Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009


I know my friends as I missed you so do you but my home for last few days was packed with friends and relatives so I don’t get enough time to update my blogs but now I am on my job again. Last week I cooked lots of foods for all my loved ones but something that the little kiddos love and even their Moms and Dads was a delicious yummy apple dessert.
Before going to main recipe take a quick look why it is said -"An apple a day keeps the doctor away". I get to know that recent studies have suggested that the consumption of apples can help control weight gain, lower risk of heart disease. Though most people find flesh part of apple more delicious but skin is definitely most nutritious. The apple skin is considered roughage and is a great remedy for constipation. One of the soluble fibers found in apples is called pectin. Pectin reduces the amount of cholesterol produced in liver, slows digestion and the rise of blood sugar making it ideal for diabetes patient. But always try to select good variety of apples like Granny Smith. As I am sure I think so do you that you are having a healthy dessert. Now back to the main recipe.


Apple puree 3 cups
Butter/ Diet butter 1 tbsp
Sugar / Diet sugar ½ cup or according to taste
Saffron strands few
Rose water 7 to 8 drops
Chopped dry fruits ½ cup
( almonds, pistachio,
cashew, raisins)
Nutmeg powder 1 pinch
cardamom powder 2 pinch


Place a pan and the give butter in it as the butter melts add apple puree. Stir for some time then add sugar in it . Stir for few minutes .Soak saffron in 2 tbsp of warm water. Add this into the mixture stir continuously. Add dry fruits, rose water and go on stirring for a minute and then put off the flame. Your yummy apple dessert is ready . Let it cool down and then garnish it with some cashew and raisin and serve. For those who want more- One scoop of vanilla ice cream over it, how does that sound? too good! give it a try and let me know but this is for those who have already watched their weight and not for those who are watching.


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