Kamis, 08 Juli 2010


Mango is one my best summer fruit, both raw and ripe mango come to my fav list this time. I love the tickling sour taste of raw mango where as the juicy ripe mango is also mouthwatering. Other day three of my neighborhood friend visited me with packet full of mangoes fresh from trees. So I thought why not make some crispy prawn fries and serve with a delicious spicy mango dip and enjoy the evening with all those unknown spicy neighborhood stories! You know what happen when few ladies meet at a gossip joint ! LOL!
Today I am sharing, Sorry! not those stories but my delicious mango dip recipe with you all, so that you can also spice up your evening !

Mango     1 peeled and pit removed diced
Cayenne peppers 1 freshly cracked
Tomato juice 2 table spoon
Ground cumin 1/4 tea spoon
Garlic 1 clove finely chopped
Coriander leaves 1 table spoon
Honey 2 table spoon or to taste
Salt according to taste

Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend well. If you want this dip a bit more sweet add more honey or if you want it more hot you can add one more pepper and to adjust the sour taste you can add a table spoon of vinegar. But this all depends upon your choice of taste. For those who want it to be more easy just put mango and 2 table spoon of hot sauce with honey, salt and fresh coriander leaves in your blender. Blend and you are done. This is a delicious dip enjoy it with crispy fried prawn or chicken or just serve it with chips or crackers. Have fun!


http://mywoodenspoon.com-image source


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