Selasa, 15 September 2009


Nutty milk is very yummy tasty drink and energy booster, not recommended for the strict weight watcher. But once a while you can taste this heart warming drink and close your eyes and relax visualizing your dream holiday. I have this drink to elevate my mood sometimes when I am down .Take a quick look of this recipe and let me know that how you like it.


Almond ½ cup
Pistachio ½ cup
Milk 1 liter
Cardamom 3
Sugar according to taste
Saffron few strands


Make a smooth paste of both the nuts . Boil the milk with sugar and then add the nut paste to it go on stirring the mixture add coarsely grind of cardamom. Let it boil for few more minutes but go on constantly stirring the mixture. Then add few strands of saffron. Put off the flame let it cool down then serve it or you may serve it chilled. I prefer the chilled one. I enjoy a false moustache whenever I have this drink. Let you enjoy it too while your loved one have a good laugh seeing you.


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