Jumat, 22 Januari 2010


I am giving a delicious weekend breakfast treat to my friends with spinach omelet. I know they will be immensely happy with this loving treat . After all nothing beats an omelet, as far as breakfast is concerned. It become more delicious and healthy with hot baked bread and a glass full of fresh fruit juice. If you love spinach then this one is just for you. We all know spinach is loaded with health benefit but sometimes we don’t find appetizing recipe which is easy to cook and great to taste. This one is such kind. Now let me share the recipe with you. I hope you all will like it but if you have any suggestion to make spinach omelet more delicious just let me know.

Baby spinach leaves   1 cup(torn)
Eggs 4 large
Onion( large) 1 chopped
Ginger ¼ tsp finely chopped
Dried Oregano ¼ tsp
Dried Basil ¼ tsp
Green chilly 1 chopped finely (optional)
Diet butter/
Olive oil 2 table spoon
Parmesan cheese 2 table spoon grated( optional)
Salt and pepper according to taste

Put the skillet on flame. Then add ½ table spoon of butter or olive oil in it. Give chopped onion and spinach leaves add pinch of salt, pepper sauté a little bit. Now put off the flame. Now in bowl beat eggs add oregano, basil, chopped ginger, green chilly ( if using) , and sautéed spinach and then salt and pepper for seasoning. Now beat well. Now melt the remaining butter (or olive oil) in the skillet and then pour the egg mixture in it. Cook over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes or until the mixture is partially set. Add the grated cheese over it . Then flip the side using the spatula and cook for another 2 minutes . Now in a low flame cook it for another minute or two.
Your delicious breakfast spinach omelet is ready to serve. For those who are strict weight watcher I want to say that without cheese and butter this omelet is equally delicious.   So enjoy !

http://www.latinamericangrill.net/images/omelette.JPG -image source

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