Jumat, 19 November 2010

Mulled Apple Cider

Mulled apple cider is one of my favorite warm up drink in winter, not because it is absolutely delicious but with it every sip I remember those colorful school days when we bunch of friends use to sit in our favorite roof top joints in a friends place and her Mom make this delicious spicy apple cider for us. I still remember how some of my friends shared stories about their secret crush and sobbed when they lost them you know why………… because all happen from 5th floor roof top and those poor handsome guys crossing roads never get to know that from such grand hill top there are sweeties and cuties pouring their heart out!...... sound hilarious yes they are like that but fortunately all those crazy girls get their Mr. Perfect and are happily married! Some of them are out of contact and I don’t know where on earth they are but till today in a chilled winter night whenever I make a mug of this apple cider for me and sit in my balcony watch the night sky I remember those moments even though those memories gift me wet eyelids ! Ok now I want to stop this emo journey and give you this delicious soul soother Mulled Apple Cider recipe. I am sure if you shared it with your loved ones in a chilled winter there will be some stories that you will love to remember!

Apple cider    4 cups
Cinnamon sticks 1/2
Nutmeg 1/4 tea spoon
Clove 1
Lemon juice 2 table spoon
Orange zest 1 table spoon
Brown sugar 3 table spoon (more or less to taste)


Place apple cider in a medium sauce pan in a slow flame. Add all the other ingredients except lemon juice and orange zest. Let it simmer half covered for 15 to 20 minutes in a very low flame. Within this time all the spices will mingle well to give you that everlasting refreshing aroma. Then add the orange zest and the lemon juice and put off the flame and cover it for a minute. Strain it through a fine mesh strainer and serve hot with a cinnamon stick and a spiral fresh orange rind- these is a simple garnish tip you may use or may not . To mull something generally means to spice and heat it so now you know why this is called Mulled apple cider. Relax and sip this delicious perfect fall drink.
Have A Lovely Weekend!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.

abcdlady.com- image source


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