Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Delicious Spicy Okra- Indian Style

Today I want to reveal in front of you a great secret which was never told to us for ages and today certainly I stumble upon this miraculous fact. Yes my dear friend I am going to tell you the secret of eternal beauty…… do I sound like Rhonda (haha)….don’t get afraid dear just keep reading. Jokes apart but the truth according to historical record was that world’s two most beautiful lady Cleopatra of Egypt and Yang Guifei of China loved to eat okra as okra protects you from pimples and maintains smooth and beautiful skin. I know that okra has many health benefits like it is rich in vitamins A and C and is a good source of iron and calcium. It also contains starch, fat, ash, thiamine and riboflavin but truly speaking none catch my attention than the beauty part. So I waste not a single minute to cook a delicious okra dish for myself and for you all so that one day we can all proudly say to this world that Cleopatra’s are not born they are made from our kitchen (haha)!

Okra           12 to 15 head and tail off
Garlic 2 clove crushed
Tomatoes 2 ripe chopped
Potato 1 large cut into strips
Coriander powder 1 teaspoon
Turmeric powder 1/2 teaspoon
Cyannene powder 1/2 teaspoon (optional)
Whole fenugreek seed 1/4 teaspoon
Vegetable oil 3 table spoon
Salt and pepper to taste
Sugar 1/8 tea spoon
Water 1/2 cup
Lemon juice 2 tea spoon
Fresh cliantro handful chopped


Wash and peel the potatoes. Slice the potatoes lengthwise and cross wise 1/4 inch thick strips. Wash and dry okra and make a slight slit length wise.
Now put the frying pan on heat and add oil in it. Heat oil then add the fenugreek seed as it starts to splutter and the crushed garlic stir and then add the potatoes , okra tomatoes coriander powder, turmeric powder, cyannene powder, salt and pepper . Stir the whole things well for 3 to 4 minutes carefully . Now add water mix well and cover the lid of the pan for 5 minutes on a medium flame. Open the lid and see that whether the potatoes and the okra are well cooked or not, if done then cook it for another 2 minutes till it’s almost dry. Now add the lemon juice and garnish with coriander leaves. Cooking okra in this style minimizes the “slime” factor that people associates with okra. You can have this with breads and steamed rice and I am sure you will like this spicy dose of beauty.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


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