Selasa, 02 Maret 2010


In midst of work and day to day worries and hurries I forget that the special spring festival has already knocked the door. Last Sunday is a special day for all the Indian’s all over the world as we celebrate the festival of color and love HOLI. This is a crazy festival where people come together to share the color of love with each other and share free hugs, dance and sing and color each other. This is the most vibrant spring festival of India. There is lot of drinks and sweet served while people enjoy playing with colors. In my house it started from early morning and last till afternoon we all have a great time with our loving family and friends. My Mom prepared a great thirst quencher for us with young coconut water. It is too delicious and healthy. I hope as summer is on the way this coconut thirst quencher can be a great choice for you too.
Water of young coconut      4
Honey 4 table spoon
Lemon juice 2 table spoon
Small cardamom powder 2 to 3 pinch
Grated coconut 1table spoon
Ice cube few

Take a high ball glass( if you can get fresh young coconut then it is too good otherwise use the packaged water) then pour the water in it. Add a table spoon of honey,1/2 table spoon of lemon juice and a pinch of cardamom powder mix well. Sprinkle grated coconut. Now serve chilled with ice cube.

A glance of the festival HOLI!



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