Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Celebrate Color With Spicy Lemony Buttermilk

India today is celebrating the festival of color-HOLI. This is one of my favorite festival, because irrespective of race, religion, cast and creed every body today is playing and painting each other with colors.
WE may not be always aware that colors play a very important role in our life .We are drawn to colors- needed to bring balance in our lives, which is the main goal of every healing. The use of color as a therapy is a truly holistic and powerful for thousands of years.
In our world color dominates our live from reading sign in the roads to seeing a fruit whether ripe or not or the vegetables are in good condition or not color play a vital role.
It affects our mood blue is claming while red can make us tense. We are living in a colorful world but some time we forget to appreciate this gift of life. But today in India and all over the world where there are good number of Indians (like US,UK, South Africa, Trinidad and many more) along with the citizens, will celebrate color with great passion.
HOLI in India signifies light , life and surge of energy. Earth cast off her darkness and is ready to entrenched in the bright color of life.
This is also an important religious festival in India because it also signifies the love of Lord Krishna and Sree Radha. The mischievous cute Krishna took different colors and colored Radha and the Gopis . He also used to play with pichkaris ( big syringes tusked to sprinkle colorful water). This instance thus become an occasion of merry making every year. It is this mischievous spirit of courtship that enters this festival. Holi thus honors the Divine love of Lord Krishna and Sree Radha.
Shed the black from your life and take the red, yellow and greens . Discard pessimism and take a view on the brighter side. It is the time to sing ,dance ,laugh ,love, color all, color yourself , color your life – says Holi.
Wishing you all A Very Very Happy Holi!
A favourite drink of ours during Holi which a neighbour hood aunt used to make for us. It is really tasty and healthy and refreshing during the summer months.

Yoghurt     3 cups plain
Cold water 1 cups
Lemon juice 2 tbsp
Black salt ½ tsp
Pepper according to taste
Sugar 1tsp
Coarsely grind
roasted cumin seed ½ tsp
Cilantro and
mint leaves to decorate
Crushed ice to serve

Pour the yogurt and water into blender for 1 min.
Add in the cumin, season to taste with salt and pepper and bled together.
Serve over crushed ice
Garnish with a sprinkle of cumin powder and finely chopped cilantro and mint.
So enjoy, and those who are far from India and want to drench in real color then India is welcoming you with open arms to visit during Holi festival and return with a lifetime experience of love and color.


Enjoy this favorite holi song from the Indian film you will get the idea of the festival and surely enjoy.


*Help Japan- 
In midst of all this happiness how can we forget that our brothers and sister in Japan is going through  enormous trouble due to the gigantic earthquake and Tsunami. I have created a squidoo page,  from there you can send  your donation to the legit organisation who are working for their relief.Please make some time to visit Help Japan. Every single money earned from this page will go to Save the children . So please visit and  share this page with your friends  in whatever way you can. Thanks for all your help and support .

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