Senin, 02 November 2009


I hope you all have enjoyed a lovely weekend . Lots of fun and happy moments that time will treasure for many years to come. In such festive season, I always think that we can never get such happiness just by asking, but some times such special blessed moment enter our life without knocking and fill our so called daily regular life with immense happiness and love.
What do you think?
Today I am not in a mood for cooking I thought why not go for a bit raw diet . So I prepared stuffed cucumber for breakfast . This is very simple and easy to make. So if you are tired after all those weekend parties you can try out this stuffed cucumber.


Cucumber 3
Boiled peas ½ cup
Grated carrot ½ cup
Balanced beans ½ cup
Boiled Chicken cube ½ cup
Mayonnaise 1 cup
Salt and pepper according to taste
Grated cheese 3 tbsp ( optional)
Chopped parsley for garnish


Peel the cucumbers, you can cut in half lengthwise or half way and then carefully remove the seeds with spoon, leaving the bottom intact. Now in a bowl mix all the above ingredients except cheese and parsley. Now fill the mixture with a spoon into cucumber rounds that are halfway hollowed out. Top with cheese and minced parsley. Srve in long basil leaves. Those who trying to loose some pounds or want this recipe to be more heart healthy, avoid cheese topping for stuffed cucumber. You can also lessen the quantity of mayonnaise. Make this stuffed cucumber more healthy . Have a Good Day!


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