Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

Delicious Rose Milk

I want to treat myself with something romantically royal, but one that is easy to make and taste superb. The first thing that came to my mind is rose milk. Yes nothing can be more deliciously satisfying than a glass of chilled rose milk. So I tried a diet version of it and hope you will love it too.

Buttermilk     1 cup
Rose water few drops
Rose syrup 1 table spoon
Dry fruits paste 1 teaspoon (raisin, pistachio, almond, cashew, poppy seed, dried melon seed)
Salt a very small pinch
Cardamom powder a very small pinch
Sugar to taste (optional)
Red rose 1 (for garnish)


First make a fine paste of your dry fruits, you can skip any of the above mentioned but using all those gives a royal and super creamy taste. Now in your blender take chilled buttermilk, rose water, rose syrup, sugar if needed because rose syrup itself is very sweet, salt, dry fruit paste and cardamom powder. Blend well and serve in your favorite martini glass and garnish it with a red rose. Now cherish this beautiful drink Princess ……. if your Prince charming is near or visiting you then surprise him with this glass of pure love.

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


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