Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Wish You A Happy, Healthy And Delicious New Year 2011

A new year is unfolding—like a blossom with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within and I am praying to God-

As the dawn breaks on a new year, let us give thanks for all we hold dear: our health, our family and our friends.

Let us release our grudges, our anger and our pains, for these are nothing but binding chains. Let us live each day in the most loving ways, the God-conscious way. Let us serve all who are in need, regardless of race, color or creed.

Let us keep God of our own understanding in our hearts and to chant God's name each day. Let us lead the world from darkness to light, from falsehood to truth and from wrong to right.

Let us remember that we are all one, embracing all, discriminating against none.

May our year be filled with peace, prosperity and love. May God's blessings shower upon us and bestow upon each of us a bright, healthy and peaceful new year.
-Reverend Marcy "Melchezedek Order"
Wish you all A Very Happy Delicious New Year 2011. May all your dream come true this year.

To celebrate the coming year I thought why not share with you a delectable dessert recipe. Of course dessert is my favorite and I thought to start 2011 on a sweet note . So this utterly butterly delicious hot brownies, pistachio ice cream with hot fudge sauce. I think this is the “show stopper” of my new year eve dinner party. I have made lots of delicious dessert but this time I want to serve something a little more……… exciting . Something that would impress and entertain my friends.

Today I will share only the hot fudge recipe with you because due to lack of time I asked my aunt to prepare the brownie for me and the pistachio ice cream was store brought. If you have time you can surely make it for yourself but friend in the last minute hurry I can make it . So for now the divinely delightful hot fudge recipe.

Unsweetened chocolate      1/4 th cup coarsely chopped
Semisweet chocolate 2 cup coarsely chopped
Light cream 1 cup
Sugar 1 cup or to taste
Vanilla essence few drops


In a sauce pan combine the chocolates, light cream and sugar. Bringing to boiling, reduce heat then simmer the mixture uncovered over low heat for 1 to 2 minutes until it is a creamy, stirring frequently. Remove from heat then add the vanilla essence. And you silky smooth hot fudge is ready. In a single plate I make a base of this dreamy fudge sauce and put a thin slice of brownie over it a scoop of pistachio ice cream and then again drizzle the sauce over it and a delicious comfy dessert is ready to serve.
I am going to entertain my friends and family with this delectable dessert when we all welcome 2011. Give it a try in your coming parties and let me know how it turns out for you!

Enjoy A Rocking time!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Crispy Fish With Spinach Butter Rice And Orange Sauce (Christmas Special)

I know everyone of you are busy with your last minute Christmas preparation and I am also waiting for a rocking day but this year I plan a non –hassle Christmas dinner. A very delicious, eye appealing dish and a total meal and easy to cook so that you have lot of time to spend with your friends and family. I hope you will like crispy fish with spinach butter rice and orange sauce a simple yet elegant festive dinner plan.
For Crispy Fish
Fish fillets 4 pieces
Black pepper to taste
Salt to taste
Mustard sauce 1 tea spoon
Lemon juice 1 table spoon
Ginger garlic paste 1/2 teaspoon
Oil to deep fry
For Batter:
All purpose flour 2 teaspoon
Corn flour 2 teaspoon
Salt to taste
For Spinach
Spinach 1/2 bowl blanched and roughly chopped
Garlic 2 clove chopped
Butter or diet butter 1/2 teaspoon
Mozzarella cheese 1 cube
Salt and pepper to taste
For Butter Rice
Cooked long grain rice 2 small bowl
Butter or diet butter 1 heaping spoon
Red green and yellow bell pepper 1/4 cup finely diced
Salt and pepper to taste
For Orange Sauce
Butter 1/2 teaspoon
All purpose flour 1 teaspoon
Orange juice 1/2 to 1 cup
Sugar a pinch
Salt and pepper to taste


Don’t get panic seeing the long list of ingredients but truly speaking friend if you go through the procedure then it is just some prior preparation and then a delicious dish can be presented within half an hour and  your guest book will be filled with overwhelming appreciations.
Now I will start with Orange sauce
Place a fry pan on medium flame and then let the butter melt in it, add one teaspoon of flour stir for half a minute then add the orange juice. Stir for few minutes adjust seasoning. Let it thicken and then put off the flame.
For Spinach
Put a pan on flame let the butter melt in it then add the chopped garlic stir and then add the balanced spinach in it. Stir for 2minutes adjust the seasoning. Then add the grated mozzarella cheese in it let the cheese melt it will give a chewy texture to the spinach. Put off the flame your spinach is ready.
For Butter Rice
Put another pan on flame let butter melt in it add the bell pepper in it. Stir for a minute then add the cooked rice (I use the good quality of basmati rice) then add salt and pepper. Mix well and you are done with the butter rice.
These steps you can prepare in the day time if you are making dish for dinner, just you should have to on your microwave to warm them up when you dish out.
For Crispy Fish
Marinate the fish fillets with salt, pepper, mustard sauce, ginger garlic paste and lemon juice for half an hour. Now take a bowl take flour and corn flour in it and now pour soda water in it (this will make your fried fish really crisp), I am not giving any measurement of it just make sure that the consistency of the batter should not be too thick or thin but the medium consistency to coat well then deep fry those fish fillets. Drain out the excess oil.
Your whole dish is complete now come the presentation part that’s up to you, you can use your creative to make it appealing but if you ask me I take small bowl place a layer of butter rice and then spread the spinach above it then another layer of rice and then press well. Now in the serving plate I just turn the bowl upside down and pour the orange in the base of the plate and place the crispy fried fish above the rice tomb.
Serve with some green salad and a delectable dessert. A rocking hit Christmas dish, I hope you will like it.

Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving,
May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season, and throughout the year! Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and love.
 Merry Xmas!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
lennycpizzeria.com-image source
corbisimages.com-image source


Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

Delicious Green Salad

Temperature is  going down quickly in my city and I am enjoying the chilled whether outside. I remember in my school days we use to blow hot breath in our school bus glass windows and write lovely notes for our friends, a very innovative way of time pass and to get your message out, one such is still in my memory box -Really!! Friends are the best part of our small life. So true isn’t it! Those are lovely days if you have any such winter memory do share with us, friends coming to this blog will love to share your ever precious moments. In this winter days one thing I miss most are lush green trees and few of my friends living abroad are telling that it’s full of snow outside and like me if you are missing the greens then this green salad can bring back that missing green in your dinner table and be your mood enhancer!
So don't wait to try!

Small head butter lettuce-1 washed and dried, leaves torn into bite-size pieces
Onion – 1 thinly sliced
Blanched peas -1/2 cup
Salted roasted almonds, coarsely chopped -1/2 cup
Ricotta salata -1/2 cup shaved thinly with a vegetable peeler (optional)

Salad dressing
Lemon juice- 1 whole
Lemon zest-1 tea spoon
Olive oil -2 table spoon
Sugar- 1/2 teaspoon
Ajwain(carom seeds)/thyme-1/4 teaspoon
Salt and pepper- to taste


In a bowl mix all the salad dressing ingredients . If you are using fresh young peas then keep them raw otherwise balanced a little bit. Then toss the lettuce, onion, peas with the dressing. Adjust seasoning and serve right away in individual serving plates and top with roasted almond and ricotta salata(if using).This salty cheese really make all the flavor sing. This green salad can be a light dinner choice with a protein like chicken breast of fish fillet any week nights or a good choice to serve to an elegant dinner party! Let me know how you will like to have this light, refreshing and delicious green salad.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
wolfgangpuck.com-image source


Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Delicious Rocky Roads Bars

Last week was a too hectic so I thought to rest and relax in weekends but when you have some crazy friends around then who will let you be lazy and sleep in your couch. Leela asked me to join for dinner this Saturday night. I thought it will be some close friends gathering in her house but to my surprise she  throw a wild card party for us. I am talking about wild in the spirit of intense, unsuppressed emotion-excitement, delight, surprise, joy, happiness and fun. On this Saturday night, all friends poured life into this party coupled with the spooky atmosphere; it was like a post Halloween themed night. The whole evening was delicious and wonderfully entertaining. Leela and Suman her husband are wonderful host, superb cook and know how to throw a party. All those glamorous and delicious foods are telling us go ahead, salivate. In my last post I wrote a lot about restricting in our dessert intake and truly telling you when it comes to the dessert section of the table I thought yes I can show courage to skip this section, I was ignoring all those snowy peaked ice creams and dessert but when I saw those small Rocky roads bars the wild child within me just jump out and I literally fall weak at the knees and I can’t resist to take a piece and when I have it…….ummmm… delicious! Back home next day I called her for the recipe and she told me about it which I am sharing with you today. In this festive season such recipe is a keeper and is simple and easy to make. I hope you will love it.
Unsalted Butter       125g
Chocolate 300g
Mini marshmallows 100g
Desiccated coconut 4 table spoon
Chopped peanut 1/4 cup
Chopped walnut 1/4 cup
Glazed cherries 1/4 cup
Fresh orange zest 1 teaspoon
Golden syrup 2 to 3 table spoon
Icing sugar 2 tsp to dust


First of all heat the chocolate butter and golden syrup in a heavy based saucepan over gentle heat. Remove from heat. Now fold the marshmallows, desiccated coconut, peanut, walnut, cherries and orange zest in this melted chocolate mixture. Mix well. Pour the mixture into line sliced tin smooth the top with a spatula. Refrigerate it until set or overnight. Use a warm knife to cut into equal size squares then dust it with icing sugar.
This can be a great dessert choice for your Christmas parties and both kids and grown up can’t resist to fall for your Rocky Road Bars.
If you have any wild party idea for Christmas and New Year do share with me I would love to know about them and I hope we all will have a rocking festive season.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/nataliejohnson/3099366672/ -image source


Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Stay Slim In Winter Holidays

Christmas countdown has already begun and I know Christmas is that time of the year when we allow ourselves to indulge in caloric foods yet also except to look awesome in slinky outfits. So today I thought to discuss the recipe how to stay in shape during Christmas and winter holidays. If you find them happening then you can go for some I hope you will feel better.

Christmas is here and it’s a great time to taste all those Christmas cookies and but our body still needs some vital nutrients and vitamins to stay strong. So eat plenty of veggies and fruits and just give few minutes time to listen to your body. Drink plenty of water, in summer we drink plenty of water but in winter we skip this, hydration is another key element to winterizing your body.

Don’t go to holiday meal empty stomach because this can be a surest way of falling sick. So eat light healthy high fiber snack such as fruits or few wheat crackers before you go, it will curb your appetite and prevent over eating. Holiday brunch with irresistible food and dessert is hard... hard too hard to say no but try to fill up with fruit juices , salad and veggies before those eye catching dessert call you to have more and more. Rather than taking every dessert on the table try to pick your favorite or take a small portion of some of them.

Healthy eating at this time can be very challenging when most of the time we eat out. One of the most deceptive parts of the festive meal is the sauces. A healthy entrée or side dish can turn into a calorie disaster when you choose a wrong sauce. On the other hand a low calorie sauce can make a satisfying and enjoyable meal. I can name few butter and cream based sauce which can add your waist line such as béarnaise sauce, hollandaise sauce, alfredo sauce, carbonara are some from the many and don’t you forget those lovely sour cream, decorative soup topping they too count. You may feel good when you go for a baked fish or a Red Lobster but until you dip it in a tartar sauce. So go for tomato based sauces as tomatoes are low in calorie and source of heart healthy lycopenes. Also salsas, pestos, mushroom sauces are lighter and good for health. I hope you like this little sauce communication.

Eat slowly. The brain takes 20 minute to register fullness. So enjoy your meals by savoring the beauty flavor and taste of each bite.

Focus on quality of food and not on the quantity. This will help you to enjoy your favorite food and you don’t need to deprive yourself. Eat small amount of it and don’t go for second or you can use small serving dishes to eat so that food look abundant on your plate.

Cut short your alcohol intake or sweetened beverage as this are reasons for weight gain. Go for plain water or mineral water, unsweetened tea or sugar free soft drink. If you are among those where no firm reason to avoid hard drinks works, then hold in style a tall glass of cocktail and roam from one corner of the party to the other without sipping just once and by the time you take 3 to 4 rounds inspiring other to drink those who love to drink have already finished their 5 to 6 glasses and then you know ….. (hahaha) you can slip easily.

These are few tips that I am sharing with you so that we can all stay happy and healthy in this blessed season which engage the whole world in a conspiracy of love.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy