Kamis, 27 Mei 2010


I think smoked seafood go best with avacado mostly salmon. Though few of my friend say they can never explain the subtle tatse of avacado but for me it is a creamy buttery fruit that is absolutely great for summer. So I try this wonderful smoked salmon and avacado summer salad.

Avacado     1 ripe but not too soft
Ripe cherry tomatoes 100g
Red oinion 1 thinly sliced
Smoked salmon 250g cubed
Pink grape fruit 3 to 4 section from the whole
Lettuce leaf 3 to 4(optional)
Parsley leaf few chopped
Olive oil 4 table spoon
White Vinegar 1 table spoon
Lemon juice 1 table spoon
Sugar ½ teaspoon
Salt and pepper to taste

Wash and peel the avacado and quarter it. Cut it into 1cm-wide strips and then into similar-sized cubes.Cut the cherry tomatoes into half .Take all the dressing ingredients in a bowl and mix well.Toss avacado slices with lemon juice. Arrange the avacado, pink grapefruit in lettuce leaves and chill it for 2 to 3 hours. Now arrange cheery tomatoes and thinly sliced onion and cube or thin slices of smoked salmon.then pour the dressing over it. Toss well. Garnish with parsley.You can serve immediately or refregirator for 10 15 minutes before serving that’s upto you how you like to have it.
Your fresh cool somked salmon and avacado summer salad is redy to cherish. I hope you will like  this healthy salad..

http://www.smh.com.au image source

Minggu, 23 Mei 2010


For  weekend special lunch Ma (Mother) cook prawn in mango mustard sauce, a delicious recipe for all of us. When Ma cooks anything it taste awesome but this simple recipe break all the records for its soothing summery taste. I want to share this simple yet elegant recipe with you all and I am sure this will be in your fav list soon. This is a traditional Indian recipe so I will give you the ingredients that are traditionally used, so that you get   the authentic taste.

Jumbo prawn     2 to 3 deveined
or medium size 6 to 8
Turmeric powder 1/8 teaspoon
Mustard paste 2 table spoon
Raw mango pulp 3 to 4 table spoon
Green chilly 2 to 3 cut in halves lengthwise
Coconut milk 1/2 cup
Mustard oil 1 1/2 table spoon
Sugar 1/4 teaspoon
Salt according to taste


Take the clean and deveined prawn and marinate with salt and turmeric powder. Sauté this prawn for 1 minute in 1/2 table spoon of oil(if mustard oil is not available or you don’t like the a taste you can use any vegetable oil) and keep aside. Now take another pan pour 1 table spoon of oil. Let it warm then give mustard paste dilute it in water. Stir then add the raw mango pulp. Stir for one minute then add salt, sugar and green chili and the sautéed fish. Mix well. Cover it with lid. Let it reduce a little then add coconut milk. Let it cook for 1 to 2 minutes and your prawn in mango mustard sauce is ready to serve. This prawn in mango mustard sauce goes best with steamed basmati rice. Raw mango pulp gives a sour taste to this sauce which gives perfect taste relief in a hot summer day. So have it and love it.

Enjoy A Happy Healthy Weekend.

http://www.shesellsseafood.com.au/catalog/images/prawn%20curry.jpg -image source


Senin, 17 Mei 2010


Those of you who regularly visit Mexican restaurant for them horchata (or-Cha-tah)is a common name but for those who haven’t heard about horchata this may seem little bizarre. Horchata is atop favorite Mexican drink. It does soothe the soul and tongue in this hot summer days. A milky looking drink horchata is actually made from rice and flavored with cinnamon . So what you are waiting try out this chilled traditional Mexican drink and enjoy!

Rice         2 cup
Water 6 cup
Cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon
Sugar 1/3 cup
Almond 1/2 cup blanched
Lemon juice of 1/2 lemon
Nutmeg powder 2 pinch
Salt a pinch
In a blender, grind the rice for 2 to 3 minutes. Now take it in bowl soak it in 3 cups of water. Cover it loosely and let it sit for overnight in the refrigerator. Now take the soaked rice and the soaked water in the blender with almond and cinnamon for 2 to 3 minutes. Strain into a pitcher through a fine-meshed sieve or several layers of cheesecloth. There should be no grit or large particles in the liquid. Then add another 3 cups of water, sugar(you can add more sugar if needed ), lemon juice, pinch of salt and nutmeg powder. Stir very well until the sugar dissolves. Pour the horchata in ice filled glass and serve,  sprinkle little cinnamon powder on top and garnish with lemon rinds or cinnamon stick. I am sure you and all your loved ones will remember this special chilled Mexican treat.



Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Food for Your Heart – Food for Life

Today let me introduce Shannon Wills who have written a wonderful post for all the visitors,friends, followers of Tips For Delicious And Healthy Cooking. My father died due to severe heart attack 10years back so I know only best doctors and good medicine can’t help to cure heart disease you have to look after all parts of your life to keep your heart healthy. This article will inform you how to keep and maintain a healthy heart.Take a look-
It’s the most important organ in our body in that life stops when it does, so why are we not paying more attention to our heart? The leading cause of death in the world is heart disease, yet we fail to look after our hearts as well as we should. We abuse it in its prime, and when it starts to show signs of disrepair and disease, we panic and try to make amends. Instead of waiting till it’s too late, we need to nurture our hearts with food that is healthy, food that will sustain it, and food that will give it a new lease of life even as it starts to age. This includes:
What you eat: We are what we eat; so when you eat junk, your body becomes junk as well. If you care about your heart, you must include in your diet more colorful fruits and green, leafy vegetables, wholegrain items, healthy fats like almonds and other nuts, and cold water fish and other sources of Omega 3 fatty acids like salmon and tuna. Reduce the amount of salt and sugar in your food, and cut down items that are loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol – all fried items are included in this list. Limit carbohydrates to those that digest slowly and do not make your blood sugar fluctuate wildly; and eat limited portions in six meals spaced throughout the day. The wrong kind of food gives rise to cholesterol which clogs your arteries and limits the blood supply to your heart.

What you do:If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you’re feeding your heart the wrong message. Your body becomes obese and your heart has to work harder to sustain its bulk. With no exercise whatsoever, your heart becomes lazy, so even the smallest amount of movement becomes a chore that pushes your heart to the limit. This gives rise to heart disease and other associated ills like diabetes and strokes. So get at least half an hour of exercise every day and lead a more active life if you want to protect your heart.

How you live:And finally, if you want to save your heart, you must lead a stress-free life. The biggest cause of heart disease is stress, so find ways to relax and rejuvenate yourself even if your job or other aspects of your life stress you out. Don’t worry about the things you cannot control, and those that you can, get them done with the least amount of stress.

A vase that is broken can be repaired, but the cracks still show and it is never as strong as it was before; so too, if you let your heart deteriorate and slip into a state of disrepair, it’s never going to be as healthy as it was. Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to heart health, so start today with the right combination of exercise, diet and a stress-free life.

This guest post is contributed by Shannon Wills, she writes on the topic of
Physical Therapy Assistant. She welcomes your comments at her email id: shannonwills23@gmail.com.

Ideas expressed in the above article belongs to the guest author and not of the blog owner and this is a general advice and not a medical advice or substitute.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
http://www.themomcrowd.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/holding-heart-300x249.jpg image source


Minggu, 09 Mei 2010


I think a single day of the year is not sufficient to express gratitude for the unconditional love and care that a Mother gives to her child. I think every Mother is the most beautiful lady in this whole world and looking at my Ma (Mother) I have always felt the truth -A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. ~Washington Irving.
For such a true loving friend my Ma I prepared a delicious classic French dessert Chocolate Marquise. Yes it take little bit time and a lot of patience but it tasted fantastic and it’s well worth the effort for such a special day and for such a special person. I am sure you will like it.
Eggs        5 separated
Sugar 1/2 cup+2 table spoon
Water 1/2 cup
Dark chocolate 300 gram finely chopped
Unsalted Butter 100 gram at room temperature
Heavy cream 1 cup chilled
Loose bottom cake tins
Or small tart pan 12
For Garnish
Strawberries 12 halved
Thickened cream 1 teaspoon for each slice


Whisk egg yolks and 1/4 cup of sugar in a double boiler for about 4 to 5 minutes, until the mixture turn pale yellow and thick and sugar begins to dissolve. Stir in 1/4 cup of water. Continue to whisk vigorously for about 2 to 3 minutes until the mixture is quite thick and foamy. Remove and add chopped chocolate. Stir until the melted. Continue stirring until cool to touch. Stir in softened butter. Set aside. Now in a separate bowl whisk the cream until soft peaks form. Chill in the refrigerator. In a heavy saucepan combine the remaining sugar ( 1/4 cup +2 table spoon) with the remaining ¼ cup of water. Cook over a medium heat, stirring until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is clear. Increase the heat to high and boil without stirring, until it thickens and large bubbles form.Now in a speperate bowl whip egg whites until soft, glossy peak form. With a mixer running, add boiling sugar syrup in a steady stream. Continue whipping till peaks are stiff, but not dry and the mixture feel luke warm to touch. Quickly fold a quarter of beaten whites into the chocolate mixture. Gently fold in the remaining whites in three parts. Don’t over mix. Now gently fold the whipped cream in three parts, until you can no longer see any streaks of white. Transfer the mixture in the cake tin or tart pan. Cover with aluminum foil and free it for 4 to 5 hours. When you serve just garnish it with halved strawberries and thicken cream with a touch of pure love. I think your Mom will love it though not an easy recipe but worth the effort for special occasion like Mother’s Day.

Wish you all A Very Happy Mother’s Day.

http://www.taste.com.au/images/recipes/del/2006/11/14391.jpg image source


Senin, 03 Mei 2010


Once more an easy, tasty and fresh summer salad for you. Chicken coleslaw can be served as main but it is one of the best accompaniment with steamed rice and barbecue ribs. I am sure that if you serve this in your family dinner parties you will get warm reviews because chicken coleslaw is time tested.
Red cabbage 2 cups shredded
Boiled chicken brest  1/2 cup sliced
Onion 1 finely chopped
Carrots 1 finely chopped
Pineapple chunks 1/2 cup
Black grapes few
Diet mayonnaise 3/4 cup (optional)
Cream 1 table spoon (optional)
For Dressings:
Vinegar 2 table spoon
Olive oil 2 table spoon
Mustard powder 1 tea spoon
Sugar 1/4 tea spoon
Salt and Black pepper according to taste

Take all the ingredients for dressing in a glass jar and shake it well so that everything is well blended. Now in a bowl mix cabbage, chicken slices , carrots and onion. Now pour the dressing and refrigerate it for 3 to 4 hours. Now before serving place grapes and pineapple chunks on top and then if you are using mayonnaise and cream or either of the one top the salad with it . Your cool summer chicken coleslaw is ready to serve.


For Chef Mom