Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

Shaved Beet Carrot Salad With Dill Vinaigrette

Finally I can proudly say that I am successful in growing little herb in my roof top garden. No it is not that exquisite but it always feel great to use fresh things from your own garden. In my roof top garden in a small pot I grew dill and though they are still very young but I can’t resist to make a delicious summer salad with this young fresh greens. Here is a refreshing salad that is great starter for summer dinner or a single serving. Whether you are entertaining guests or making meal for yourself, you can prepare all the components in advance.The ingredients and the quantities in this recipe can easily be doubled or more for large serving. This shaved salad is my latest carrot adventure. It's also a nice visual without the hard work of cutting the carrots into small sticks or some other complicated shape. So join the fun of this delicious shaved beet carrot salad with dill vinaigrette.

                                                             Fresh from my garden

Orange carrot      1 peeled 
Red Beet 1 peeled
For Dill Vinaigrette
Fresh dill weed 1 table spoon chopped
Lime zest 1/2 tea spoon
Lime juice 1 teaspoon
Mustard sauce 1 teaspoon
Olive oil 1 table spoon
Sugar 1/4th teaspoon
Salt and pepper to taste
For Garnish
few fresh sprigs of dill weed for garnish.

Using a vegetable peeler cut the carrots and beet lengthwise into ribbons or slices.Place the carrot and beet slices in a large bowl. Mix all the vinaigrette ingredients and pour the dressing over the carrots and beets. Toss to combine and serve immediately or serve after giving a hour or two rest in the refrigerator.I am sure this shaved beet carrot salad with dill vinaigrette will bring you some special compliments so give it a try .

Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


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