Senin, 28 September 2009


My home town is celebrating the most happening autumnal festival of the year the Durga Puja. Previously it was celebrated as a religious festival but as days passed it has taken the shape of carnival and irrespective of caste creed and language everyone celebrate the occasion, where Mother Nature is worshipped as the symbol of power who eradicate all evils of the earth and bless us with peace, harmony, love and happiness.This is the time when all friends and relative visit each other’s house and share the eternal bonding of love. As I was busy enjoying this festive mood I can’t update my blogs but thanks to all of you my friends who have taken time to visit my blog regularly.Today I will like to share a delicious soup that I have tasted in a road side restaurant with 25 of my friends, the most surprising thing is that they prepared it in just 20 minutes, in front of us. I still trying to make out the magic as they were not equipped with any modern cooking device, any way it taste delicious. They use goat meat to cook this dish you can use lamb if you don’t like the taste or goat meat is not available. Cook it and I assure, you will love it but it may take a bit more time than they did . No more words let go straight to the recipe.


Meat cube 1 bowl
Garlic clove 6
Ginger 1tsp coarsely grounded
Lentil 1 cup
Baby onions 10 to 12
Carrot shredded ½ cup
Cardamom 4
Cinnamon 4
Clove 4
Star anis 1
Butter or diet butter 2 tbsp
Lemon juice 1tbsp
Salt and pepper according to taste
Boiled rice 2 tbsp (optional)
Water 4 cups

First boil the meat with cardamom, clove, cinnamon, star anis, garlic cloves ,coarsely ground ginger, whole black pepper and little bit salt. Then boil the lentil with water( you can adjust the consistency of this soup accordingly by adding more or less water) and little bit of salt. Side by side on another pan sauté baby onion in 1 tbsp butter. Now in it add the boiled mutton, add shredded carrot stir and then add the boiled lentil you just prepared. Now put another tbsp of butter in it and lemon juice adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper. Cover the lid cook for another 1 to 2 minutes and then serve it . Sprinkle some cooked rice above it and your hot lentil lamb soup is ready to relish with some garlic toast bread . This soup is best during rain or winter when you want a whole meal yet feel a bit lazy to cook any elaborate dish this can be your ideal choice.


Selasa, 15 September 2009


Nutty milk is very yummy tasty drink and energy booster, not recommended for the strict weight watcher. But once a while you can taste this heart warming drink and close your eyes and relax visualizing your dream holiday. I have this drink to elevate my mood sometimes when I am down .Take a quick look of this recipe and let me know that how you like it.


Almond ½ cup
Pistachio ½ cup
Milk 1 liter
Cardamom 3
Sugar according to taste
Saffron few strands


Make a smooth paste of both the nuts . Boil the milk with sugar and then add the nut paste to it go on stirring the mixture add coarsely grind of cardamom. Let it boil for few more minutes but go on constantly stirring the mixture. Then add few strands of saffron. Put off the flame let it cool down then serve it or you may serve it chilled. I prefer the chilled one. I enjoy a false moustache whenever I have this drink. Let you enjoy it too while your loved one have a good laugh seeing you.


Selasa, 08 September 2009


If you have a carving for something creamy and hearty to spread on your crackers and bread that will be a good substitute for your mayonnaise whip up a bean spread and your tummy will always thank you for this healthy choice. For beans is not only healthy legume but also prevent many digestive track disease. A friend of mine share this recipe with me and she get this from her granny. I was not very sure about the spread but when she told it was her granny’s time tested recipe I know it will surely will be price less because granny is not passing her recipe but legacy of love. So when you make this please get me back to tell how you like this .


Cloves of garlic 2
Olive oil ½ tsp
White beans 15 ounce can
Lemon juice 2tsp
Parsley 1tsp
Rosemary(fresh) 1tsp
Thyme (fresh) 1tsp
and pepper(optional) according to taste

In ½ tsp of olive oil just fry a little bit the 2 cloves of garlic. When done, combine the garlic and oil in a blender with the white beans, lemon juice, parsley ,rosemary,thyme salt,pepper and process until smooth. Your white bean spread is ready to spread over your crackers or bread.


Kamis, 03 September 2009


This week I was very busy with some new business venture of mine so bit late to update my blog. But yes now I am free to post a wonderful recipe which my Mother cooked for me this week. I think Mother is that special person in our life who knows what is perfect for the moment even if you haven’t spent a word. She cooked a very nutritious mixed sprout pancake for me, it is really a filler and can be very good breakfast especially if you have in front some long hours of non stop work. Try out this mixed sprout pancake roll and tell me how you like it.


For Pancake
Flour 1 cup
Egg 1
Milk 1 ½ cup
Sugar 1 tsp (optional)
Salt and pepper according to taste

For Stuffing
Boiled mixed sprouts ½ cup
Grated carrot 2tbsp
Grated beetroot 2tbsp
Grated cabbage 2tbsp
Chopped onion 2tbsp
Chopped tomatoes 2tbsp
Chopped green chilly ¼ tsp
Chopped cilantro 1tbsp
Mashed potato 4tbsp
Oil 1tsp
Lemon juice 1tsp
Sugar ½ tsp (optional)
Salt and pepper according to taste

First prepare the stuffing, heat oil in a pan then add the chopped onion as it turns a bit transparent add the sprouts and all the vegetable then stir it well then add the mashed potato ,sugar, salt and pepper and lemon juice. Your stuffing is ready keep it aside. Now in a medium bowl, mix plain flour, egg, milk, sugar pepper and salt then make into a smooth batter. Heat up a non-stick pan over low heat; brush a little oil to the pan. Pour some batter to the pan and swirl into a round thin pancake. Let it cook and then flip the pancake over and cook for another a few second.
To assemble the roll, put some filling on top of the pancake, and roll it up like a spring roll. Your mix sprout pancake is ready to break your fast.