Selasa, 08 September 2009


If you have a carving for something creamy and hearty to spread on your crackers and bread that will be a good substitute for your mayonnaise whip up a bean spread and your tummy will always thank you for this healthy choice. For beans is not only healthy legume but also prevent many digestive track disease. A friend of mine share this recipe with me and she get this from her granny. I was not very sure about the spread but when she told it was her granny’s time tested recipe I know it will surely will be price less because granny is not passing her recipe but legacy of love. So when you make this please get me back to tell how you like this .


Cloves of garlic 2
Olive oil ½ tsp
White beans 15 ounce can
Lemon juice 2tsp
Parsley 1tsp
Rosemary(fresh) 1tsp
Thyme (fresh) 1tsp
and pepper(optional) according to taste

In ½ tsp of olive oil just fry a little bit the 2 cloves of garlic. When done, combine the garlic and oil in a blender with the white beans, lemon juice, parsley ,rosemary,thyme salt,pepper and process until smooth. Your white bean spread is ready to spread over your crackers or bread.


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