Kamis, 08 April 2010


This week some beautiful lines inspired me to cook this wonderful delicious sweet corn soup. A friend of mine e-mailed me this lines- Soup is a lot like a family. Each ingredient enhances the others; each batch has its own characteristics; and it needs time to simmer to reach full flavor. -Marge Kennedy . It is so true I wish and hope everyone of us understand this, then life will became more healthy and prosperous in every sense.I hope this sweet corn soup remind you the above lines whenever you have it.
Chicken stock       3 cups
Cream style corn 1 tin
Milk 1 cup
Corn starch 1 table spoon
Boiled chicken cube 1 cup
Egg 2
Salt and white pepper according to taste

In a saucepan pour chicken stock, corn and salt and pepper. Place it on flame and mix well. Let it boil for 5 minutes. Now add milk let it boil then mix cornstarch with little water and add it to the soup. Mix well. Then add chicken cubes. Beat eggs on a different bowl and pour beaten eggs slowly through a sieve. Stir well. Adjust seasoning. Your delicious sweet corn soup is ready to serve.
This is a feel good soup I hope you will like it!

While you taste this delicious soup I want to share few of my awards with you all
First I want to thank Catherine over at Living the Gourmet for giving Tips for Delicious and Healthy cooking The Happy 101 blog Award. Catherine thank you so much for being such a wonderful friend. From the early days of my blog you are one of my great inspiration. You know how to cheer up friends . I am blessed to have friends like you!

I also want to thank Kristy from My Little Space, a beloved friend of mine who have presented me bunch of lovely awards and make my day shine. Thank you friend its all your appreciation and love that make life so beautiful.

It would be hard for me to select whom I want pass this awards , because all my friends are special, they are my blessings. So this time I thought that whoever come to my blog and comment this awards of appreciation is for all of them. Please feel free to pick this award and let me know . I will edit this blog after a week and put all your names in the list with a back link. I love you all !


http://aww.ninemsn.com.au/img/food/rotw/week4/chickensoup.jpg-image source


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