Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Spicy Puffed Rice

Let me share with you today a very delicious and yummy snack from India and this is one of my favorite, spicy puffed rice. Puffed rice is used extensively as an all time snack in various parts of India.But the taste always differ due to the use of local spices. This is the sole reason you get to tatse different type of spicy puffed rice with different names in each region. In my college days street vendors outside my college use to sell this delicious spicy puffed rice locally known in our part as ( jhaal muri). Though today I prepare it in the most hygienic way but I must admit that the spicy puffed rice made by those street vendors are more yummy. Till today there are various street joints selling only such puffed rice, are the most crowd puller during lunch break or after office. The reasons are- it wil never hard hit your pocket, too tasty and light and a guilt free snack. You can have it anytime, I assure it will not affect your diet plan.


Puffed rice    6 cups
Red onion 1 finely chopped
Green chilly 1 finely chopped
Chopped coconut pieces 1/2 table spoon (optional)
Roasted peanut 3 table spoon
Boiled potato 2 table spoon(very small cubes )
Cucumber 1 table spoon finely chopped
Tomatoes (deseeded) 1/2 table spoon chopped
Dry roasted coriander powder 1/2 teaspoon
Fresh cliantro 1 table spoon finely chopped
Lemon juice 1 table spoon
Fried small chicken cubes 2 table spoon (optional)
Raisin few (6 to 10)
Mustard oil/ vegetable oil 1 teaspoon
Salt and pepper to taste

Take a big bowl and in it take all the ingredients except puffed rice and roasted peanut. I use mustard oil but for some the taste may be too stong so you can use vegetable oil. Mix well. Now add the crisp puffed rice and peanuts.Mix well and serve immediately. Take hand full of spicy puffed rice open your mouth and munch, this is the best way to have it. Happy snacking!

Few of my friends are having difficulty to understand the method so here is the video which will help you to understand better. The video is in Indian language but the subtitle will make it easier for you. This is the authentic way of preparing spicy puffed rice (jhaal muri)but my recipe is bit different from that shown on the video but I just want to show you the procedure and mainly the puffed rice-

Be Happy And Stay Healthy. image source


Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Healthy Cucumber Salad

Everyone who visit my site regularly know that I love salads. After a gap of one week I promised that I will come up with something very delicious . Now this salad recipe is one such delicious and healthy recipe that I think will keep my promise.So don’t wait, try this healthy cucumber salad.

Plain yogurt  2 cup
Fresh dill 1 table spoon finely snipped
Garlic clove 2 chopped and crushed
Cucumber 1 peeled and diced
Green peas ¼ cup (blanched)
Onion 1 finely sliced
Fresh cherry tomatoes 2 to 3 diced
Chopped salted pistachio nuts 1/4 cup
Parsley sprigs 3 to 4
Lemon juice 1 teaspoon
Sugar 1 teaspoon (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste

Take a bowl and put  yogurt, dill ( if you don’t get the fresh one use one teaspoon of ground dry dill), garlic, salt, pepper, sugar ( if you are using it) in it . Mix well so that the texture become smooth and creamy. Cover and refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours . Now before serving mix the diced cucumber, peas, sliced onion and lemon juice. Now place the mixture in a serving bowl or you can use individual serving glass. Garnish with diced cherry tomatoes and chopped salted pistachio and sprigs of parsley. Your delicious healthy salad is ready to serve. Relish this healthy cucumber salad and  let me know that how well I kept my promise!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy. -image source


Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

One Lovely Blog Award

Ralph Marston –“Rest when you’re weary, refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit, Then get back to work.” This is the message of Almighty for me this week as I was not well due to viral fever and too frustrated seeing the whole lot of unfinished works to do. Later realize that sometimes it’s good to listen to our body and slow down, it rejuvenate not only body but also our soul and by the grace of God now I am perfectly OK.
Now to celebrate this time let me share with you – ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD – from dear friend of mine Sheila Micken, who will show you effective ways to reform yourself. Do visit her excellent blog Reforming U. Sheila thanks a lot, I am honored ! Now with this award there are few more things to share -

1- Thank (the awarder)
2 - Link (to the awarder's page)
3 - Write 7 Things About You
4 - Pass on the Award to 9 Bloggers

Now seven random facts about me!

1.I am getting immense pleasure seeing those coconut tree leaves shivering in the light blue bed of white clouds.
2. Sounds of birds early morning is something that soothe my soul.
3. Worship music, flute music are on my top list.
4. 60 second of absolute silence is my new stress buster technique.
5. I am glad to finally convince few friends of mine about their diet and lifestyle modification, after all who don’t want  her freinds to remain happy and healthy.
6.Trying to clear the clutter within and around, it brings lot of fresh energy.
Last but not the least
7. My hobby to collect quotes give birth to my new blog Quotes For All, now I am happy to share my collection with everyone .

I have bored you a lot but now it’s time to share this award with some brilliant food bloggers, they not only create delicious mouthwatering dishes but they are close to heart friend and precious gems of my treasure box.!


Love you all !

Next week I will be coming up with some delicious recipe so keep visiting!
Be Happy And Stay Healthy. source

Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010

Delicious Vegetable Chicken Fritters

Today we all Indians are celebrating another year of freedom.. On this special occasion I want to wish all Indians everywhere in the world A Very Happy Independence Day 2010.
Few friends of mine are coming to my place today to celebrate this day in our own special way, I know they are happy go lucky type and will love a cup of delicious tea or coffee with something crispy and peppy. So today for a while I keep aside my health freak soul and indulging in to something that is a once in a while treat but too tasty and I hope you all will love it. This are deep fried Vegetable Chicken Fritters.

Egg           3
Chicken small cube 1/2 cup
Carrot small cube 1 cup
Fresh beans sliced 1 cup
Onion slice 1/2 cup
Capsicum small cube 1/4 cup
Green chilly 2 chopped (optional)
Ginger garlic paste 1 teaspoon
Fruit salt / baking soda 2 to 3 pinch
Flour 1 1/2 cup
Sugar 1/2 teaspoon
Cayenne powder 1/2 teaspoon (optional)
Salt and pepper according to taste
Chicken stock 1 cup
Soya bean oil as needed for deep fry

First beat 3 egg in a bowl whisk well. Then scrambled this eggs. Keep aside. Now boil the chicken cube with a peiceof onion, ginger and two cloves of garlic. Keep aside the chicken cube and the chicken stock separately. Now take a teaspoon of oil in pan and slightly fry the chicken cube with salt and pepper. Take a big bowl put flour in it then all the vegetables listed in the ingredients one by one, then add sliced onion and ginger garlic paste ,chopped green chili, cayenne powder, fruit salt( this is mainly used as rising agent) if you don’t have it use baking soda, sugar , salt and pepper. Mix well then add the scrambled egg and the fried chicken cube , then slowly add the chicken stock the consistency of the batter should be thick. Now in a frying pan heat oil sufficient to deep fry this fritters. Take a big spoon and drop spoon full of batter into the oil. Fry till golden brown. Now drain the excess oil on a paper towel and serve hot with your favorite dip or hot and sour tomato ketchup and simple salad. Your delicious Vegetable chicken fritters are ready to cherish with friends and family.

* This vegetable chicken fritters are bit heavy so it is suitable for those who are completely healthy . Keep it in mind before having it.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy. image source

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

Delicious Mint Julep

Today let me share with you delicious Mint Julep recipe. For those who don’t know about it let me share some interesting fact behind this drink. Mint julep is a cocktail associated with the cuisine of Southern United States. Since 1938 Mint Julep has been the official and most popular drink of the Kentucky Derby. Those who are from Kentucky Derby know that if horses and grand sport events are the prime attraction of Kentucky Derby then Mint Julep is its calling card. A chilled refreshing cocktail for warm days. Now I slightly deviate from the original recipe and make this cocktail a delicious mocktail . Usually in Mint Julep they use bourbon whiskey but I blend few fruit juices to cut short the alcohol intake and keep the Mint julep super healthy.

Orange juice  1 cup
Pineapple juice 1 cup
Lemon juice 1/8 cup
Apple juice 1/4 cup
Mint leaves fresh 10 to 12
Crushed ice 1 cup

Take a large pitcher and mix apple juice , orange juice, pineapple juice, lemon juice in it. Keep aside. After that take 5 to 6 fresh mint leaves and crush gently with a spoon. Now put the crushed mint leaves in a chilled julep mug and then add in the crushed ice to the mug(1/2 full) and pour the mixed fruit juices from the pitcher. Don’t stir the mixture immediately, keep for few minute until the mug frost evenly. Stir gently(hold the cup at the rim while making to avoid fingerprints on the frosted cup or use this opportunity to write something on the glass for your dear one’s .) and garnish with fresh mint leaves with  a lemon or a orange wedge to add a special look. Your delicious Mint Julep is ready to be served. Let me know how you love the non-alcoholic version of Mint Julep.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

Delicious Carrot Salad

Today I am in a mood to cook something simple yet healthy . What could be a better choice than my favorite carrot; it gives lovely color to my platter and I feel contended. This delicious carrot salad have a slight Korean touch which I hope you will like. Have it and tell me that you liked it or not!

Carrot  1 lb coarsely grated
Red pepper flakes ½ teaspoon
Canola oil 2 table spoon
Garlic 1 teaspoon finely chopped
Lemon juice 1 table spoon
Roasted almond flakes hand full
Salt and pepper to taste
Fresh Cilantro few


Take the grated carrot in bowl. Heat the canola oil add chopped garlic and red pepper flakes. Now pour this dressing on the carrot. Sprinkle salt and pepper. Mix well. Cover and refrigerate it for an hour or two so that flavors can muddle. Before serving add lemon juice and roasted almond flakes and your delicious carrot salad is ready. Garnish with fresh green leaves of cilantro.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.