Kamis, 28 April 2011

Delicious Egg Salad With Mango Vinaigrette

After all happy celebration if you have lots of eggs spending  their cool vacation in your refrigerator then it’s time to bring them out and  give them a hot spa treatment (ha-ha) and you  relish an irresistible summery supper. Here is a super simple yummy salad for you.
Romania lettuce   1 head wash cut
Tomato 1 diced
green apple diced
Hard boiled egg 2 shell off and cut halve
Onion 1 finely sliced
Carrot 1 handful shredded

For Mango Vinaigrette
Cider Vinegar ¼ cup
Honey mustard 1 table spoon
Curry powder 1/2 tea spoon
Lime juice 1 table spoon
Ripe mango 1 peeled seeded and chunked
Vegetable oil 1 cup
Sugar 1 tea spoon
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste


Put all the ingredients for the vinaigrette except salt, pepper and oil in a food processor and puree. With the machine running, drizzle in the oil and salt and pepper. Store in airtight container in the refrigerator not for ages (ha ha) but for a week or two. Mango vinaigrette delivers a vibrant, healthy burst of flavor. This refreshing sweet- tart combination is perfect for fruit salad or mixed greens. If you are not preparing this salad for a big party then you will not need the whole of the prepared dressing but just few spoon according to your taste for this salad and rest you can use it later.
In a bowl take all the salad ingredients except the eggs now drizzle the mango vinaigrette and mix with soft hands . Now place this salad in a serving platter and then add the halved boiled eggs over the top of the greens. Your delicious egg salad with mango vinaigrette is ready to relish.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
recipes.oriyaonline.com-image source


Jumat, 22 April 2011

Easter Special-Strawberry Float Punch

Friends I know all of you are busy in last minute preparation for the most happening springtime festival Easter. This celebration is a magical time for children, what with chocolate bunnies, hot cross buns, marshmallow chicks, jellybean-filled Easter eggs and candles forming the main attractions on this day and I think aduts also love to remember their childhood days while they prepare some special treats for the children.To add more color to this celebration I thought to share with you an awesome drink recipe which both kids and the grown ups will cherish. Strawberry float punch is a colorful drink to celebrate the occasion.

Ginger ale  4 cup
Strawberry fruit syrup 8 cups
Strawberry ice cream 2 scoop for each small punch bowl
Fresh Strawberry 1 for each bowl


In a big punch bowl mix the syrup and ginger ale . Now in individual small punch bowl pour the drink the place 2 scoop of ice cream in each bowl. Let the ice cream melts to form a strawberry foam. Your strawberry float punch is ready. I think this bowl of pure love....  strawberry float punch is a surefire way to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters in such a special day like Easter.

         Wish You Very Very Happy Easter!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
myeweb.com-image source


Rabu, 13 April 2011

Finger-licking Oven-Fried Fish

I always look out for food that are heart healthy and on this quest I found another finger-licking mouthwatering oven fired fish recipe. Yes it is low calorie crispy baked fish fillets that will help you to cut some calories from your diet but not taste. So all you weightwatcher and heart healthy people don’t miss the this super delicious recipe.
Fish fillets  2 pounds
Fresh lemon juice 1 table spoon
Fat free milk 1/2 cup
Hot sauce 2 to 3 drops
Fresh garlic paste 1 teaspoon
Onion powder 1/4 teaspoon
Salt and white pepper to taste
Coarsley grind cornflakes 1/2 cup
Vegetable oil 1 table spoon


Pre heat oven to 475°F. After properly cleaning the fish wipe the fillets with lemon juice and pat dry. Now in a bowl mix garlic milk and hot sauce you can add more hot sauce if you want it to be more hot and later on if the temparature of your dine table rise a few degree then that’s totally your resposibity(lol….). Now on a plate mix salt, pepper,onion powder, coarsley grind cornflakes . Let fillets sit briefly in milk and then remove it and coat fillets on both side with seasoned conflakes. Let it stand breifly until the coating sticks to each side of fish. Arrange on a light oiled shallow baking dish. Bake for 20 minutes on middle rack without turning. Cut into six pieces. Serve with Coleslaw and lemon wedges.
If you want more such delicious heart healthy foods not because you have a history of heart disease in your family but want to adopt a healthier lifestyle, or just want to eat right.I have come across an app where  Heather shows you how to enjoy the foods you love and crave while keeping a reasonable balance. "Eating for a Healthy Heart" combines eight step-by-step videos and great recipe ideas. Start on a path to better health and fewer restrictions! This app (app is designed for both iPhone and iPad) will identify the bad habits that can lead to heart disease as well as the factors you'll need to consider when choosing which foods to eat. Instead of feeling anxious when you open the fridge. So take look to this Vook, you'll learn how to adjust your lifestyle and ordering habits when dining out, and also how to prepare delicious recipes at home, including easy variations on the recipes you already enjoy. Check out "Eating for a Healthy Heart" Hope you will like it.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Kamis, 07 April 2011

Ways to Get Kids to Eat their Fruits and Vegetables

This is a fabulous guest post from Alexis Bonari. Moms's and Dad's this is for you and I hope you all will love to go through it.

If you have a child who gets excited by the idea of brussel sprouts for dinner and frozen grapes for dessert, then you've won the parental lottery. For the rest of us whose children shrink from any green foods like they're radioactive Kryptonite, it may seem like compromises that count fries as a vegetable are our only options. Fortunately, there are some tricks that can help parents be sure their kids are eating more fruits and vegetables.

Start Slowly
Many times, kids are quick to reject any foods that are new or seem unusual. Try pairing fruits and veggies with old favorites, and add only one or two new foods into their diets each week. This will help them adapt to changes more easily.
Don't give up! Even if your kids don't love what they taste on the first try, the more you serve fruits and vegetables, the more accustomed they will become to them and the more willing they will be to try them.

Make them Accessible
Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter so that when kids reach for a snack, they have healthy options available. Also have chopped vegetables on hand, which can be enjoyed with hummus or a tasty dip.Offering dips for fruits and vegetables -- or serving them with fondue -- can make them seem much more appealing.

Add them to Favorite Dishes
There are a number of ways that you can add fruits and vegetables to beloved dishes so that they go unnoticed (or aren't minded) by your kids. Try grating or chopping vegetables and adding them to soups,stews, casseroles, pastas, pot pie, pizza, quesadillas, tacos, sandwiches, and much more. Fruits can be seamlessly added into smoothies, yogurt, cereals, muffins, breads, pies, and more.

Introduce Variety
Kids often react negatively to unfamiliar flavors or textures. It may be that they reject what you've offered because they don't like lumpy foods or foods that taste too bitter. Try introducing a variety of different fruits and vegetables -- different shapes, different colors, different textures, and so on -- to see what your kids like best. They may hate broccoli, but they may love corn. Experiment until you find what works!

Make it Fun
Get your kids involved and make eating fruits and vegetables fun. You can try holding "create your own" sessions, and encourage your kids to provide feedback on the types of fruits and veggies they like. Make silly faces or shapes from the ingredients, either that you have made or that they have helped you make.You could also try a contest -- with the person who eats the most veggies per day or per week winning a special prize.

Set an Example
Kids often want to do what their heroes do. Point out how athletes like Michael Jordan or actors like Vin Diesel have to eat lots of veggies to stay strong and lean. If that doesn't work, remember that your are the best example in your child's life. Even if they don't respond right away, if they see you setting a consistent example of behavior, they are likely to follow your lead.
Though it may be difficult at first to convince your children to eat their fruits and vegetables, experiment with a number of techniques and be consistent and you are bound to see results. And remember:
Starting early is more likely to help children develop healthy habits that they will continue throughout their lives.

Bio: Alexis Bonari is currently a resident blogger at College Scholarships, where recently she’s been researching baseball scholarships as well as basketball scholarships. Whenever she gets some free time she enjoys doing yoga, cooking with the freshest organic in-season fare, and practicing the art of coupon clipping.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
the-parenting-magazine.com –image source


Jumat, 01 April 2011

Apple Mango Salad

Today I want to share with you a very healthy, easy and I say a happy Apple Mango salad.I am sure you will love this fresh fruits splashed with peppy vinaigrette.

Mango      1 (ripe and firm) peeled , seeded and sliced
Granny Smith apple 1 peeled , cored and sliced
Toasted pisctacho 3/4 cup
Balsamic vinegar 1 table spoon
Ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon
Fresh Ginger juice 1/2 teaspoon
Salt and pepper two pinch each
Fresh mint leaves few


In a bowl, toss together mango, apple, balsamic vinegar, cinnamon, ginger and salt and pepper. Now serve it in a serving bowl an d top it with pistachio and mint leaves.This is avery refreshing fruit salad. I hope in the coming summer months you will enjoy this healthy fruity bite.
Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
http://www.flickr.com -image source
