Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010


For many days I just want to take a day off from cooked food and go raw. This helps a lot to detoxify and give a healthy and refreshed feeling. So I thought today is the best day when I am feeling bit lazy let feast with green salads and fresh juices. I pick my favorite carrot juice with a twist in the taste. I love my experiment I hope you all will like it too. So enjoy sip by sip this delicious carrot concoction!
Carrot          4
Apple 1 large pink
Ginger ¼ inch piece
Celery 1 stalk
Lemon juice ¼ tsp
Black pepper a pinch
Black salts a pinch
Cut pieces of carrots. Core the apple. Put them with sliced ginger and celery in the juicer. Then serve this sweet delicious juice in any glass of your choice. Add lemon juice and sprinkle black salt and black pepper on top. For garnish you can use lemon wedge or lemon twist. Your delicious healthy sweet carrot concoction is ready. Before having it let me tell you that carrot juice packs nutritional punch too, carrot juice is particularly noted for its very high beta carotene levels, which can aid in maintaining good eye sight, as well as strong bones and teeth. So don’t miss to list it in your regular diet plan.


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