Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Delicious Tomato Poppy Delight

I am celebrating Valentine’s day food festival in my blog. I am inviting all my blogging friends to  submit your guest post about your favorite Valentine’s Day recipe and I will post it to my blog. For the full month of February we will all celebrate the season of love in my blog. Love is the miracle cure and now science too have proved that when you are in love you produce" love hormone" Oxytocin which act as stress buster,increases immunity to repair, heal, and restore faster,faster wound healing,lowers blood pressure,protects against heart disease, reduces cravings and addictions, eases depression. So be in love. Today I will share a crazy love story with you hope you will like it!
Tomato and Poppy was good friend since child hood. As they grow up childhood friendship turned into unspoken love. Now tomato has to go to earn his living in a different city. Young handsome fresh tough tomato was everyone’s favorite and he was Mr. Charming for every party whether it be lunch or dinner. In this unknown city a sweet little black girl Nigella fall in love with Tomato. A party charmer Tomato never knew he will soon be under a critical situation where he has to choose between his child hood love Poppy and this new innocent love Nigella. But hard time came soon and the situation of sharp knife cut Tomato into pieces. Where Poppy on the other city was nurturing her good soul and day by day she is turning into a smooth paste of love and kindness. Nigella understood that Tomato was never meant for her so she talked with hot and happening rock star friend of her Green chili and told they only can spice up this love story and bring it to a happy ending with their other two friends Salt and Oil. So all of the four conspire to bring them together. They ask frying pan and her lid if they are willing to participate in this heart winning play or not. They agreed graciously. Nigella called Tomato and Poppy to take the final decision. Now it’s time for the climax and to put the stage on fire. Oil dripped into the pan it’s hot and Nigella knew yes it is the perfect time to plunge in. So Nigella plunged into hot oil. And Green chilly also slipped in. Poppy thought Nigella is committing suicide and couldn’t stay back and she too jumped. She try to bring back Nigella but after a minute roaming in the hot Oil she could not do so now she started screaming and asked Tomato for help. Tomato was talking with Salt nearby and when they saw situation is getting out of hand they jumped into the hot oil. Now it’s the work of the lid to give this romance a final touch. So she stayed there for a few minutes, haha… you can put all your fancy imagination of what happened within but when lid was off we saw Tomato and Poppy mingle together as made for each other couple and Nigella and Green chilly was smiling all around where as Oil and Salt was happy within to bring two beloved together. This is the delicious love story of Tomato And Poppy.
If it seems hard to find the recipe from this crazy love story then note the ingredients and procedure.
Tough tomatoes   2 big chopped
Poppy seed paste 2 heaping table spoon
Nigella sativa 1/8 tea spoon
Green chilly 1 chopped
Salt to taste
Vegetable Oil 11/2 table spoon
Heat oil in a pan . Then add the nigella sativa and choppped green chilly . As they splutter add the poppy paste stir for a few second carefully so that you don't burn the mixture. Now add chopped tomatoes and salt. Stir and cover the lid let it cook for five minutes in slow flame. Now take off the lid and stir until all the juices dried up and oil comes out. This delicious tangy tomato poppy go well with steamed rice or bread roll or if in hurry you can use it for your sandwich stuffing. I hope you will love this recipe.
I have created A Valentine’s day special page for squidoo name – Let the reason be love. I hope you will love the page. I am waiting for your views and special recipes.
Be Happy And Stay Healthy.


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