Senin, 06 April 2009


After spending a peaceful weekend only with myself and some delicious fruit salad and some clear chicken soup. Now I want to start the week with some greens and spinach is always my first choice with which I add some mighty mushroom . You must be thinking why I said mighty because I learn some fact about this cute fungi-Greeks believed that mushrooms provided strength for warriors in battle. The Romans regarded mushrooms as a gift from God and served them only on festive occasions, while the Chinese treasured them as a health food. About the health benefit of mushroom it contain 80 to 90% water, very low in calorie and fat. Mushroom is richin selenium which is a good antioxidant,excellent source of potassium, a mineral that helps lower elevated blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke. One medium portabella mushroom has even more potassium than a banana or a glass of orange juice. One serving of mushrooms also provides about 20 to 40 %of the daily value of copper, a mineral that has cardio protective properties. Now you know why I choose mushroom with spinach to start my week with.


chopped and boiled 1 bowl

Cumin seed ½ tsp
Ginger julian 1tsp
Tomato finely chopped 5tbsp
Boiled mushroom 8 halved
Green chilly 1tsp finely chopped
Cardamom and
cinnamon powder(mixed) ¼ tsp

Boiled cashew paste 1tsp
Refined oil 2tsp
Diet butter 1tsp
chopped 1tbsp
Lemon juice 1tsp
Salt & pepper according to taste
Dried fenugreek leaves 2tbsp soaked in water


The ingredient list may seem a bit long but I assure this little effort will be worth when you taste this delicious spinach mushroom dish. First put a pan on flame give oil in it and as the oil become hot add cumin seed as the seed start to crack put the ginger julian stir it well then add tomatoes stir for few seconds. After that add boiled spinach and dried fenugreek leaves(optional) stir for 5 minutes. Now add salt, green chilly, cardamom cinnamon powder keep stirring add boiled mushroom stir for another 2 minutes add cashew paste , chopped cilantro mix well. Now put off the flame Add diet butter and lemon juice mix it very well. Serve with bread with some cabbage salad. This is a good dish for dinner to cherish with your beloved family.


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