Rabu, 01 April 2009


Among us who are looking for solution to beat heart attack, strokes, mental decline in old age then one food which could be the answer is FISH. You love it or hate it you cannot avoid the fact that fish is heart best friend. The fat contained in fish and fish oil is high in Omega-3 fatty acid. This is so called good fat which is important in lowering blood cholesterol , decrease blood clotting factors. One serving of fish twice a week will help you to say good bye to arthritis . Various type of shell fish are good source of vitamins and minerals hence it is good for healthy skin and eyesight as it also help in the formation of red blood cells and muscles. Fatty fish are important source of vitamin –D.
Omega-3 fatty acids are also therapeutic. They help keep your blood from clotting excessively; lower the amount of fats, like cholesterol, in the bloodstream; and reduce the risk of obesity.
People who eat fish and cut down on meat and cheese could add other healthy food like vegetables and brown rice to their diet.
So today I will like to share with you a recipe which will make your heart dance.


Fish fillet 2
Broccoli 6 piece
Tomato 2 halved
Butter 4 tsp
Lemon juice 1 ½ tbsp
Garlic 1tbsp crushed
1/2 tsp paste
Parsley 2tbsp
Salt & Pepper according to taste
Water ¼ cup

First of all marinate the fish fillet with ½ tbsp of lemon juice , salt, pepper, and garlic paste. Leave it for 15 minutes. Now put a pan in flame, give 1 tsp of butter add broccoli and halved tomato and sauté for 4 to 5 minutes and place it in the serving dish. Now again put the pan on flame add 1 ½ tsp of butter and sauté the fish let both the side cook well, add ¼ tbsp of crushed garlic in it. Stir it and place it in the serving dish.

For Lemon butter sauce : Put a pan on flame add1 ½ tsp butter add the crushed garlic and parsley stir it a little bit. Add ¼ cup of water , then add salt and pepper let it boil for 1 minutes .Put of the flame and add lemon juice. Your sauce is ready. Pour the whole sauce on the fish and vegetable in the serving dish and taste the delicious heart healthy fish .

* Those who are in strict diet use any good butter substitute. Use of garlic and lemon is on your choice you can add more or less according to your taste.


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