Kamis, 25 November 2010

Scottish Dessert Raspberry-Cranachan

A Very Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends.

This Monday I sat for a chat session where a friend from England shares an excellent Scottish dining experience with me. Her husband was there for his business trip and you know girls can never miss to pack the bag be a part of the journey where there is ample scope to shop and dine specially when New year is so near and the good news this time fortunately they met few of their Scottish friend. Now these hungry Scot friends take them for a treat to Boisdale of Belgravia, which is one of London’s most fashionable haunts of highland hospitality. “Magnificent restaurant, bar, courtyard and live jazz …. The blood red walls, exuberant tartan décor a unique old style atmosphere mesmerized her while her husband get totally carried away by the hypnotic scent of Cuban cigars and unbelievable collection of whiskey….o… ho! Men will remain men and when it comes to good cigar and wine there are nobody to stop them. It‘s dinner time so poor boy have to return to their dining table after his visit to the Cigar terrace. She told that Boisdale is one of the most iconic restaurants in London for its award winning Scottish menu. The menu sound quiet interesting to me dishes like Raviolo of spinach & sorrel with toasted walnuts, sage & parmesan butter sauce , Handpicked Unpateruised Herbridian Crab with Spiced Avocado,Cornish mutton & wild mushroom pie with rosemary and garlic mashed potato topping , Half a roast free range corn fed Black Leg chicken and few more delectable delicacies, the reason may be because I never tasted Scottish cuisine and somehow I feel very organic, healthy, fresh flavors of countryside. Now that’s what my instinct says talking to my friend but to know the real flavor someday I have to visit Boisdale and give all those a try but for now I am making Raspberry-Cranachan. Truly speaking when she told me about this dessert, since then I am drooling . It is creamy , delicious and what is more appealing for my lazy bones – it is super easy.
This year I decided to rock my Christmas party with this delicious Scottish dessert Raspberry-Cranachan . If you want something different, something Scottish for coming parties then don’t miss it .

Double cream      1/2 cup
Raspberry puree 1/4 cup
Toasted oatmeal 2 table spoon
Scottish whisky 1 teaspoon
Fresh raspberries 6
Scottish honey 1 table spoon or to taste
Leaf gelatin 1g


Oats can easily burn so with little care, scatter them on to a baking tray and toast under grill or in a low oven until golden brown.Your toasted oatmeal is ready.
Soak gelatin leaf in cold water for 10 minutes. Whip double cream to soft peak. Now gently fold in the raspberry puree, honey( if you can get the Scottish one go for the regular honey), whisky(any good malt whisky will do) and the toasted oatmeal with your spatula. Drain and melt the gelatin make sure not to boil it.
Then fold it in to the cream mix. Keep it in refrigerator for 30 minutes to 1 hour before serving. Serve it in individual serving glass or dishes garnish with honey glazed raspberry (toss fresh raspberry in warm honey) and then drizzle this warm honey with whisky over it. This whisky not only add a Scottish taste but give awesome kick to the flavor. Your delicious, creamy traditional Scottish dessert is ready.

*To make it more healthy  instead of double cream use  equal quantity whipping cream and fromage frais, instead of whisky you can use brandy or apple juice. Yes taste will definitely differ but in festive parties healthy you is more important to your family and friends.

So enjoy!
Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
http://www.flickr.com-image source


Jumat, 19 November 2010

Mulled Apple Cider

Mulled apple cider is one of my favorite warm up drink in winter, not because it is absolutely delicious but with it every sip I remember those colorful school days when we bunch of friends use to sit in our favorite roof top joints in a friends place and her Mom make this delicious spicy apple cider for us. I still remember how some of my friends shared stories about their secret crush and sobbed when they lost them you know why………… because all happen from 5th floor roof top and those poor handsome guys crossing roads never get to know that from such grand hill top there are sweeties and cuties pouring their heart out!...... sound hilarious yes they are like that but fortunately all those crazy girls get their Mr. Perfect and are happily married! Some of them are out of contact and I don’t know where on earth they are but till today in a chilled winter night whenever I make a mug of this apple cider for me and sit in my balcony watch the night sky I remember those moments even though those memories gift me wet eyelids ! Ok now I want to stop this emo journey and give you this delicious soul soother Mulled Apple Cider recipe. I am sure if you shared it with your loved ones in a chilled winter there will be some stories that you will love to remember!

Apple cider    4 cups
Cinnamon sticks 1/2
Nutmeg 1/4 tea spoon
Clove 1
Lemon juice 2 table spoon
Orange zest 1 table spoon
Brown sugar 3 table spoon (more or less to taste)


Place apple cider in a medium sauce pan in a slow flame. Add all the other ingredients except lemon juice and orange zest. Let it simmer half covered for 15 to 20 minutes in a very low flame. Within this time all the spices will mingle well to give you that everlasting refreshing aroma. Then add the orange zest and the lemon juice and put off the flame and cover it for a minute. Strain it through a fine mesh strainer and serve hot with a cinnamon stick and a spiral fresh orange rind- these is a simple garnish tip you may use or may not . To mull something generally means to spice and heat it so now you know why this is called Mulled apple cider. Relax and sip this delicious perfect fall drink.
Have A Lovely Weekend!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.

abcdlady.com- image source


Jumat, 12 November 2010

Japanese Clear Soup (Suimono)

It was a total mess last week I got hay fever and you know what happens in it, itchy, puffy, watery eyes and red, stuffy nose- OMG it’s terrible! I am not feeling to have anything, my taste buds are completely flat. Then Maa (Mother) came as a savior as she always does, she make a Japanese Clear Soup for me which is not a fill you- up- kind of meal but a delicious refreshing Asian soup. I think God bless every Mom with a caressing hand so that they can make anything special ! What do you feel………….! I am ok now and so want to share that easy yet delicious Japanese Clear Soup –Suimono's recipe with you.

Chicken stock        3 cups
Soya sauce 1 teaspoon
Dry sherry 2 table spoon(optional)
Mushroom 3 to 4 thinly sliced
Green onion strips 1 teaspoon
Celery leaves 1teaspoon chopped
Lemon Thinly sliced
Carrot Thinly sliced
Lemon peel strips few
Tofu small chunks
Cooked shrimp 4 to 5(optional)


In a large saucepan bring chicken stock to simmer. Stir in sherry and soya sauce. Simmer for few minutes. Top with all those other ingredients. Cook for another half minutes and you are done. If you want you can season with salt but this soup don’t need that as soya do all the work. Ladle the soup in small soup bowl and relish this delicious Japanese Clear Soup (Suimono).For me this is a total comfy, feel good soup and I hope you too will like the fresh flavors of Suimono.

For now Sayōnara (good bye)!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
http://www.japanesefoodreport.com -image source


Senin, 01 November 2010

Delicious Mint Rice with Creamy Prawn Curry

I have some crazy friends who think time doesn’t matter at all and they drop in any time, the other day two of them came 11 at night when I was having a diet salad with some bread and boiled egg just to skip cooking my dinner but God have some different plan and yes I have to cook for them something that is delicious yet quick because I want my dishes to be served as dinner and not breakfast….hahahah! The good thing is I have very few things in my freezer , just have some leftover rice and 4 to 6 tiger shrimp and little veggies and with this little ingredients I have to please my two dear hungry friends! I must say I am successful in my mission. Mint rice and Creamy Prawn curry served the whole purpose. You can take a look of this delicious platter. I am sure you will like this.

For Mint rice
Basmati rice cooked 3 cups
Fresh mint leaves paste 3 table spoon
Lemon juice 1/2 tea spoon
Yoghurt 1 table spoon
Spring onion chopped ½ cup
Clarified butter/ butter 1 table spoon
Coriander powder (dry roasted) 1/3 tea spoon
Green chilly 1 chopped (optional)
Sugar 1/2 tea spoon
Salt and pepper to taste

For Creamy Prawn Curry
Tiger shrimp 4 to 6
Garlic 1 tea spoon chopped
Yoghurt 3 table spoon
Clarified butter/ butter 1 tea spoon
Corn flour 1/2 tea spoon
Cayenne powder/white pepper 1/2 tea spoon
Sugar 1/2 tea spoon
Saffron a pinch
Salt to taste
Water a little more than 1/2 cup
Fresh coriander 1/2 tea spoon finely chopped
Fresh cream 1 heaping spoon (optional)

For Mint Rice
Heat clarified butter on a pan then adds the chopped garlic. Mix lemon juice with mint paste then add it stir, add yoghurt and chopped spring onion. Stir then add the cooked rice. Add sugar, salt and pepper. Stir and mix well now sprinkle coriander powder (dry roast the coriander seeds on a pan and then grind it, it give a unique smell to your dishes). Mix well and your delicious mint rice is done.
For Creamy Prawn Curry
Take a bowl and in it put yoghurt, cayenne powder, salt, sugar, water and cornflower mix well. In a pan heat clarified butter now sauté the tiger shrimp with garlic. After that add the yoghurt mixture stir well. Let it cook for few minutes. When the gravy starts to thicken take a spoon full of the gravy in a small bowl and mix saffron in it then add this saffron mixture in to the gravy. Let it cook for a minute. Then add fresh cream. Put off the flame. Garnish with finely chopped coriander. Your creamy prawn is ready to serve.
Serve this delicious Mint rice with creamy prawn curry with your favorite salad.

*The taste of the whole recipe will differ if you use butter instead of clarified butter but no doubt delicious in both way. And for those who want it to be healthier you can use diet butter.

The spreading light of happiness.......
The eternal victory of light over darkness as good over evil

With gleam of Diyas
And the Echo of the Chants
May Happiness and Contentment Fill Your life
Wishing you a very happy and prosperous Diwali!!

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.
http://www.tulsiindianrestaurant.com/ -image source