Sabtu, 27 September 2008


Today when I am posting this recipe I am remembering my good old friend Dona and Daniel .Daniel was a very decent handsome guy living just in front of Dona’s apartment where all we girls used to party till late night every weekend. We have never seen Daniel taking any kind of interest in us and we use to make fun about this spiritual neighbor of Dona.
That Friday we were all hip hoping in Dona’s apartment suddenly the door bell rang Dona opened the door and all of us were stunned to see Daniel with bunch of flowers . Dona introduced Daniel with all of us but Daniels eyes were continuously staring Dona and all we Girl Gang smell that sweet thing everywhere- Yes you guessed it right.

Dona was a very good cook but that night when she served this dish the taste was just out of this world. It may be so that love add more taste to life than anything.

• Butter-20grms
• Gorgonzola Cheese-50grms
• Spinach leves-50grms
• Double cream-50grms

For gnocchi-

• Boiled and mashed potato-900grms
• Flour-200grms
• Salt-according to taste
• Black pepper powder-10grms

Boil and mashed the potato very well so that their remain no lumps in it. Now add flour to the mixture little by little and make a soft dough . now take some portion from the dough and shape them like sausage you can sprinkle some flour in it if needed. Now slice square pieces and your gnocchi is ready.

Now put a pan and heat some butter then add double cream .Your sauce is ready now add spinach leaves and gnocchi into this add some salt according to taste. Stir a little .Add cheese and cook for another one minute.
Now add black pepper and serve hot immediately.

This recipe is not for those who maintain strict diet for weight loss. this is for those who sometimes indulge in such eating to pamper their emotional health.

O! Ho! I haven’t completed Dona’s story that night, we leave at about 12.30 .We don’t want the love birds to be disturbed any more. We are expecting some spicy news next morning.

I will tell you about that funny incident in my next post.
Don’t forget to come back.

Sabtu, 20 September 2008


Pumpkin- 2 cups of peeled and diced.
Fresh coriander leave -1 bunch (chopped)
Boiled tomatoes-1 large size(peeled& mashed)
Cashew nut -1tbsp paste
Raisin-1 tbsp paste
Fresh cream -1/4 cup
Corn flour- 1 tbsp dissolved in1/4cup water
Black pepper- 1/2tsp
Sugar-1/4 tsp
Salt- according to taste

Boil the pumpkin in 2& ½ cup of water till the vegetable is soft. Add entire ingredient one after another except corn flour, cream and coriander. Add the corn flour mixture keep on stirring still the soups thicken a little. Add fresh cream. Remove from heat .Now add the chopped coriander. It is ready to serve.

Minggu, 14 September 2008


Lentil-1 cup
Onion-2 tbsp paste
Tomato-1 finely chopped
Ginger- 1” finely chopped
Green chilly-1 finely chopped
Lemon juice -3 tbsp
Black pepper-1&1/2 tsp
Sugar-1 tsp
Salt – according to taste
Clarified butter-3 tbsp
Wash and boil the lentil with 5 cups of water. When the lentil is totally boiled add 1tbsp onion paste, chopped ginger, green chilly& tomatoes .Add sugar and salt. Keep boiling for another 10 min now remove from heat .Now on another saucepan put the clarified butter and then give 1 tbsp of onion paste fry till brown now pour the previously prepared soup in it .Cook till the lentil seeds get totally dissolved. Remove from heat and sprinkle black pepper and lemon juice .Serve hot.
Cooking some healthy recepie for office is now a childs play.KNOW HOW?

Kamis, 11 September 2008


Our body is made up of more than half water. We need to cleanse and regenerate all our organs and cells. It is best to drink freely one hour before or two to three hours after any given meal, but to drink during meal is not a healthy habit.
It may sound incredible but water is quiet possibly the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off. Although most of take it for granted, water may be the only true ‘magic potion’ which help for permanent weight loss.
Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increase, while increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits.
If you have a constant problem with retention, excess salt maybe to blame. Your body will tolerate sodium only in a certain concentration .The more salt you eat the more water your system retains to dilute it.
But getting rid of not needed salt is easy – just drink more water. As it’s forced through the kidneys, it takes away excess sodium.
Every living cell requires water just as it does nutrients and oxygen. Water regulates all bodily functions and is necessary for removal of waste especially from the lymphatic which acts as cell lever.
The over weight person needs more water than an ordinary person. Large people have large metabolism loads. Since we water is the key to fat metabolism, so an over weight person need more water.
Water helps to get rid of body waste. During weight loss, the body has lot of waste to get rid of- all the metabolism fat must be shed. Again adequate water helps flush out the waste.
Water maintains proper muscle tone by giving muscle their natural ability to contract and by preventing dehydration.
Drinking water is essential for weight loss.
When the body get enough of water it function optimally, its fluids are perfectly balanced, keeping us in perfect shape and healthy.

Rabu, 10 September 2008


Cucumber-1 finely sliced
Tomato- 1 finely sliced
Onion- 1 finely sliced
Potato- 1 boiled &cut in cubes
Carrot- 1 boiled &cut in cubes
Peas -1/2 cup boiled
Eggs- 2 hard boiled
Green chilly- 1 finely chopped
Mustard powder- 1 tbsp
Sugar-1/2 tsp

Sprinkle some salt in to cucumber & tomato and keep them aside. Now take 1tbsp of vinegar, mustard powder, green chilly, sugar & salt in a bowl mix them well. Put all the vegetables into it, mix it well. Now in a serving dish first place the cucumber slice then tomato and then the onion slices. Put the vegetables on them. Now place the sliced egg above the vegetables. Garnish with finely chopped salad leaves.

Selasa, 02 September 2008


We are what we eat is the old adage. Choose well .Food can be a conscious choice.

The thumb rule of healthy eating is EAT WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY.

Avoid eating before the previous meal has fully digested(approx.3-6hrs between meals).

Use your hunger like a fuel gauge :0is so empty that you are starving , 10is so full you can barely move.

Do not eat too slowly or too quickly. Eat up to 3/4 of your capacity. Leaving some space in the stomach (about1/3 to 1/4 empty) makes digestion a lot easier. At the end of the meal you should not feel too full or hungry.

Avoid eating food while you are standing. Always sit comfortably and have your food and try to take your food on the same time each day .

Eat in a calm and pleasant atmosphere with your near and dear ones and avoid any kind of argument while having food .

Chew your food well and don't just swallow your food. The digestive process begins in the mouth.

If possible make lunch your main meal because food are digested well in day time because of sunlight. Breakfast and dinner should be light in quality and quantity. You can try some delicious raw food recipe for such time which are easy to make time saving and really good for health.

Avoid working ,reading or watching TV during meals .Attention is what activates everything in the Universe. You digest the environment through all your senses and will metabolize all those stress and fear chemicals into your body if you watch a violent TV show while eating.

Never eat when you are upset. It is better.

Choose food free of chemicals and other poison, organic food can be your best choice.

Eat freshly cooked food that are fresh and avoid eating over cooked food .

Balance your meal. Include all six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, astringent) in each meal and their is a feeling of satisfaction after you finished your day meal.

Cook healthy and delicious recipe live and love life fully.

Turbo Tagger


Cauliflower- 1 diced & boiled
Carrot-1 diced & boiled
Beet root- 1 diced & boiled
Potato-2 diced & boiled
Green peas- 1 cup & boiled
Onion- 1 finely chopped
Moynese sauce-5 to 6 tbsp
Olive oil-1 tbsp
Baby tomatoes-5 to 6

Take all the boiled vegetable in a bowl mix salt and olive oil and onion. Now place the mixture in a serving bowl spread the moynese sauce from top.
Garnish with baby tomatoes.


Good health is having no fatigue ,having a good appetite, going to sleep and waking easily, having a good memory good humour ,precision in thought and action, being honest, humble, grateful and loving.
We don’t eat the same food………..But we all eat.
Why we eat produces one answer…… satisfy hunger. But asked what you eat each person gives a different answer. Some says “Chinese food is my favorites” still others may say “I follow the organic food”, still others might say “ I like simple food”.
Eat any food you want .Call it by any name you want. Choose your own way to satisfy your own taste , temperament and capacity. There is no need to criticize or condemn those who follow a different path. Your goal is to develop your own individual immune system to such a degree that the body becomes it own best physician .
Every human disease,ranging from cardiovascular problem to degenerating disorders etc have been linked in one way or another to diet . Malfunctioning of the digestive process is the first symptom of all diseases.
Let your food be your medicine.
Phytonutrients ("phyto" means "plant"), which includes antioxidants, give fruits and vegetables their radiant colors and are important in the prevention of chronic diseases. These are literally nature's compounds that keep us well. These foods have high levels of antioxidants with health promoting and disease preventing compounds.
Most vitamins and phytonutrients are destroyed or damaged when cooked or processed above 130 degrees.

Eating fresh, organic Raw fruits and vegetables will increase the vitamins and micronutrients in your diet and you'll feel the difference immediately.
No wonder people are not so much excited about eating raw fruits and vegetables .But it contain some valuable that help any body and every body stay healthy.

Raw food retain the valuable enzymes ,and research suggest that high enzyme food helps in digestion. We are all preoccupied by the thought that animal product are only the sources of good protein but we are unaware of the fact that animal protein are very acidic to human body where as sprouted seeds and nuts contain high protein. Raw food also help to maintain and reduce weight .

Kristen Suzzane a former competitive bodybuilder and Associate Chef and Instructor in Raw Gourmet Foods, certified by the world-famous Living Light Culinary Arts Institute in Fort Bragg, California shares her very special information about this healthy way of living and cooking. So make sure-TO LIVE LONG AND HEALTHY .

Fruit salad

Banana- 2 thickly sliced
Orange- 2 peeled and de-piped
Apple- 1 finely sliced
Grapes- 250 gms seedless
Hot sugar syrup- 1 cup
Fresh cream- 1 cup
Canned cherry- 9 to 10

Put the banana, apple and grapes in the hot sugar syrup. Let it cool. After that, add the orange, mix well. Now place all the fruits in a serving bowl and pour fresh cream on top. Garnish with cherry.