olive oil slightly fry both side of the chicken roll. Now in a baking dish take this roll and bake it in 356 degree F for 10 minutes.
In the mean time take a pan give 1 table spoon of olive oil sauté 2 table spoon of chopped onion and one tea spoon of chopped garlic . Put off the flame now in a bowl take boiled potato , sauté onion and garlic, 1/2 table spoon of butter you can add more if your health permit and salt and freshly ground pepper. Now mash the whole thing very well. Keep aside.
Now put a fry pan on flame give 2 table spoon of olive oil in it. Then add 2 table spoon of chopped onion and one tea spoon of chopped garlic. Sauté for a minute add the diced zucchini, eggplant and tomato now sauté for 3 to 4 minutes add onion flakes stir well. Add tomato puree salt and pepper and finely chopped parsley. Mix well. Put off the flame. Keep aside.
Now heat 1/2 table spoon of butter and stir the asparagus with salt and pepper. Yes the step by step preparation is ready. It’s now time to serve it in style. You can arrange it in layer like put the mashed potato in the first layer then a second layer of stir fried vegetables then the baked chicken breast and above it the asparagus ( garnish with few fresh leaves of sweet basil) or you can place them in sides but the real taste of Swiss chicken roll will come when you put a small portion of all the ingredients in your mouth at the same time.I assure after having this chicken rolls one word of appreciation will definitely come from your family -“LOVELY DEAR!”

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
http://sweetandsaucy.wordpress.com -image source


Senin, 20 September 2010

Delicious Cinnamon Coconut Custard

This weekend I thought why not pamper my sweet tooth a bit. Good reason for this is - one of my friends Mom e-mailed me last week with lots of good wishes and a saying –“Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.” And she sent this beautiful Mexican dessert recipe which she called cinnamon coconut custard. I thought it’s good to be sweet sometimes so I recreate it in my kitchen and it was wonderful with a prominent cinnamon flavor. I am sure you will love this light creamy dessert and specially after a spicy main course.

Sugar      1 cup (more or less according to choice)
Cinnamon sticks 1 inch
Cinnamon powder 3 pinch
Dry shredded coconut 1 cup
Milk 2 cups
Eggs 4
Whipped cream 6 tablespoon(optional)
Chopped almond 2 table spoon toasted(optional)
Chocolate sauce 1 table spoon(optional)

Put a pan on heat and boil milk with cinnamon sticks .Then add grated coconut and sugar. Continuously go on stirring for 10 minutes. This is a good exercise for hands if you want to shed few pounds while cooking and then gain few having it ( hahaha)! Put off the flame and let it cool down completely then take off the cinnamon sticks from it. Meanwhile take a bowl and take four eggs in it with a pinch of cinnamon powder. Whisk well. Add the prepared coconut in it . Mix well. Now grease a baking dish and pour the whole mixture in it. Bake at 375 degree for 10 minutes or till done. Take out let it cool down top with whipped cream and almond flakes and drip chocolate sauce and make any design of your choice and sprinkle cinnamon powder on top .Those who can show the courage to skip this tempting part please do so though I must admit I fall weak and even can’t wait to put it in the refrigerator and then have it, but for you do serve this delicious Mexican Cinnamon Coconut Custard after giving a half hour rest in the refrigerator.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Rabu, 15 September 2010

Delicious Peach Mocktail

It’s time to say good bye to peach. Peach season is May through October and we all know that peaches are great way to end the summer. My fellow bloggers and friends are posting lots of peach recipes which inspired me to do something peachy (haha). Lazy me ,after days work want a glass of mocktail which will be delicious and more delicious. What can I think more than some ripe juicy peaches! So I started my creation,  which came out awesome . I am sure if you are tired by your day work and want a soothing glass of drink with a relaxing instrumental then this peach mocktail is just for you.


Peach puree   1/3 cup
Orange juice 1/2 cup
Ginger juice 1 table spoon
Lemon juice 1 table spoon
Crushed ice 1 cup

In a cocktail shaker put all the above ingredients except the crushed ice. Give few good shake. Place scoop of ice in your glass , top with peach mixture. Your delicious peach mocktail is ready. If you want it in more classy way then pop a maraschino cherry on for garnish. Just Enjoy!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Sabtu, 11 September 2010

Delicious Mexican Corn Salad

Last time I share with you the recipe of prawn soup and today I am sharing a very delicious Mexican corn salad recipe. For weekend if you want to carry on with our diet plans then healthy prawn soup and Mexican Corn salad with some spicy bread roll will be a complete comfy meal for you.

Sweet corn   1 cup canned
Bell pepper(green) 1 diced
Tomato 1 diced
Balanced broccoli 1/4 cup small cube
Onion 1 chopped
Boiled chicken cube 1/4 cup (optional)

Soy sauce 1 tea spoon
Crushed garlic 1 clove
Tomato sauce 2 table spoon
Lemon 1 juice
Finely chopped cilantro 1 table spoon
Finely chopped mint 1 table spoon
Fresh cream 5 table spoon
Salt and pepper to taste

Take a big bowl and mix all the salad ingredients in it. Now in another small bowl mix all the dressing ingredients. Pour it in the corn mixture mix well. Refrigerate it for 30 minutes . Serve chilled.
I am sure that you will love this appetizing salad .
Wish you a happy weekend!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Rabu, 08 September 2010

Healthy Prawn Soup

Among all the seafood prawn is the most popular in all most every part of the world and so it is in my family. In my childhood days jumbo prawn was my favorite as it is not only tasty but easy to eat. Maa (Mom) use to do all the hard work, devein it and take the shell out, it is only the delicious juicy flesh that we have to eat. Don’t you think that child hood are the most precious time where we can live a worry free life with two loving angels our Mom And Dad by our side! ………. If I start walking down the memory lanes, I will start missing my Dad so much that tears will drop down in my key board and I will not be able to share a very good recipe of delicious and healthy prawn soup which I prepared a day before, for dinner. No more words but a good healthy delicious prawn soup recipe that is very light and easy – A comfort food for you.


King Prawn   3 to 4 (deveined and peel leaving the tail on)
Bell peppers
red and yellow 4 table spoon finely chopped
Garlic 2 table spoon finely chopped
Corn starch 1 1/2 table spoon
Vegetable oil 2 table spoon
Monosodium glutamine 2 pinch (optional)
Sugar 1/2 teaspoon
Salt and pepper to taste
Lemon 1 juice ( or to taste)
Water or chicken stock 3 cup
Cilantro hand full chopped
Glass noodles 1/2 cup ( cooked as per package instruction)

Today to make the soup I am using a bit different technique . First wash the prawn well then marinate this prawn with salt pepper, lemon juice, a pinch of monosodium glutamine, little bit of sugar and corn starch for 2 to 3 minutes now steam this prawn in a oil brushed steamer for 3 to 4 minutes or till done.
Heat oil on a pan . Give chopped garlic stir add the chopped bell pepper. Stir and then pour the stock . Let it boil . Season it with salt and pepper , sugar and pinch of monosodium glutamine and chopped cilantro. Now take a small bowl mix cornstarch with 4 table spoon of soup that you are cooking , let it mix well otherwise it will form lumps , then pour it in the soup. Let it boil for another 2 minutes then add lemon juice. Put off the flame . Now in individual soup bowl place the cooked glass noodles then the steamed prawn and now ladle the soup. Serve immediately. Your delicious prawn soup is ready. I hope you will like this healthy soup recipe.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
http://www.theworldwidegourmet.com- image source


Jumat, 03 September 2010

Delicious Chicken Parmigiana

This weekend I thought why not try out some delicious Italian dish. So for weekend I am cooking Chicken Parmigiana, which I have cooked number of times and every time I make this I get heart felt compliments. This is embarrassingly easy(ha ha) ,and very very tasty dish.I am giving you the most simple way to make Italian Chicken Parmigiana. I hope you too will get bag full of compliments from your family and friends when you serve Chicken Parmigiana with your special touch!


Chicken breast  2 skinless and boneless
Egg 1 (beaten)
Flour 1/2 cup
Dry bread crumbs 1 cup
Parmesan cheese 2 table spoon
Mozzarella 1/2 cup shredded
Dry basil 1/4 teaspoon
Dry oregano 1/4 teaspoon
Fresh parsley 1 table spoon chopped
Spaghetti sauce/tomato sauce 1 cup
Salt and pepper to taste

Take three bowl. In one take the flour, one another beat the egg and on the third bowl mix bread crumb with salt pepper,basil,oregano and parmesan cheese.Now take the chicken breast well coat them in flour shed off any excess flour. Now dip this chicken breast in beaten egg make sure to cover it well in egg and then drop it in seasoned bread crumbs.Now lightly grease a medium baking sheet. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Now place the coated chicken breast in a preheated oven and cook for 30 to 40 minutes or till done. After this take the chicken out from oven . Then on a baking dish spread ½ spaghetti sauce and then above it place the cooked chicken and then above it pour and spread the rest of the sauce(if you want to use less sauce then only pour sauce above the cooked chicken and don’t spread it on the base) . Now sprinkle mozzarella (use more or less according to your choice) and chopped parsley on top and return to the pre heated oven for 10 to 15 minutes or until the cheese is completely melted. Your yummy, cheesy, delicious mouthwatering Chicken Parmigiana is ready to serve. What more can I say than -I’m lovin it!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
http://www.alligatorcards.com/- image source


Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Spicy Puffed Rice

Let me share with you today a very delicious and yummy snack from India and this is one of my favorite, spicy puffed rice. Puffed rice is used extensively as an all time snack in various parts of India.But the taste always differ due to the use of local spices. This is the sole reason you get to tatse different type of spicy puffed rice with different names in each region. In my college days street vendors outside my college use to sell this delicious spicy puffed rice locally known in our part as ( jhaal muri). Though today I prepare it in the most hygienic way but I must admit that the spicy puffed rice made by those street vendors are more yummy. Till today there are various street joints selling only such puffed rice, are the most crowd puller during lunch break or after office. The reasons are- it wil never hard hit your pocket, too tasty and light and a guilt free snack. You can have it anytime, I assure it will not affect your diet plan.


Puffed rice    6 cups
Red onion 1 finely chopped
Green chilly 1 finely chopped
Chopped coconut pieces 1/2 table spoon (optional)
Roasted peanut 3 table spoon
Boiled potato 2 table spoon(very small cubes )
Cucumber 1 table spoon finely chopped
Tomatoes (deseeded) 1/2 table spoon chopped
Dry roasted coriander powder 1/2 teaspoon
Fresh cliantro 1 table spoon finely chopped
Lemon juice 1 table spoon
Fried small chicken cubes 2 table spoon (optional)
Raisin few (6 to 10)
Mustard oil/ vegetable oil 1 teaspoon
Salt and pepper to taste

Take a big bowl and in it take all the ingredients except puffed rice and roasted peanut. I use mustard oil but for some the taste may be too stong so you can use vegetable oil. Mix well. Now add the crisp puffed rice and peanuts.Mix well and serve immediately. Take hand full of spicy puffed rice open your mouth and munch, this is the best way to have it. Happy snacking!

Few of my friends are having difficulty to understand the method so here is the video which will help you to understand better. The video is in Indian language but the subtitle will make it easier for you. This is the authentic way of preparing spicy puffed rice (jhaal muri)but my recipe is bit different from that shown on the video but I just want to show you the procedure and mainly the puffed rice-

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
sailusfood.com- image source


Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Healthy Cucumber Salad

Everyone who visit my site regularly know that I love salads. After a gap of one week I promised that I will come up with something very delicious . Now this salad recipe is one such delicious and healthy recipe that I think will keep my promise.So don’t wait, try this healthy cucumber salad.

Plain yogurt  2 cup
Fresh dill 1 table spoon finely snipped
Garlic clove 2 chopped and crushed
Cucumber 1 peeled and diced
Green peas ¼ cup (blanched)
Onion 1 finely sliced
Fresh cherry tomatoes 2 to 3 diced
Chopped salted pistachio nuts 1/4 cup
Parsley sprigs 3 to 4
Lemon juice 1 teaspoon
Sugar 1 teaspoon (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste

Take a bowl and put  yogurt, dill ( if you don’t get the fresh one use one teaspoon of ground dry dill), garlic, salt, pepper, sugar ( if you are using it) in it . Mix well so that the texture become smooth and creamy. Cover and refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours . Now before serving mix the diced cucumber, peas, sliced onion and lemon juice. Now place the mixture in a serving bowl or you can use individual serving glass. Garnish with diced cherry tomatoes and chopped salted pistachio and sprigs of parsley. Your delicious healthy salad is ready to serve. Relish this healthy cucumber salad and  let me know that how well I kept my promise!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.

http://cookandbemerry.com -image source


Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

One Lovely Blog Award

Ralph Marston –“Rest when you’re weary, refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit, Then get back to work.” This is the message of Almighty for me this week as I was not well due to viral fever and too frustrated seeing the whole lot of unfinished works to do. Later realize that sometimes it’s good to listen to our body and slow down, it rejuvenate not only body but also our soul and by the grace of God now I am perfectly OK.
Now to celebrate this time let me share with you – ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD – from dear friend of mine Sheila Micken, who will show you effective ways to reform yourself. Do visit her excellent blog Reforming U. Sheila thanks a lot, I am honored ! Now with this award there are few more things to share -

1- Thank (the awarder)
2 - Link (to the awarder's page)
3 - Write 7 Things About You
4 - Pass on the Award to 9 Bloggers

Now seven random facts about me!

1.I am getting immense pleasure seeing those coconut tree leaves shivering in the light blue bed of white clouds.
2. Sounds of birds early morning is something that soothe my soul.
3. Worship music, flute music are on my top list.
4. 60 second of absolute silence is my new stress buster technique.
5. I am glad to finally convince few friends of mine about their diet and lifestyle modification, after all who don’t want  her freinds to remain happy and healthy.
6.Trying to clear the clutter within and around, it brings lot of fresh energy.
Last but not the least
7. My hobby to collect quotes give birth to my new blog Quotes For All, now I am happy to share my collection with everyone .

I have bored you a lot but now it’s time to share this award with some brilliant food bloggers, they not only create delicious mouthwatering dishes but they are close to heart friend and precious gems of my treasure box.!


Love you all !

Next week I will be coming up with some delicious recipe so keep visiting!
Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
http://mysuperchargedlife.com-image source