Minggu, 29 Maret 2009


I am sure sometime or the other you have tried pate a delicious dish for any time may it be breakfast ,dinner or lunch. Pate is usually made with chicken liver but I
used chicken mince to cook it and it turned out awesome. A really health food and those who are on there weight loss diet can easily have it with some green salad.
Easy fast to cook delicious pate was my weekend favorite this week.


Chicken mince 1bowl
Red bell pepper 2tbsp small cubed
Yellow bell pepper 2tbsp small cubed
Zucchini 3tbsp small cubed
Onion 1tbsp finely chopped
Garlic 1 tsp finely chopped
White pepper according to taste
Salt according to taste

Put the chicken mince in the blender to make it more fine. Now put it in a bowl add red and yellow bell pepper, zucchini, onion, garlic, salt and pepper. Mix well now put the chicken pate mixture in a silver foil and roll tightly in a cylindrical way fix both ends. Meanwhile put a pan with water in it and let it boil. As water start boiling dip the silver foil in it .Cover the pan and let it boil for 4to 5 minutes. Bring the foil out cut the both ends and with soft hand peel off the foil now cut the chicken pate into thick round slices. A very nice thick slice of chicken pate with a delicious chutney ( I some time prefer Mostarda di Cremona, but this is not for the strict weight watcher) and green salad paired well with it. The beauty of this dish is that you can have it any time.

farm1.static.flickr.com/125/377741199_8c57e04- photo courtesy

Rabu, 25 Maret 2009


I am going through a huge work load for last one week this is when a friend of mine suggested me and take me to an aroma therapist . After the session I not only feel more relaxed but totally refreshed. It just uplift your mind body and spirit.
This is a really delicious food for mind and soul.
So I thought of sharing this amazing stress reliever technique with all my friends.
After the session we have a little chat with the lady and she shared some elementary facts about aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is an alternate medical technique in which we use essential oils to stimulate and activate our body senses. Aromatherapy is actually a form of herbal medicine, the entire herb is not used instead, aromatherapy uses the fragrance of the essential oils that is released when the fresh herb is compressed. Inhaling the scents of these essential oils is said to interact with your brain and can cause a strong effect on
our emotions, and how we feel and act. In Aromatherapy essential oils are designed to produce a positive impact on our mood. Each scent is carefully tested to make sure that it evokes a pleasant response when inhaled. Among the most popular scents are
lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, chamomile, marjoram, jasmine, peppermint, lemon and geranium.
I will discuss about a few of the essential oils usefulness.

• Cinnamon essential oil is considered to be effective to fight stress and anxiety and enhancing optimism.

• Eucalyptus oil help to combat restlessness, confusion and sluggishness also enhance confidence, balance , creativity and enthusiasm.

• Basil oil is useful curing mental and intellectual fatigue and negativity also enhance concentration, enthusiasm, and clarity of thoughts.

• Rosemary oil works wonder treating strains, fatigue and lethargy enhance creativity and concentration.

• Orange oil fight apathy and anxiety and burn out enhance mental stimulation.

• Last but not the least my most favorite of all Lavender essential oil is considered to be a relaxant and soothes and calm down a person immediately .
You can add few drops of lavender in water and spray in your home or surrounding or you can use essential oil diffuser, to get an instant relief from stress. Besides you can also put a few drops of lavender oil on your handkerchief and keep it in your purse and just smell it when you feel restless, completely fatigued or stressed. The fragrance will make you relax.

Learning how to relax can greatly improve your health and well being. If stress remain unchecked can be draining, exhausting , cause anxiety and even trigger health issue.
Relaxation is the most desired benefit of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is a way to reward ourselves simply and effectively with fragrant, natural substances that nourish mind, body and spirit.
Whether for food or mind smell matter ,as a good smelling food attract you so also a good smell soothes you. I want all my friends to live in a stress free world of fragrance and love.
•Consult your physician and an aroma therapist prior to using essential oils . This are general tips and not medical substitute.


Minggu, 22 Maret 2009


As the summer months are coming my travel loving soul is whispering within me what for this year? When I am doing this soul talk the first picture that come to my mind is Spain. Spain is the most popular for summer tourism and why not be so the happening sandy beaches of the Mediterranean ,the famous resort like Salou, the city of Barcelona with Benidorm as the leading summer city of Spain ,the volcanic Canary Island .Spain is really a hot destination during summer months. There are plenty of things to do on the beach besides swim. Windsurfing and kite surfing are popular. You can also enjoy a refreshing drink from one of the many beach huts. This is for the day but what about the night?
Spain is also known to have one of the best night lives out of any country. Big cities such as Madrid and Barcelona are favorites amongst the large and popular discothèques. For instance, Barcelona is known as the number one party city for clubs such as Pacha and Razzmatazz, whereas Madrid is famous for its club, Kapital. The discotheques in Spain are known to be open until odd hours such as 7am. The Baleraric Islands, such as Ibizia and Mallorca, are known to be the two big party islands in Europe. These islands are known to be major party destinations, as well as favored summer resorts.
While I am dreaming a great summer tour to Spain I cooked a delicious Spanish Stuffed Bell pepper for dinner.
Before you plan for a Spanish Holiday taste this Stuffed Bell Pepper in Spanish style I hope you will love the taste.


Red and Yellow
Bell pepper 2
Fresh Bread Slice 5
Milk 1cup
Olive oil 2tbsp
Onion 3 chopped
Garlic 2tbsp
Boiled prawn 12
Tomato puree 1cup
Chilly flakes 1tsp
Carrot ½ cup finely chopped
Flour 2tbsp
Parsley 4 tbsp
Water/white whine 200ml
Salt and Pepper according to taste

SLICE the top off of each pepper and remove seeds. Sprinkle insides with olive oil, salt and pepper.
Soak the bread slice in milk then mash and keep aside.
Now put a pan on flame give 1tbsp of Olive oil. Add 1chopped onion, 1tbsp of chopped garlic. Stir for a minute then add 2tbsp of parsley, prawn, ½ tsp chilly flakes, salt ,pepper and mashed bread. Mix well. Put off the flame Your stuffing is ready.
Now to prepare the sauce again put the pan on flame and give 1tbsp of Olive oil give rest of the chopped onion. Stir for a minute then add the carrots , rest of the chilly flakes and parsley tomato puree. Mix well add water/whine , flour, salt & pepper and stir for 5 to 6 minutes. As the sauce thickens put off the flame.
Fill the stuffing in the Bell pepper now pour the sauce above it and bake it for 30 minutes in a 200 C
preheated oven. This delicacy goes well with plain saffron rice.
Add zest to your meal and don’t forget to give me your views.


Kamis, 19 Maret 2009


Today I am not in a mood to cook, I am trying out something different yet tasty, healthy and will be good for lunch. So a bit sweet and bit salty grape delicacy is for today’s menu. See how a lazy cook add flavor and color in the lunch table.


Black grapes 300grm
Yoghurt 500grm
Red bell pepper 1 cubed
Black salt according to taste
Powdered sugar according to taste
Roasted cumin 1tsp
Red cherry 25grm

First take the whole yoghurt in a bowl add roasted cumin powder, bell pepper, black salt and sugar ( you can use any low cal sugar substitute also) , if you want it bit salty then you add more salt than sugar and vice versa. Mix all the ingredient well and leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Coat the grapes with some sugar and put it in refrigerator for half and hour. Now when you are ready for your lunch just assemble the whole things . First of all take the prepared yoghurt in a serving bowl and then add the grapes. Garnish with cherry and relish with bread of your choice.
You can have it as a side dish or a dessert but this is appropriate for lunch and not for dinner in any way.


Senin, 16 Maret 2009


I am back after a short break .I know my friends you missed me ,I am really busy fixing a family issue. But I am back again to celebrate another lovely spring festival.Yes today we will be going to Ireland to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day (Irish Lá ’le Pádraig or Lá Fhéile Pádraig),coloquially St.Paddy’s day or Paddy’s Day. I was not aware of this lovely festival before last year, when a friend from
New Zealand told me about Paddy’s Day which- I want to share with all my other friends from different parts of the world. This is an annual feast day which celebrates Saint Patrick(Ad385-461), one of the patron saint of Ireland, and is generally celebrated on March 17th. Celebrations are generally themed around all things Irish and, by association, the color green. Both Christians and non-Christians celebrate the secular version of the holiday by wearing green(meaning to wear a shamrock on one's clothing.)eating Irish food and/or green foods, imbibing Irish drink (such as Irish stout, Irish Whiskey or Irish Cream) and attending parades. So Happy Paddy’s day to all.

I will share with you a very delicious Irish vegetable chicken stew which my friend asked me to prepare in Paddy”s day.


Cooked cubed chicken breast 4cups
Fresh mushroom sliced ½ cup
Chopped onions ½ cup
Chopped garlic 1tsp
Carrots cubed 1cup
Turnips 1cup
Potato cubed 2 cup
Celery ½ cup
Soya sauce 1tsp
Worcestershire Sauce 2tsp
Parsley chopped 3 tbsp
Dried thyme ¼ tsp
Rosemary ¼ tsp
Chicken stock 6 cups
Sugar 1tsp
Salt and pepper according
to taste
Butter 2tsp (optional)
Flour 2tsp

Combine chicken, mushrooms, onion,garlic,turnips, carrots and stock in a large saucepan over medium heat. Simmer until carrots are tender, about 10 minutes.
Add the remaining ingredients except the flour and butter. Mix well and bring to boil. Cover and simmer for few minutes. Melt the butter on a medium heat in a pan, then whisk (or vigorously fork in) the flour. Cook for 2 minutes whisking all the time to prevent it sticking to the bottom of the pan. Quickly blend the mix in the gravy with your whisk or fork. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Cook for another few miutes. As the gravy thicken put off the flame. Garnish with parsley. Serve hot with some Irish soda bread.
Instead of red wine or some green beer you can take some green apple drink which will go well with Irish Stew and will be healthy too, but those with good health just for this Paddy’s Day a glass of Guinness is probably the best accompaniment of all!
It's time to paint yourself green and hunt for the pot of gold .As who can tell you might get lucky this time around 'cause St. Patrick's Day has come with a promise to fulfill all your wishes if you have the faith. A heart felt wish of mine for you my friend.


Minggu, 08 Maret 2009


International Women’s day is a global celebration for the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future.
So in this special day I too took this special opportunity to show my gratitude to all the women of the world . Being a women I am watching the life of a women in this vast canvas of life- a daughter, a friend, a professional, a homemaker, a struggler, a wife, a mother, a companion - an important ingredient in the recipe of life. Life can never be complete without her presence. So she can proudly say- "I am a women above everything else."
-Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.
In this special day I am dedicating this special quote to myself and to all the women of the Universe-
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
-- Reinhold Niebuhr

Wishing you again A Very Happy Women’s Day.


Kamis, 05 Maret 2009


A year before due to heavy work load and scattered time schedule I use to skip my break fast every alternative day. One day a friend of mine who is a dietician notice this faulty habit of mine. Though he didn’t say anything in front but later in the evening when I open my mail box I found a letter written to me with full of healthy wisdom, I am sharing a part of his letter which I think will be a reminder for everyone who want to stay healthy in there hectic lifestyle.
“ Dear- I am noticing you for number of days and today I can’t stop writing it to you as a friend and a guide, as I think it will affect your health tremendously. Eat breakfast every day even if you’re not hungry when you wake up. Skipping the first meal is likely to make you over eat the wrong foods later in the day. Though you should have some fruit juice or fresh fruits , you don’t have to limit yourself to traditional morning fare. If you’re in the mood for a piece of chicken- or any other protein that isn’t high fat- that’s fine.”

Then after a few more words he share a recipe with me- low calorie grilled chicken, that I have tried a number of times whenever I want to add some bit spicy protein in my breakfast , not only for breakfast if you want some thing light and healthy yet delicious in your dinner then this grilled chicken with some fresh green salad and a piece of bread can be a delectable choice. This grilled chicken is extremely low in calorie and truly delicious.
I must say that from that day onward till date I have never skip my breakfast- how can I make a good friend of mine upset, isn’t it? I am sharing his recipe with you all today, hope and believe you will like it.


Chicken leg piece 2
Onion paste 1tsp
Garlic paste 1 tsp
Soya sauce 1tsp
Honey 1tsp
Salt according to taste
Black pepper according to taste
Oil 1tsp (optional)
Lemon juice 1tsp (optional)

Marinate the chicken with all the above ingredient except oil and lemon juice. Leave this marinated chicken overnight (8 to 10 hrs). Now brush the grill rack with oil and place the chicken leg in it you can brush a little oil if you want on the legs and grill it on high power for at about 10 minutes or until done. If you want to make it bit tangy add some lemon juice while serving. Have it with some green salad ( sprouted mung bean salad or kalimera salad).
Enjoy a healthy breakfast.

Senin, 02 Maret 2009


I have a enjoyed a rocking party this weekend with bunch of my friends, watched Slumdog Millionaire for the third time and have some delicious but spicy food .
It is when my health freak soul started sending me notice so that I try out something this week that will again bring me to balance . Exercise will not alone can help so I thought of going for some sprouted diet for at least two days . I have some sprouted green gram and yellow and green peas and alfalfa in my refrigerator. So I thought of preparing a delicious salad with them. Sharing with you today hope you will like it.
But before sharing with you the recipe let me tell you some benefits of adding sprouted seeds in your diet. Condensed energy are hidden within the seed and released in the form of sprout. Sprouts have several other benefits. Sprouts contain lots of fiber and water, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Eating sprouts is the best way of getting the advantage of both vegetable and fruits as they have the constituent and nutrition of both. Mung beans , similar in composition to fruits, are rich in vitamin A, C and B complex. Alfalfa, probably the most popular sprouted seed, contains much chlorophyll, as well as vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, G. K, and U. It also has large amounts of iron, calcium, phosphorous, and sulphur. When a proper diet of greens, seeds, nuts, vegetables, and fruit is followed, a proper balance of acid vs. alkaline foods is maintained. Sprouting helps to reduce the acid-alkaline imbalance which might occur when grains, legumes, and other proteins are used.
So now you know how sprouted food is beneficial for your health.Now taste this delicious dish.


Sprouted mung beans ½ cup
(green gram)
Sprouted yellow &
green peas ½ cup
Sprouted alfalfa ¼ cup
Boiled potato 1 cubed
Cucumber 1 peeled and cubed
Tomato 1 big cubed
Red bell pepper 1 sliced
Apple 1 cubed
For dressing:
Sun flower oil 2 tsp
Ginger 1 tsp finely chopped
Green chilly 1 finely chopped
Fresh coriander hand full
finely chopped
Lemon 1 juice
Salt according to taste
Pepper according to taste

Making the sprouts- Soak the seeds in water over night. Drain and transfer it to the sprout maker and allow it to sit over night. Or you can drain all the water next morning gather the seeds in a clean, breathable cotton cloth. Place them in a basket, cover, and keep the basket at a well ventilated windowsill or warm area in the home. In 1 ½ to 2 days, the sprouts will be ready. Keep them in the refrigerator and use as required.
Combine the mung bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts ,peas sprout, apple , bell pepper, tomato potato ,cucumber, in a mixing bowl.
To make the dressing, whisk together all the ingredients, seasoning with pepper. Pour the dressing over the salad, toss well to coat evenly and serve.
Your healthy salad is ready.
*It should, however, be ensured that seeds and dried beans are purchased from a store where they are fresh, unsprayed and packaged as food. Seeds that are packaged for planting purposes may contain mercury compounds or other toxic chemicals.