Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Mixed Fruit Ice cream

It’s hot and we all want to relish cream of ice…. but what if your waistline scream and say no way, your jeans and skin tights dresses look at you with tears in their colorful eyes and say no dear don’t do this to us …you cannot give us a lifelong exile! (haha) What to do in such situation when you want to stay in perfect shape yet have a healthy heart warming ice cream treat……yes this mixed fruit ice cream can be your choice! Have a look
Mango     1/2  cup cubed
Ripe papaya 1/2 cubed (skinned and deseeded)
Lychee fruits 4 to 6 skinned
Grapes 6 to 8
Cherry few
Lemon juice few drops
Ginger juice few drops(optional)
Vanilla ice cream 1 scoop ( for each serving)
Salt and crushed pepper just a pinch
Grated chocolate for garnish


Take a martini glass or any glass of your choice and then put all the fruits , (you can choose your favorite fruits) then sprinkle salt and crushed pepper and lemon juice and ginger juice, if using. Then top with a scoop of ice cream (I must admit mine was not a picture perfect scoop as my ice cream started melting while I was taking the shot any way I hope you get the right one). Now garnish this mixed fruit ice cream with grated chocolates and relish a guilt free ice cream treat.This mixed fruits ice cream is a beautiful delicious dessert during summer and one scoop of ice cream will not do any severe harm to your health if you are not in a very strict diet.So enjoy!

I am linking this to “ Letz Relishh…Ice Creams “

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Fruity Nutty Tangy Snacks

This Friday I inivited few of my friend to my place and as you know when friends meets it is the most informal gathering of its type. As the temparature in my place is rising up everyday so I thought why not serve something light and delicious so I make some awesome finger foods for them , I prepare few batches of Fruity Nutty Tangy snacks and Mexican style pinwheel sandwhich and a delicious cool fruit punch. I will share all the recipes with you starting with fruity nutty snacks.I am sure you will love this bite size pieces. This are not intended to fill anyone up but to pep up the stimulating conversation in your party.
For one batch
Round crispy salty snacks 10
Small cheese slice 10
Almond 10 (dry roasted)
Grapes 10 (slit the head portion )
Onion 2 table spoon finely chopped
Red and yellow bell pepper 2 table spoon finely chopped
Olive oil/vegetable oil 1/2 teaspoon
Salt and pepper a small pinch
Fresh mint leaves 10

Tamarind Dates chutney
Tamarind pulp 1 small cup
Deseed date paste 1 table spoon
Ginger juice 1/2 teaspoon
Caynenne powder a pinch
Black pepper a pinch
Sugar 2 heaping tablespoon
Salt to taste
Vegetable oil 1 teaspoon


For Tamarind Dates chutney:
Soak fresh tamarind 1 small cup in warm water for half an hour, mash tamarind in water with hand or help of a flat spoon thoroughly. Sieve and drain the water and pulp with help of big net strainer.Now with it mix all the chutney ingredients then boil it for 3 to 4 minutes until the sugar(if you want it to be more sweet then you can add little more to your taste) get melted and it gets thick. Cool on room temperature and store in fridge for later use.
Now in a pan take half teaspoon of oil and saute onion and the bell peppers with a little pinch of salt and pepper for just a few second and then put off the flame.Now take the buiscuits put cheese slice on it then place sauteed onion and pepper and then place grapes and toasted almond on it and then drip the adrop or two of the chutney above it and place the mint leaves. Then make your mouth wide open and just put the whole thing and munch. The sweet and salty cheesy nutty juicy munch is a real experience to savour. This finger food is very quick to make if you have some prior preparation. A quick tip – if you don’t have the time to make tamarind chutney then you can drip tomoto sauce or any sauce or chutney of your choice or that is handy and let me know how it goes with it. This can be a great snacks for any party and I am sure your guest will enjoy. Have fun!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Delicious Rotelle Pasta With Mint Pesto And Soft Boiled Eggs

If you want some familiar ingredients with a different taste then this recipe is something you must give a try.Your favorite rotelle pasta with a bit different pesto paired with soft boiled eggs gives a touch of sophistication and delcious taste. This pasta is healthy as I am not using any kind of butter or mayo so it can be a choice for all those weight watcher.The key is to prepare simple, wholesome ingredients in a flwaless way to enhance their qualities and mix. It takes 10 to 15 minutes to prepare and is an absolute crowd pleaser.

Rotelle pasta 1 bowl  cooked 
Red and yellow bell pepper 1/2 cup diced
Onion 1 diced
Egg 1 soft boiled
Cheese 1 tablespoon grated (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste
Olive oil/ vegetable oil – 2 table spoon
For Mint Pesto Sauce
Fresh cliantro handfull
Fresh mint leaves handfull
Garlic 5 to 6 cloves
Tomato ketchup 1 1/2 tablespoon
Sugar a pinch (optional)
Olive oil /vegetable oil 1 tea spoon
Salt and pepper to taste


In large pot of boiling water, cook rotella pasta according to package directions. Drain, rinse with cold water, and drain again. Now In a blender put all the mint pesto sauce ingredients and blend well.Make a smooth mixture and keep aside.
In a frying pan heat 2 table spoon oil now add the bell pepepr and onion stir until the onions are transparent now add the cooked pasta and the mint pesto sauce . Toss well, then adjust seasoning and put off the flame.Place it on a serving plate.Now pair it with a perfect soft boiled egg, silky whites, gentely giving way to warm yolky goodness….oooh! It’s awesome . To make it more appleaing sprinkle your favorite cheese and your are done with a delicious tasty healthy rotella pasta. Serve hot and this easy Rotelle pasta is for anytime.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Spicy Mango with Cayenne and Lime

A delicious street food spicy mango is what I am sharing with you today. A fabu little dish perfect for beating the heat, it also meet all my recipe requirements :simple, easy, quick and tasty. Those who have travelled to Guatemala, Mexico or even Los Angeles have probably been tempted by this snacks on street’s vendors cart .A simple snacks using mango, lime and cayenne. The cayenne and the lime heighten the tanginess and even the dullest a mango taste awesome.
A little naughty cruel tip …. if you want to teach somebody a good lesson on dance then sprinkle bit more cayenne and you can watch a live dance reality show in your dinning room …….. free of cost (hahaha)!
Ripe Mango             2 peeled and cut into thick strips
Cayenne powder 1 pinch or to taste
Salt 1 small pinch(optional)
Lime wedge 1
Fresh coriander leaves few finely chopped


Simply cut mangoes ( it’s better to take chilled ) into thick strips. Sprinkle with a dusting of cayenne pepper , to your taste and a small pinch of salt (optional) and freshly and finely chopped coriander. Now squeeze a lime wedge over the mango. The mango is sweet lime is tangy while the cayenne powder gives the perfect kick that makes this dish mouthwatering. This weekend enjoy this spicy mango with your friend and family.You can serve spicy mango as snacks , side dish or even as a dessert. I am sure you will like this simple yet awesome dish.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Delicious Saluyot (Jute Leaves) Fritters

Friend today I will share with you a very delicious but uncommon fritters recipe with you. Yes today a unique awesome fritters with Saluyot that is jute leaves. If saluyot is not very known to you then visit any (specially the Asian ) farmers market and you’ll notice stand after stand filled with bundles of leaves from their you can easily choose sluyot or jute leaves. Look for the fresh, green, smiling leaves. What is in saluyot(jute leaves) that should merit your attention? Firstly, it is rich in beta-carotene for good eyesight, iron for healthy red blood cells, calcium for strong bones and teeth, and vitamin C for smooth, clear skin, strong immune cells, and fast wound healing. In other words, saluyot is a nourishing green leafy vegetable. A very delicious and easy recipe just for you.
Fresh saluyot       4 cups coarsely chopped
All purpose flour 1/ 2 cup
Rice flour 1/4 cup
Baking powder 1/8 teaspoon
Sugar 11/2 table spoon
Salt and pepper to taste
Vegetable oil for deep frying
Choose only the fresh leaves and wash them well. Now chop them coarsely. Take the leaves in a bowl, add all the ingredients. Mix well. Add a little water if needed to make a thick batter. Now heat oil in a frying pan scoop up a table spoon of batter and put to fry in the hot oil. Remove when nicely done, it will turn bit black when deep fried but make sure you don’t burn the fritters to make it black (haha just kidding).Drain thoroughly, and place on absorbent paper. Serve hot. You can have it with any mustard sauce but I love to have it with mango mustard sauce you can get the recipe here. I hope you will try this delicious saluyot(jute leaves) fritters and love it too.

This recipe in my city is called pattpater bora (means jute leaves fritters) like this you may also have many delicious cuisine from your city, that is your cities signature dish, it’s time to share them-

MyCityCuisine is a wiki project. Its goal is to help travelers discover the local food from around the world. Traveler visiting to foreign countries many a times want to taste local foods as foods are integral part of local culture . Till now there was no single comprehensive source providing this particular information for cities around the world.

“What should I order?”, an inevitable question faced by all travelers sitting in a restaurant, in a foreign country. MyCityCuisine is a project to create a free, reliable and up-to-date guide to the most original and tasty local foods from different countries of the world. This is an open project, so we encourage everyone to contribute to it.”

Dear Foodies I am sure some of you will be interested in helping add to this free resource, so don’t wait to make your city proud.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Delicious Quick Chicken Soup

Since childhood I have tasted many version of chicken soup and every time I am impressed with each style of cooking. But as you know I always try to find out the super easy way to make something delicious. This Friday I try out the most easy and delicious way of cooking chicken soup and I hope you like this easy ,quick, comfy and healthy chicken soup.

Chicken     300 gm(with bone or boneless)
Potato 4 to 6 big chunks
Raw papaya (skinned and deseeded) 6 to 8 big chunks
Carrots 6 to 8 big chunks
Tomato 2 small cut into halves
Onion 1 big cut into four halves
Garlic 6 to 8 cloves
Ginger 1 tea spoon grated
Green chilly 1 chopped (optional)
Bay leaves 2
Cardamom and cinnamon powder 1 pinch each
Chicken seasoning cube 1
Sugar 1/2 tea spoon
Salt and pepper to taste
Fresh coriander leaf hand full chopped
Lemon wedge 1
Butter/ diet butter 1 teaspoon (optional)
Water 5 cups


Take a pan a put all the ingredients in it except butter and lemon wedge. Now cook for 30 minutes or until the chicken is done. Add butter if you want, then garnish it with lemon wedge . Serve hot.Your delicious comfy chicken soup is ready to relish. Now relish this quick comfy chicken soup.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Broiled Trout with Lemon Oil & Oven-Grilled Vegetables

                                                   Photo credit goes to CanolaInfo

It’s summer and carving for fresh and healthy food is more than ever, on the top of the list is fish. When we cook fish in summer , we like to keep it simple. The flavorful recipe which I am sharing with you today is a nutritional power house. This recipe is from “Go Fish with Canola Oil” series of Carla Hall, finalist on “Top Chef,” Seasons 5 and 8. In the recipe the oil used is canola which plays an important role in human nutrient; it contains the lowest level of saturated fatty acids of any vegetable oil. It is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels, and has moderate levels of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is also a rich source of vitamin E. Like all vegetable oils, canola oil is cholesterol- free. Trout Fish the main ingredients is an excellent source of protein and rich sources of certain polyunsaturated fats known as omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids. These fatty acids cannot be manufactured by the body and have to be obtained from food. There is numerous health benefit of consuming oily fish but there should be limitation on amount of fish we should consume per week. One portion of oily fish a week, with one portion being the equivalent to 140g or 5oz is just fine. Now have a look to this delicious recipe.
The star of this recipe is delicious lemon canola oil, which should be a staple in any pantry. It may be used on fish, in salad dressings, on roasted vegetables and just about anywhere you would use canola oil. Here, it makes this simply prepared broiled trout with vegetables a healthy and tasty weekday meal.

Lemon Oil 
Canola oil 1 Cup (250ml)
Lemon zest 2 table spoon (30ml)

Zucchini 2 small cut in half lengthwise,
then cut into 1/4-inch (0.5-mm) thick diagonal pieces
Grape Tomato 1 pint
Red Onion 1 medium cut in half and
thinly sliced into half moons
Garlic cloves 4 peeled and smashed
Rosemary 2 sprigs
Balsamic vinegar 1 table spoon (15ml)
Lemon oil 2 table spoon (30 ml)
Salt 1/2 tea spoon (2ml)
Freshly ground pepper 1/2 teaspoon (2ml)

Rainbow Trout fillets 4 (6 oz/170 g each), skin removed
Lemon oil 2 tea spoon (10ml)
Fresh rosemary 4 sprigs, 2 inches (5 cm) long
Freshly ground pepper 1/2 teaspoon (2ml)

Lemon wedges for garnishing


In blender, combine canola oil and lemon zest. Process until smooth, then strain through fine mesh strainer. Store in refrigerator in airtight container or covered jar for 1-2 days. Preheat broiler. In large bowl, combine zucchini, grape tomatoes, red onion, garlic and rosemary. Drizzle vegetable mixture with balsamic vinegar and lemon oil. Toss, and then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Spread vegetables in single layer on baking sheet and place 4 inches under broiler for 10 minutes or until vegetables are tender crisp and browned. Halfway through cooking time, toss vegetables.
 While vegetables are cooking, prepare baking sheet with foil and canola oil cooking spray. Place trout on prepared baking sheet. Sprinkle both sides with pepper and place rosemary sprig under each fillet. Drizzle each fillet with 1/2 tsp (2 mL) lemon oil. Place fish under broiler for 7-8 minutes or until fish is opaque and flaky. Carefully lift trout from pan with spatula and serve with vegetables. Your delicious fish is ready to serve and now prepare yourself for something that is what we all want, food that we’ve made with love and gets loved in return.

That’s what Carla's expression when she first met me ………in my dreams (ha haha ) Can you guess what was she thinking... Hootie Hoo!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Delicious Western Omelette for Mother’s Day

                              Wish You all A Very Happy Mother’s Day.

The first thing that come to mind when I talk about Mother’s is- “A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.”
Yes that’s Maa (Mother) for me and my big brother. After spending happy childhood years & early youth when suddenly my father passed away we have to face every odds of life but it is she who always provide us the strength, hope and love silently so that we both can move forward and came out as winners. A day is not sufficient to say that- “Maa we love you, but if we dedicate this life and few more life in your service then also we cannot repay a single moment of unconditional love and care that you have shower upon us.In our daily worry and hurry may be we forget to tell that how precious you are for us, so this special day is tell you -Maa, I love you so much, I thank God for you. Happy Mother's Day each day of the whole year through and may everyone have someone to love as warm and kind as you.” Simple little things please her so my Bro and I thought to prepare a quick delicious and healthy breakfast for her today . We prepare Western omelette the most delectable breakfast of all time and it turned out great and the most pleasing part is Maa loved it a lot. So today let me share with you the delicious recipe of western omelette.
Egg                  3 large
Minced chicken/ham ¼ cup
Milk 2 tea spoon
Green bell pepper 2 table spoon chopped
Tomato 2 table spoon chopped
Fresh Ginger 1/4 tea spoon chopped(optional)
Onion 1 chopped
Grated cheese 4 table spoon
Salt and pepper to taste
Butter / diet butter 11/2 table spoon
Dill leaves few for garnish


In a skillet take half tea spoon of butter and saute the ham or chicken (whatever you are using) minced with little bit of salt and pepper . In a bowl beat egg, milk, tomato, ginger, onion, green bell pepper, sautéed ham/ chicken( I use chicken as Maa is not fond of ham), 2 table spoon of grated cheese salt and pepper. In skillet melt butter. Pour the mixture into hot skillet. Cook evenly and turn and cook other side. Sprinkle grated cheese on the hot omellete and let it melt a bit then garnish with dill leaves. Serve while still somewhat moist and creamy . For a lovely breakfast serve this western omellete with toast or pancakes with some fresh fruits.
I hope this is a sweet, salty, peppery, cheesy, buttery,delicious way to say Mom we care.

May all Mom’s and their children remain happy and healthy always.

                                    Happy Mother’s Day.


Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Minty Mango Mocktail

It’s summer and for me a perfect time to have mangoes in whatever form and shape it is available . It’s true that this fruit have eye applealing vibrant color and mouthwatering taste but mangoes are full packed with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants and contain like all fruits very few proteins, fats and calories. They are perfect to replenish salts, vitamins and energy after physical exercise. With all it’s health benefit in mind , it’s time for me the mixologist to mix the flavor and taste of mine to make a drink that all will love to have. Have a look to my Minty Mango Mocktail the most delectable M3.
Mint leaves  8 to  10
Mango juice 1/2 cup
Club soda 1/2 cup
Ginger juice few drops
Salt and caster sugar very small pinch
Lime wedge 2
Ice handful
Muddle mint leaves with mango juice in a tall glass. Add handfull of ice and club soda add few drops fof ginger juice pinch of salt and caster sugar. Squeeze one lime juice into the glass and garnish with the other . Now this is the basic Minty Mango Mocktail of mine now it’s up to you too add ingredients more or less according to your choice. Your delicious Minty Mango Mocktail which I call awesome M3 is ready to sip. This is good for any summer party.

I am submitting  to Coolers and Mocktails event by Pari hosted by

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Delicious Spicy Okra- Indian Style

Today I want to reveal in front of you a great secret which was never told to us for ages and today certainly I stumble upon this miraculous fact. Yes my dear friend I am going to tell you the secret of eternal beauty…… do I sound like Rhonda (haha)….don’t get afraid dear just keep reading. Jokes apart but the truth according to historical record was that world’s two most beautiful lady Cleopatra of Egypt and Yang Guifei of China loved to eat okra as okra protects you from pimples and maintains smooth and beautiful skin. I know that okra has many health benefits like it is rich in vitamins A and C and is a good source of iron and calcium. It also contains starch, fat, ash, thiamine and riboflavin but truly speaking none catch my attention than the beauty part. So I waste not a single minute to cook a delicious okra dish for myself and for you all so that one day we can all proudly say to this world that Cleopatra’s are not born they are made from our kitchen (haha)!

Okra           12 to 15 head and tail off
Garlic 2 clove crushed
Tomatoes 2 ripe chopped
Potato 1 large cut into strips
Coriander powder 1 teaspoon
Turmeric powder 1/2 teaspoon
Cyannene powder 1/2 teaspoon (optional)
Whole fenugreek seed 1/4 teaspoon
Vegetable oil 3 table spoon
Salt and pepper to taste
Sugar 1/8 tea spoon
Water 1/2 cup
Lemon juice 2 tea spoon
Fresh cliantro handful chopped


Wash and peel the potatoes. Slice the potatoes lengthwise and cross wise 1/4 inch thick strips. Wash and dry okra and make a slight slit length wise.
Now put the frying pan on heat and add oil in it. Heat oil then add the fenugreek seed as it starts to splutter and the crushed garlic stir and then add the potatoes , okra tomatoes coriander powder, turmeric powder, cyannene powder, salt and pepper . Stir the whole things well for 3 to 4 minutes carefully . Now add water mix well and cover the lid of the pan for 5 minutes on a medium flame. Open the lid and see that whether the potatoes and the okra are well cooked or not, if done then cook it for another 2 minutes till it’s almost dry. Now add the lemon juice and garnish with coriander leaves. Cooking okra in this style minimizes the “slime” factor that people associates with okra. You can have this with breads and steamed rice and I am sure you will like this spicy dose of beauty.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.