Sabtu, 04 April 2009


I plan a very simple weekend this time - A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?
-Albert Einstein
Yes this simple, and want to spend lot of time reading good books of self realization. After all some time your soul too need food to stay healthy.
Sound good ! If so then why don’t you share my fruit salad recipe. Simple easy delicious and healthy.


Apple 1 cubed
Banana 1 sliced
Strawberry 10
Pears 1cubed
Black and
green grapes ½ cup
Pomegranate ¼ cup
Mint leaves 3 to 4

For dressing:

Yoghurt (hang) 1 cup
Lemon juice 1tsp
Honey 1tbsp
Vanilla essence 3drops
Salt 1 pinch
Chilly flakes few(optional)

Hang the yoghurt in cheese cloth for 5 -6 hours. I usually use my draining rack (over the sink) for this, with a vessel below to catch the whey. The longer you hang the thicker the resulting cheese. But if you are using Greek yoghurt then you may not need to hang it.
Put it in a bowl put all the dressing ingredient and whisk the yoghurt till smooth.
I generally don’t use chilly flakes when I am in a peaceful mood but those who want to add more tang can use it.
Now put all the fruits in the dressing and toss it well. Place it in a good serving bowl and garnish it with mint leaves and pomegranate. Your delicious juicy fruit salad is ready to take you in serine journey of peace.

Note: Do not throw away the whey. It makes a great base for clear vegetable soup!


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