Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Delicious Apple Dessert

This recipe is for those kiddos who are chocolate freak and to bring smiles in their faces you have to make something chocolaty. I make this recipe for my cousin sister children’s, last week they visited my house and rest is history …… I experience a small tornado over my little house. Among all the delicious delicacies none could impress them but this apple dessert. But the fun part is that my sis and I conspire to make them eat fruits in any way or the other because whenever it comes to fruit they magically vanish from the place. But anyway it was not mission impossible but the opposite. If you don’t have problem with the calorie count the with the start of fall you too can relish this recipe.

Apple    1 sliced

Banana 1 sliced

Milk 1 glass

Coco powder 2 table spoon

Chocolate sauce 1 table spoon

Cheese 2 table spoon grated

Salt a pinch

Castor sugar to taste

Butter 2 table spoon

Cornflower 2 table spoon

Lemon juice few drops

Lemon zest 1/4 teaspoon

Almond 2 table spoon chopped


Take a pan and melt 1 teaspoon of butter and coat the sliced apple and banana sprinkle half a teaspoon of castor sugar and keep aside. Now put another pan on fire and melt rest of butter add cornflower stir for few second then add glass full of milk and cocoa powder stir continuously. Add pinch of salt and sugar, go on stirring continuously so that no lumps is formed and the texture become smooth. When the mixture become thick add cheese and let it melt. Put off the flame then add chocolate sauce , lemon zest and lemon juice. Place butter and sugar coated apple and banana slice then pour the chocolate sauce over it . Garnish with chopped almond. Your delicious apple dessert is ready to serve.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


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