Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Delicious Strawberry Dessert

A friend of mine invited us for a treat and makes this lovely colorful delicious strawberry dessert for us. She told that her hubby made this strawberry dessert on their first date and she was clean bold at the taste, when he proposed, the poor girl don’t even get a chance to think (hehehe) and the result was after six month courtship they got married. That love story sound too simple but after I tasted this strawberry dessert, I know that behind this easy peasy recipe there is a clever guy who know how to impress his lady love! If you got the hint then go for it this weekend and who knows …………… LOL!

Frozen strawberry 2 cups
Castor sugar 4 heaping spoon
Greek yogurt 1 cup
Crushed chocolate cookies 1 cup

First put strawberry in a blender and crush it then put sugar and make a coarse paste. In a glass first put the strawberry layer then the yogurt layer then the crushed cookie layer. Repeat it in the same manner. This dessert glass has its own beauty but if you want to give it a special look then garnish it with a fresh slice of strawberry. Yes you are done to mesmerize your beloved!



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