Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010


This was a busy week for me, I have to finish lots of my pending work. Now I am free and want to enjoy my weekend to its fullest.
For last few days I haven’t cooked one of my favorite tuna fish. So I thought why not enjoy this weekend nights with delicious grilled tuna. I am having it with pita bread salad. I will share that pita bread salad recipe in my coming post but for today enjoy this grilled tuna recipe. I am sure you will love to have it.


Tuna steaks           4
Lemon juice 1 whole
Anchovy paste 2 tea spoon
Tomato paste 2 teaspoon
Red chili flakes 1/2 teaspoon
Garlic paste 2 teaspoon
Ginger paste 1 tea spoon
Finely chopped fresh
mint leaves handful
Olive oil 6 to 7 table spoon
Salt and pepper according to taste

Take bowl and mix all the above ingredients in it except the tuna fish steaks. Cover the mixture for 1 to 2 minutes so that all the flavors get well blended. Now marinate the tuna fish with this prepared spice mixture for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Grill on preheated grill. Baste while cooking and turn once. Cook about 4 to 5 minutes each side. Serve it with your favorite salad. Though I will have it with pita bread salad but some more simple serving suggestion are giving sundried tomato, rings of onions and sautéed boiled vegetable as accompaniment.
Have it the way you like!


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