Minggu, 14 Maret 2010


This is a very healthy and soul soothing soup. If you just want to relax this weekend and want some thing fresh yet delicious then this is one soup you can rely on. For me this soup is for lazy Sunday’s when I don’t feel to cook yet want to satisfy my taste bud with something delicious. I think you will like this carrot coriander soup.
Carrot paste        1 cup
Dried Bay leaves 1
Onion 1 chopped
Spring onion 1/2 cup chopped
Butter /diet butter 1 table spoon
Water 4 cup
Fresh Coriander handful chopped
Sugar 2 pinch
Salt and pepper according to taste


Take a pan and place it on flame. Add a table spoon of butter in it. As the butter starts to melt add chopped onion and spring onion. Stir it for 2 minutes then add a cup of carrot paste stir well. Then add water, you can add more or less as per your wish. Then adjust the seasoning adding salt and pepper. Let it boil. Cook for 5 minutes. After that put off the flame and strain the soup with a strainer. Then again put the soup mixture on flame let it warm up and now it’s time to add the freshly chopped coriander leaves. Mix well. Your delicious carrot coriander soup is ready to serve.


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