Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010


For many days I just want to take a day off from cooked food and go raw. This helps a lot to detoxify and give a healthy and refreshed feeling. So I thought today is the best day when I am feeling bit lazy let feast with green salads and fresh juices. I pick my favorite carrot juice with a twist in the taste. I love my experiment I hope you all will like it too. So enjoy sip by sip this delicious carrot concoction!
Carrot          4
Apple 1 large pink
Ginger ¼ inch piece
Celery 1 stalk
Lemon juice ¼ tsp
Black pepper a pinch
Black salts a pinch
Cut pieces of carrots. Core the apple. Put them with sliced ginger and celery in the juicer. Then serve this sweet delicious juice in any glass of your choice. Add lemon juice and sprinkle black salt and black pepper on top. For garnish you can use lemon wedge or lemon twist. Your delicious healthy sweet carrot concoction is ready. Before having it let me tell you that carrot juice packs nutritional punch too, carrot juice is particularly noted for its very high beta carotene levels, which can aid in maintaining good eye sight, as well as strong bones and teeth. So don’t miss to list it in your regular diet plan.


Senin, 25 Januari 2010


Today I thought why not starts this week with the freshness of raw salad. This salad is full of green with a spark of spice that makes it more tasty and delicious. As the week starts like me you are also in hurry to meet new deadlines and lot of work pressure so without wasting a single moment lets go straight to the recipe.
Lettuce leaves      4 to 5 broken
Celery ½ cup chopped
Green bell pepper 1 cup diced
Cucumber 1 cup diced
Olives few (for garnish)
For Dressing
Honey 2table spoon
Vinegar 1 table spoon
Mustard powder 1tea spoon
Soya sauce 1 tea spoon
Lemon juice ½ tea spoon
Soya sauce 1 tea spoon
Red pepper powder a pinch
Salt according to taste


Take a small bowl mix all the dressing ingredients then keep aside. In another big bowl take all the other ingredients add the dressing and then mix well. Your crunchy spicy green salad is ready to serve. Garnish with green olives and serve it in your salad serving dish. I hope you will like the taste of this lovely salad.
Wish a wonderful week ahead.


Jumat, 22 Januari 2010


I am giving a delicious weekend breakfast treat to my friends with spinach omelet. I know they will be immensely happy with this loving treat . After all nothing beats an omelet, as far as breakfast is concerned. It become more delicious and healthy with hot baked bread and a glass full of fresh fruit juice. If you love spinach then this one is just for you. We all know spinach is loaded with health benefit but sometimes we don’t find appetizing recipe which is easy to cook and great to taste. This one is such kind. Now let me share the recipe with you. I hope you all will like it but if you have any suggestion to make spinach omelet more delicious just let me know.

Baby spinach leaves   1 cup(torn)
Eggs 4 large
Onion( large) 1 chopped
Ginger ¼ tsp finely chopped
Dried Oregano ¼ tsp
Dried Basil ¼ tsp
Green chilly 1 chopped finely (optional)
Diet butter/
Olive oil 2 table spoon
Parmesan cheese 2 table spoon grated( optional)
Salt and pepper according to taste

Put the skillet on flame. Then add ½ table spoon of butter or olive oil in it. Give chopped onion and spinach leaves add pinch of salt, pepper sauté a little bit. Now put off the flame. Now in bowl beat eggs add oregano, basil, chopped ginger, green chilly ( if using) , and sautéed spinach and then salt and pepper for seasoning. Now beat well. Now melt the remaining butter (or olive oil) in the skillet and then pour the egg mixture in it. Cook over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes or until the mixture is partially set. Add the grated cheese over it . Then flip the side using the spatula and cook for another 2 minutes . Now in a low flame cook it for another minute or two.
Your delicious breakfast spinach omelet is ready to serve. For those who are strict weight watcher I want to say that without cheese and butter this omelet is equally delicious.   So enjoy !


Selasa, 19 Januari 2010


Friends always make every moment special. Today I want to thanks Catherine who presented this Kreative blogger award to Tips For Delicious And Healthy Cooking and make the beginning of the New Year so special.Catherine you make my year shine! I am bit late to post this award but I know a friend understands you without anywords.
Now the rule-
Rules for accepting this award:
1) Thank the person giving the award
2) Copy the award to your blog
3) Place a link to their blog
4) Name 7 things people don't know about you
5) Nominate 7 bloggers
6) Place a link to those bloggers
7) Leave a comment letting those bloggers know about the award

Now 7 things which I want to hide and you want to know (ha ha) is most hard to find but for sake of friendship  let me tell you-
1) In winter I wish my bed to become my best work station, but it never happen .
2) Though I always talk about weight loss but this is not applicable for my wallet.
3) I love to chat with small babies for such meetings we don’t have to think what we are saying and what they are saying either but spends hours in innocent happiness.
5) I love listening instrumental music. It always opens my heart door.
6) I want God make me His best friend.Do you have any idea how He choose?
7) I want to touch every soul with the warmth of love, care and happiness but sometimes I miss and sometime they miss and our heart box loose few precious jewels.
7 hidden truth is told. Now the part to crown 7 blogger with Kreative Blogger Award.
I think every friend of mine is unique, very creative, and very special and all their creation is fabulous. All of them deserve this award, but as I have to choose only seven, so I choose some friends whom I met newly-

1) My Kitchen Addiction
2) Bellalimento
3) Cookin’Canuck
4) Ginger Beat
5) French Cooking for Dummies
6)Mother Rimmy’s Cooking Light Done Right
7) Taste With The Eyes
Love you Always!

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010


A friend of mine day before gave me bunch of fresh mint leaves which she grew in her roof top garden. Seeing those fresh leaves , first thing that came to my mind is why not call few dear ones for tea and serve them the delicious Moroccan Mint Tea. It’s a delicious way to reap the health benefits of both green tea and mint leaves. Moroccan green tea is symbol of hospitality and friendship. All of my friends enjoyed the Moroccan mint tea though for few this is new .So I thought why not share this with all my other friends who haven’t yet try this delicious tea, I am sharing the traditional Moroccan mint tea recipe today and I hope you will like it. Sweet people from Morocco loves their tea a bit more sweet but you adjust the sweetness according to your taste.

Fresh mint leaves   10 sprigs and few for garnish
Green tea 3 table spoon
sugar substitute 3 tablespoon(or according to atse)
Water 4 cups

First of all boil water. Pour a small amount of boil water in teapot and swish around to warm the pot. Combine mint leaves, green tea and sugar in the tea pot, then fill with rest of warm water. Cover the pot and let the tea brew for 3 to 4 minutes. Stirring one or two times in between. Pour the tea through strainer in to you tea cups or glass.In Morocco they are served in designer short glasses. If you want to get the real Moroccan flavor present the tea in designer Moroccan tea  glasses. Then garnish with fresh mint leaves. Let treat your friends this weekend in Moroccan style . I hope you and all your friends will enjoy it.

Moroccan Mint Tea on Foodista


Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Roasted Broccoli In Mediterranean Style

Broccoli is one of my favorite vegetable because it is not only tasty but loaded with health benefits. Powerhouse of nutrient broccoli is an excellent source of Vitamin C, K and A as well as foliate and fiber. It is also good source of manganese, potassium, magnesium and protein. Broccoli helps prevent heart disease, osteoporosis and high blood pressure. So I tried out this tempted roasted broccoli recipe which can be a healthy side dish choice of yours. What
I like about this roasted broccoli is it is easy and fast to make.


Broccoli                  5 cups
(cut and trimmed into
bite size florets)
Cherry Tomatoes 1 cup
Extra virgin olive oil 2 table spoon
Garlic 3 cloves (minced)
Lemon zest ½ teas spoon
Lemon juice 1 table spoon
Dried oregano 1 tea spoon
Dried rosemary ½ tea spoon
Red pepper flakes ½ tea spoon
Raisin 10 chopped (optional)
Salt and pepper according to taste


Preheat the oven to 450°F.
Toss broccoli, tomatoes, garlic , oil, chilly flakes , salt in a large bowl until evenly coated. Spread in an even layer on a baking sheet. Sprinkle pepper if necessary. Bake until the broccoli begins to brown, 10 to 13 minutes. Meanwhile, in a large bowl combine the lemon juice , zest, oregano, rosemary, chopped raisin ( if used) and then add the roasted vegetable to it. Mix well and serve warm. I hope this delicious roasted broccoli will soon be in your choice list.

Salad Broccoli on Foodista


Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010


After having lots of cakes and cookies and sweet dishes my taste buds want something hot specially when temperature is going down. So I thought of making one of my Moms favorite hot and sour soup. For those who don’t want it to become too hot you always have the option to adjust the ingredients according to taste. So don’t worry be happy.

Chopped mixed vegetable  2 cups
(carrots, cabbage, green peas)
Mushroom chopped ½ cup
Boiled chicken shredded ½ cup
Egg 1 large (beaten)
Chilly oil 2 table spoon
Chilly sauce 1 table spoon (or according to taste)
Garlic 2 cloved ( finely choppped)
Soya sauce 3 table spoon
Sugar ¼ tea spoon
Salt and pepper according to taste
Chicken stock or water 1 ½ big bowl
Corn flour 2 to 3 table spoon
Monosodium glutamine a pinch (optional)
Rice Vinegar 4 table spoon ( or according to taste)

You can buy chilly oil from the market it is available in any Asian grocery shop or you can make it at home.
To make the chilly oil- Take 5 to 6 table spoon of vegetable or soybean oil on a pan . Heat the oil (make sure the oil is fairly hot)and give 8 to 10 dried whole red chilly( cut them into pieces, remove the seed) in it. Put off the flame. Cover the pan for few minutes then cool and strain the oil in a sealed container. You can preserve this oil and use as desired in recipes or as a dipping sauce with dumplings and noodles. Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.
Now put a pan on flame give chilly oil in it. Now add chopped garlic and chilly sauce (You can add more or less according to your taste) , chopped vegetable, mushroom and chicken . Add a bit of salt and stir for 2 minutes . Add stock, let it boil then add monosodium glutamine,soya sauce and sugar. Adjust seasoning. Mix corn flour with water and add it to the soup. You can add more or less corn flour according to the consistency you want to have for the soup. Simmer for 1 to 2 minutes, gently stir in egg to form thin ribbons then put off the flame and then add vinegar. Stir and your delicious hot and sour soup is ready to serve. Serve hot and before serving you can sprinkle little bit chilly oil to enhance the taste.
In the chilled Saturday evening I think this soup goes well with a romantic or a spine chilling mystery movie . Tell me which one is your favorite accompaniment.

Enjoy A Happy Healthy Weekend! -image source
Hot and Sour Soup on Foodista


Selasa, 05 Januari 2010


Friends I welcome you all in this new decade to my blog. Since I start blogging two years back it becomes an experience to live and love for. A platform to meet and make friends, share the moments of life which otherwise would have passed unnoticed. This is my first post to welcome New Year and the New decade, I hope to give you more delicious flavor and taste in coming days. Just need one promise -be my friend and speak out your heart in my blog what you like and what you won’t. I will try my best to give you the best. On that note let me share a delicious recipe I enjoyed in the New Year theme party thrown by one of my friend. It’s bit lemony taste but is very refreshing. Hope you will like it.
Fish fillets      2 medium size
Garlic chopped 1tsp
White wine 3 table spoon
/diet butter 1 table spoon
Kiwi fruits 1
Lemon 1(juice)
Lemon grass ½ tea spoon (chopped)
Dill leaves 1tea spoon (chopped)
Salt , sugar
and black pepper according to taste

Put a grill pan on flame. Then place the fish fillets on it. Sprinkle salt sugar and black pepper and 1tea spoon of lemon juice add 1 table spoon of white wine. Grill both side of the fish well. Place it on a plate. Cut the kiwi into halves and remove the skin. Slightly grill the kiwi in the same pan where you have roasted the fish.
Place it beside the fish . Now take a table spoon of butter on the pan add chopped garlic, salt , sugar and black pepper and rest of the lemon juice in it, if you want you can add more lemon juice. Now add white wine. Put off the flame add chopped lemon grass and dill leaves. Pour the sauce over the grilled fish.
Serve with your own fancy creative garnish. But when you have the fish try to take a bite of both fish and grilled kiwi together then only you can relish the real taste. I hope you will enjoy this.

Lemon-Garlic Grilling Sauce on Foodista