Senin, 17 Mei 2010


Those of you who regularly visit Mexican restaurant for them horchata (or-Cha-tah)is a common name but for those who haven’t heard about horchata this may seem little bizarre. Horchata is atop favorite Mexican drink. It does soothe the soul and tongue in this hot summer days. A milky looking drink horchata is actually made from rice and flavored with cinnamon . So what you are waiting try out this chilled traditional Mexican drink and enjoy!

Rice         2 cup
Water 6 cup
Cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon
Sugar 1/3 cup
Almond 1/2 cup blanched
Lemon juice of 1/2 lemon
Nutmeg powder 2 pinch
Salt a pinch
In a blender, grind the rice for 2 to 3 minutes. Now take it in bowl soak it in 3 cups of water. Cover it loosely and let it sit for overnight in the refrigerator. Now take the soaked rice and the soaked water in the blender with almond and cinnamon for 2 to 3 minutes. Strain into a pitcher through a fine-meshed sieve or several layers of cheesecloth. There should be no grit or large particles in the liquid. Then add another 3 cups of water, sugar(you can add more sugar if needed ), lemon juice, pinch of salt and nutmeg powder. Stir very well until the sugar dissolves. Pour the horchata in ice filled glass and serve,  sprinkle little cinnamon powder on top and garnish with lemon rinds or cinnamon stick. I am sure you and all your loved ones will remember this special chilled Mexican treat.



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