Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010


February is said to be the month of romance. Expressing love, care and affection is what Valentine’s Day is all about. This is the day when our heart want to shower all things expensive for that special someone but now when times are lean and our wallet don’t permit us to spend too much what can we do to make that special person feel that they are our world ? Yes we can win our way to that special one’s heart with a romantic meal at home. This is an affordable and delicious way to make him /her feel special this Valentine’s Day. Today I am sharing with you a romantic chocolate soufflé recipe which I try to make as healthy as possible so that it don’t add inches to your waistline. I think chocolate soufflé recipe is an ultimate chocolate dessert which no one could say no in this romantic festival of Valentine’s Day.
Soufflé though seems a bit tough and restaurant- only dessert but I am sure with a little love for your beloved and the easy procedure that I share, this will be worth trying.


Granulated sugar 3 ½ table spoon
Egg white 3 large
Egg yolk 1 large
Bitter sweet chocolate 2 ½ ounce (chopped)
Heavy cream 1 table spoon
All purpose flour 1 teaspoon
Vanilla essence ¼ teaspoon
Cinnamon powder 1/8 tea spoon
Salt 1/8 tea spoon
Butter 1tea spoon (optional)
Powdered sugar for dusting (optional)
Strawberry few pieces ( for garnish)


Preheat the oven to 375°F. Lightly coat two ramekins with butter or cooking spray then coat inside of each with 1 ½ teaspoon of sugar and pour out the excess. To melt the chocolate you can use microwave or double boiler. If you are using microwave then place the chocolate in a small bowl and microwave in medium stirring every 20 seconds. It will take 1 to 2 minutes for the chocolate to melt. Otherwise place the chopped chocolate on top of a double boiler, stir gently when it is almost done remove from heat and stir until the whole things get melted. Now take another bowl whisk egg yolk and cream until combined. Then whisk in the chocolate until smooth, and then add flour and cinnamon powder or vanilla essence as per your choice and whisk until everything is well blended. Now in a medium bowl beat egg white and salt until soft peaks form, beat the remaining sugar slowly until it forms a glossy, stiff peak.
Now with a rubber spatula gently folds half of the egg white mixture to the chocolate mixture. Then with soft hands fold the rest of egg white mixture to the chocolate mixture until no white streaks remain. Now with a large spoon place the soufflé mixture in the prepared ramekins. Fill up to ¼ inch below the rim. Place on a baking sheets bake until its firm on top and puffed up at least an inch above the rim. Dust with powder sugar and garnish with pieces of strawberry.
Serve immediately. Like romance soufflé is best when served hot. So light up some scented candles and enjoy this romantic chocolate soufflé . I hope it will rock .

If chocolate soufflé seems to be a bit technical, have a look- in this video Mark will teach you to be more perfect-

Be in love. Wish you all A Very Happy Valentine's Day.



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