Selasa, 22 Juni 2010


Sweet Corn bring sweet memories of my school and college days. At the end of summer and the beginning of rainy season street vendors use to sell them and we friends on our return from school use to meet in those joints. Where sellers use to grill them in charcoal filled earthen pot and then rub it with salt , red pepper and lemon juice. Those simple recipe has it own taste and flavor as those were shared with friendly fun and love.
Now we all are busy in our own lives don’t get the time to spend with each other but during this times heart always want to recollect those memories. So when I get hold of this sweet corn I can’t stop myself to cook them but of course in my way. Let me share my version of grilled corn.
Corn is America's number one field crop.Those who are from Iowa,, Illinois, Nebraska and Minnesota or Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Michigan, Missouri, Kansas and Kentucky may have some childhood stories related to corn ,to share as they are some of the largest corn producing states.Share your memories with us and let all of us recollect some wonderful moments.


Sweet corn   4 ears, husk and silk removed
Butter ½ stick, softened to room temparature
Lemon 1/2 juice and zest
Fresh basil
finely chopped 1 tea spoon
Garlic 1 small clove pressed
Chipotle chile powder 1/4 tea spoon
Salt to taste


For lemon basil chipotle butter mix well all the ingredients with butter except the corn. Keep aside.Remove husk and silk from the corn. Lightly coat the corn with butter place the corn on a medium hot grill. Brush and turn the corn while it grills say 5 to 6 minutes or until tender and evenly cooked ( a little char is perfect –adds to flavor). Remove from grill sprinkle some salt and lemon juice if needed serve hot with extra lemon –basil chipotle butter on the side. I hope your guest will love to have it.This is the perfect time to enjoy this corn so have fun!


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