Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009



You must have tried a number of various pumpkin recipe for Halloween. Add one more to your list I think this will be little unique in taste from all that you have tasted so far. Give it a try and let me know you like it or not.


Chopped onion 2
Bell pepper 2 deseeded and chopped
Pumpkin 750 grams cut into small pieces
Turmeric powder 1 tsp
Dried red chilly 1 whole
Black mustard seed 1tsp
Garlic 2 clove minced
Ginger 1tsp grated
Peanut fried handful
Coconut grated 4 tbsp
Cilantro 2 tbsp for garnish
Vegetable oil 4 tbsp
Lemon juice 1tbsp
Salt according to taste
Green chilly 1 chopped
Shrimps 10 to 12 ( slightly fried )


In a frying pan with vegetable oil, heat the mustard seeds until they begin to pop, with it break the whole dried red chilly in two pieces and add. Add chopped onion and fry till transparent add minced garlic, bell pepper and grated ginger stir for a minute, add pumpkin, turmeric powder and salt. Sauté for 3 to 4 minutes. Cover and allow the pumpkin to cook . When the pumpkin is well cooked add the fried peanut(those who are strict weightwatcher they can use roasted), sugar, grated coconut and if you want to make it more yummy the you can add slightly fried shrimps and green chilly. Stir it for another one minute. Remove from flame add lemon juice and chopped cliantro. Serve with steamed rice or breads. I think your guest will definitely remember this Spicy Halloween Pumpkin for many years to come and don’t forget to share your Halloween stories with me I am waiting………

A sweet foodie friend Kristy @ My Little space gifted me this befriending button which in this festive mood of Halloween I want to share with all of my friends those who are my constant inspiration and support. But to name all of them is not possible so few from the heart list. If I miss some body that simply the fault of my memory box but my heart knows that in it’s treasure box all the pearls are precious and priceless.

Natasha@5 Star Foodie - Culinary Adventures
Catherine@Living the Gourmet
Wenny@Inside My Bubble Today
Rakesh@simply to imagine
and many more………………..
Love Always.

Happy Holloween. image source


Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009


I think like me everyone of you have noticed that today we are simply fighting with time. With so much modern technologies provided to save time yet we always run short of it, I wish if God could give a few more hours a day at least 26 hrs, then we could get some time to sleep or chat a bit more. I think this is one wish which can never be fulfilled but in busy days with tight work schedule what about cooking some thing really fast and easy yet delicious. Today I cooked a very simple stir fried vegetable which is healthy, delicious and fast to cook. So I am sharing that with you. Cook it and have it or pack it in your lunch box and you are on.


Assorted vegetables
( florets of cauliflower, broccoli,
fresh green peas, beet root,
potato, carrot) 1 bowl
Red bell pepper 1 sliced
Chopped onion 1
Chopped green chilly 1
Cumin seed ½ tsp
Raisin 10
Honey 1tbsp
Lemon juice 1 tbsp
Chopped cilantro 2 tbsp
Oil 2 tbsp
Salt and pepper according to taste

First of all blanched all the veggies, let them remain bit crispy. Heat oil in a pan. Add the cumin. When it splutters add onion stir when onion become transparent add bell pepper fry a little bit then add all other vegetable stir then add salt ,pepper and green chilly. Stir and then cover it with lid for a minute just to make the veggies a little more soft. Stir to avoid sticking. Then add raisins,honey, and lemon juice remove from flame and then add chopped cilantro . Your yummy stir fried vegetable is ready . Have it with bread. I hope you will love this simple yet easy to cook recipe.


Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009


I spend a very lovely evening day before because a friend of mine just returned from her Greek honeymoon. Have you ever visited Santorini ? I have not yet but seeing the photographs and video, I must say I am visualizing myself under the blue, blue skies and bluer yet Aegean sea , white washed houses cascading down the cliffside….. sitting on my special Greek island balcony………a glass of chilled blue curacaos , a little feta cheese with few roasted almonds and pistachio nuts and that’s when the moonrise in Santorini from blue Aegean sea. My heart will surely stop at the joy of being in the most beautiful place with that special person of love. Sounds too romantic ! Plan a vacation this weekend I am sure you will have a experience to treasure for life . My hangover is not over yet so today I cooked delicious lamb moussaka just to pamper my thought a bit more. I know you have tasted many types of moussaka but this one is simple and I try to follow the authentic Greek style as far as possible. So while you plan a romantic vacation taste this delicious moussaka it will surely help you to materialize your plan fast.


Minced lamb 750grms
Eggplant 2 large
Onion 3 (finely chopped)
Garlic 3 cloves (paste)
Flour 50grms
Tomato puree 50grm
Olive oil 25ml
Lamb stock 300ml
Butter/ Diet butter 50grm
Milk 500ml
Grated cheese 150grm
Oregano 1 tsp
Red wine 300ml
Salt and pepper according to taste
Grated nutmeg 1 pinch
Chopped parsley for garnishing

For Eggplant-Wash the eggplants and trim off stems. Cut off 1/2-inch wide strips of the skin lengthwise, leaving about an inch in between, all around the eggplant, then cut the eggplant lengthwise into 1/2-inch slices. Put the slices in a large bowl or on a tray, sprinkle liberally with salt and let them sit for 30 minutes. Rinse well, drain, and pat dry. In a grill tray place the eggplant then brush with olive oil and grill both side till lightly brown and soft. Remove and let it cool.

Meat Sauce-Preheat the frying pan or skillet over low heat. When the pan is hot add 2 tbsp of olive oil. Heat the oil in slow flame add chopped onion and garlic paste . Sauté it. Then add the minced or grounded lamb stir it. Add tomato puree, red wine, oregano, salt and pepper and the stock then stir the whole thing well. Reduce heat, cover and simmer until all liquid has been absorbed , about 45 minutes to an hour. If there is still liquid in the pan continue to simmer uncovered until the mixture is as dry as possible, stirring to prevent sticking. Put off the flame and set aside uncovered .
Béchamel Sauce - In a saucepan, melt the butter on low heat. As soon as it melts, add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon until there are no lumps, and increase the heat to medium-low. Add the milk slowly, stirring constantly with a whisk, and continue stirring until the sauce begins to thicken - creamy without being too thick. Remove from the heat and stir in salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Stir in the egg yolks and return to the heat, whisking briskly until well blended. Remove from the heat, stir in the cheese, mix well and set aside, covered, until ready to use.
Lightly oil the baking dish. Place a layer of half of meat and then a layer of eggplant then again a layer of meat mixture and then again a layer of eggplant. Spread the béchamel sauce evenly over the top and then in a preheated oven bake it for 30 to 40 minutes until golden brown. Garnish with chopped parsley. Remove the moussaka from the oven and allow to cool for 20-30 minutes. Moussaka is traditionally eaten warm, not hot, and can also be eaten at room temperature. This recipe is bit elaborate but in weekends such little effort for our dear ones is worth, what do you say?


Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009


I know my friends as I missed you so do you but my home for last few days was packed with friends and relatives so I don’t get enough time to update my blogs but now I am on my job again. Last week I cooked lots of foods for all my loved ones but something that the little kiddos love and even their Moms and Dads was a delicious yummy apple dessert.
Before going to main recipe take a quick look why it is said -"An apple a day keeps the doctor away". I get to know that recent studies have suggested that the consumption of apples can help control weight gain, lower risk of heart disease. Though most people find flesh part of apple more delicious but skin is definitely most nutritious. The apple skin is considered roughage and is a great remedy for constipation. One of the soluble fibers found in apples is called pectin. Pectin reduces the amount of cholesterol produced in liver, slows digestion and the rise of blood sugar making it ideal for diabetes patient. But always try to select good variety of apples like Granny Smith. As I am sure I think so do you that you are having a healthy dessert. Now back to the main recipe.


Apple puree 3 cups
Butter/ Diet butter 1 tbsp
Sugar / Diet sugar ½ cup or according to taste
Saffron strands few
Rose water 7 to 8 drops
Chopped dry fruits ½ cup
( almonds, pistachio,
cashew, raisins)
Nutmeg powder 1 pinch
cardamom powder 2 pinch


Place a pan and the give butter in it as the butter melts add apple puree. Stir for some time then add sugar in it . Stir for few minutes .Soak saffron in 2 tbsp of warm water. Add this into the mixture stir continuously. Add dry fruits, rose water and go on stirring for a minute and then put off the flame. Your yummy apple dessert is ready . Let it cool down and then garnish it with some cashew and raisin and serve. For those who want more- One scoop of vanilla ice cream over it, how does that sound? too good! give it a try and let me know but this is for those who have already watched their weight and not for those who are watching.


Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009


Thai dishes are always my special favorite, when I want something bit hot yet sweet and sour I try out various Thai dishes. This Thai salad locally known as Som Tum a very popular one. From the road side vendor to the top notch restaurant in Thailand serve this delicious dish. A friend of mine once prepared this for us and then I prepared it quite a number of times and every time I enjoyed the pleasure of eating. Also Som Tum is prepared with green raw papya and green Papaya is known to have an abundance of the enzyme Papain that breaks down protein which in turn aids digestion. As the fruit ripens, the enzyme content decreases, so you are doing your body good by eating the unripe fruit. I think you will love the hot and sour Thai salad Som Tum.

Green Papaya 1
Cherry tomatoes 1 cup halved
Long beans 1/3 cup cut into 1 inch length
Carrot shredded ½ cup
Crushed peanut 3 tbsp

For Dressing
Garlic clove 6 to 8 crushed
Thai chillies (bird peppers) 1 to 2
Fish sauce ¼ cup
Soya sauce 1 tbsp
Lemon juice 1tbsp
Palm sugar/ Agave Nectar 2 tbsp

For Garnishing
Roasted peanut ¼ cup
Cilantro chopped 2 tbsp


Many times for cooking this green papaya salad you will see shredded papaya is used but I will not recommend the shredded papaya for it give the salad a sloppy and unrefined look. So I will tell you to first, peel the hard green papaya with a vegetable peeler. Then, cut the papaya in half, lengthwise, and use a spoon to scrape away all of the seeds from the inside. Now, you can either use a fancy mandolin or a knife or papaya shredder a little instrument you can find in Asian grocery to finely julienne the papaya into thin matchstick-sized strips. You want the strips to be as narrow as possible, so that they can absorb the bright salad dressing. One word of caution, if the shreds are too thick, the salad might be a bit tough. In this case, you might want to soften the papaya up by sprinkling some salt and lime juice on it and crushing it a little in the mortar and pestle. Then put the garlic, the chilies ( Thai chilies[bird peppers] are small red in color and very hot so use them according to your taste), and the long bean into a mortar and pestle. Pound it, but not too thoroughly. You want everything broken up good (especially the chilies), but not transformed into paste. Add the sugar, the lime juice and the fish sauce, Soya sauce to the mortar and pestle and pound it in a bit. If you are using palm sugar, you would pound it until the sugar is dissolved. Keep aside the dressing . Now in a bowl take papaya. Carrot and tomatoes , crushed peanut add the dressing and mix well .Then add the roasted peanut and cilantro.
You can serve immediately or store in fridge for an hour for the flavor to meld and have it but when you serve it, just strain away the excess dressing. This is the basic Som Tum salad recipe but when you prepare adjust the hotness, sourness and sweetness according to your taste and liking. This salad in Thailand and Laos are taken with barbequed chicken and sticky rice. But for me I love the heaping amount just like that. Let me know how you like to have it.


Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009


This recipe is dedicated for all my friends who are attending Health2.0 conference at San Francisco and specially for my Well sphere freinds. I hope and wish that you all are having great time.
While few of my friends are enjoying the conferance in the meantime why not all of us enjoy a delicious dessert.After a delicious meal who don’t want a feel good dessert. But our health freak soul try to tell us every time that we are on the wrong road and then we limit our desire by portioning dessert, truly speaking it need a strong spiritual soul to resist that carving. Now if I give you a recipe of delicious dessert that don’t need portion control and your mind , body and soul will bless you for this wonderful experience will not give it a genuine try? This is very fast to make and healthy. I am using yogurt, honey , strawberry and almond in this recipe. Before going to recipe have a look on the health benefit of the ingredients used in this strawberry cooler.
Yogurt-This food is low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Protein, Vitamin B12, Potassium and Zinc, and a very good source of Riboflavin, Calcium and Phosphorus.
Straw berry -This food is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Folate and Potassium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C and Manganese. Since strawberries are rich in fiber, they help the body in absorbing nutrients. Strawberries are good for diabetics, as they help stabilize the level of blood glucose. Strawberries are said to help in regulating blood pressure and thus, diminishing the risk of heart disease. The high antioxidant levels in strawberries can help the body neutralize the destructive effects of free radicals.
Honey -Honey has a laxative effect on the digestion system of an individual and helps provide relief from constipation. Honey has been associated with treatment of persistent coughs and sore throat. Consumption of honey is believed to provide relief from diarrhea and dysentery. Honey has been found to have anti-bacterial properties, which seem to increase when it is diluted with water. Honey helps in cleansing blood and has positive effects on the regulation of blood circulation.
Almond-Contain protective nutrients like calcium and magnesium, which assist strengthening of bones. Almond contains phyotchemicals, which protect against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It considerably reduces the risk of heart attack. Almonds also help in checking blood cholesterol levels. They also contain lots of fiber, which is good for the system. Almonds contain folic acid, which is believed to reduce levels of homocysteine, the amino acid thought to contribute to the buildup of fatty plaque in the arteries.
(This are all general ideas and not medical advice)


Yoghurt 1cup
Fresh straw berry 3to 4
Honey 1tbsp
Chopped almond 1tbsp
Organic strawberry jam 1tbsp(optional)


First of beat the yogurt well. Now take a cocktail glass . Sliced the strawberry. Rim the glass with honey. Then place few fresh slices of strawberry in it. Pour the beaten yogurt above it . If you are serving this to kids I suggest adding a spoonful of organic strawberry jam over it. You too can have it if your health permit. Otherwise go without it. Garnish with chopped almond and few slices of strawberry. Serve and enjoy this delicious strawberry cooler from Heaven’s kitchen.


Friends I need your vote to win the Health Blogger Award. I need you. Give me your love and support by gifting me your valuable vote. Love Always.

People's HealthBlogger Award - Help SUTAPA win!

Senin, 05 Oktober 2009


Every one of us I think love pasta and we cook it in different way. But for a busy schedule for last few days I want some thing really fast and quick, specially for dinner.After a long day of work I don’t feel like cooking elaborate recipes so what could be a better choice than yummy pasta salad. You may have your own pasta salad recipe but you can try this out for a change, I hope you will surely like it.


Pasta 7 ounce of your choice
(I love the bow –tie)
Mixed vegetable 3 cups
(broccoli florets,
sliced carrot,Yellow
and red bell pepper strips
Cubed tomato and
cucumber deseeded)

Spring onion and
red onion chopped ¼ cup

Mustard powder 2 tbsp
Lemon juice 3 tbsp
Salad oil 3 tbsp
Salt and pepper according to taste

Salad Topping
Chopped mint leaves 2 to 3 tbsp
Grated cheese 2 to 3 cube(optional)
Lettuce leaves 4 to 5

Cook pasta as directed on package. Rinse under cold water, drain well. You can blanch the broccoli and carrot. Mix all the dressing ingredients on a small bowl. Your dressing is ready. Now place the pasta in a large bowl . Add vegetable and dressing toss gently. In a serving bowl arrange the lettuce leaves . Place the pasta salad over it then garnish it with chopped mint leaves and grated cheese . Your yummy delicious colorful pasta salad is ready to taste.