Selasa, 09 Juni 2009


Today I am sharing with you a very simple yet very refreshing summer cooler. While you sip this delicious drink have a look on the article below written by a wonderful guest author Kimberly Peterson. I hope you will like them both. So without wasting any time take a quick look on the recipe and then take some time to read the article below.

Ice cube 5 to 6
Mint leaves 2tbsp (roughly chopped)
Brown sugar 1tbsp
Green lemon juice 4tbsp
Green lemon pieces 3to 4 (small cube)
Salt 1pinch
Crushed ice 1tbsp
Soda ½ cup

Take the mint leaves, lemon juice, ice cube, brown sugar and pinch of salt in a shaker. Then give it a good shake. Now take a chilled (put a ice cube in the glass a shake it for ½ a minute) mock tail serving glass put the crushed ice then lemon pieces and then the mint shake then add the soda. Don’t wait serve chill.

Deceptively Delicious

Jessica Seinfeld’s revolutionary cookbook for kids, Deceptively Delicious, has been out for almost two years and is still making waves amidst cooking circles. While there are many who hate the idea of deceiving your children and believe kids should eat vegetables on their own, there are still many more who appreciate the novel approach she took through the publication of her book. Overall, it is a matter of opinion when debating between methods of introducing vegetables to your child; it depends on whatever works best for your specific situation, although the idea of hiding vegetables in food has been around for years. With childhood obesity reaching an all-time high, it is imperative that cookbooks such as this should be written in order to counteract the growing number of children who rely on sweets and fast food for their meals.
It is not hard to prepare healthy meals for your children, but it can be difficult in getting them to eat said meal, especially if the meal contains any hint of vegetables or another food item kids may not enjoy. Cookbooks such as these teach quick and easy tips to parents that in effect “hide” many vegetables from taste and sight. While this may seem like you are tricking your child and thereby raising them to hate vegetables, it is in fact very beneficial in getting younger children to eat healthier. Many children grow up picky eaters (only to learn later as adults how much they love food), but books such as these are godsends for parents because snacks as seemingly unhealthy as brownies can be laden with vegetables without the child knowing. In this fast-paced work world it additionally becomes difficult to plan your mealtimes to coincide with your work days and many nights result in eating out, which only instills bad eating habits onto your children. Seinfeld’s book works to counteract this result by encouraging more “eating-in” through her variety of traditional meals that most kids enjoy.
Healthy meals are difficult to prepare and any cookbook which makes the process easier is a welcome addition to any mom’s bookshelf, especially a mom with young children. The most finicky eaters will be unable to detect the added ingredients in most of these meals, and may at best sense a different ingredient without any way to ascertain what that special addition may be. Dinnertime is difficult enough without attempting to sway a child into eating their meals; this way, dinner runs a little smoother at least. It is additionally helpful that Seinfeld’s book contains many nutritional facts, including insight by a child nutritionist and tips on how to keep your children healthy. Many moms do not understand the importance of child nutrition and the keys to setting children on a healthy diet from the very first years of their life; if you wait too long, your kids could become accustomed to poor eating habits and thus end up lacking proper nutrients or ending up with childhood obesity. It is best to curb poor eating habits early any way that you can, and if you have to resort to hiding vegetables in meals, Seinfeld’s book is the way to do it.
This post was contributed by Kimberly Peterson, who writes about the masters in healthcare.

(Disclaimer-The ideas views expressed in the guest article is of the person written it, blog owner is not responsible for any such ideas expressed and the guest link.)


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