Rabu, 29 Juli 2009


I think quiet a number of times you have tested fish in green sauce but I bet that every time it taste different at least this is something what happen to me very often. When ever people suggest me fish in green sauce I wait for some surprise in the color green. A week back I visited one of my cousin sister house and she cooked this delicious easy quick to make fish in green sauce in just a few minutes and we relish it with steamed rice. I came back home a cooked it just to see whether she kept some thing secret or not but no it taste too delicious . So I thought yes I can share this recipe with my friends. Have a look and cook I am sure you will like the taste of fish in green sauce.
But one ingredient is unique in this recipe and that is Nigella sativa seed popularly known in my area as kalonji seeds. Nigella sativa seed is variously called fennel flower, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, blackseed, black caraway, or black onion seed. For your convenience I have given the picture in inset, don’t mistake it with black sesame seed. Both are not same.

Fish fillet 2
Nigella sativa seed ½ tsp
White refined
/mustard oil 1½ tbsp
Garlic paste 2 tsp
Cilantro paste ¼ cup
Green chilly paste ½ tsp or according to taste
Tomato puree ½ cup
Sugar 2 pinch
Salt according to taste
Water ¼ cup


First put on the flame and place a pan on it then add oil. Heat oil and then add nigella sativa seed then add the garlic paste stir then add tomato puree, salt sugar cilantro and green chilly paste stir for a minute and half the add fish in it . Coat the fish well in the mixture and then add water in it. Cover the pan with lid and cook it for 5 to 6 minutes or until the fish is cooked. Your fish in green sauce is ready to serve . Serve it with steamed rice or bread . I hope you will like it.

http://fingerlickingfood.blogspot.com/2007/12/enchiladas-with-salsa-verdegreen-sauce.html -image source

Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009


Again a lovely weekend and this weekend I am arranging weekend night party in my place, so you know with snacks some mock tails is must. This time I am introducing a very unique tasty mock tail and I am sure to surprise my friend with this beautiful angelic divine white mock tail. Let me share with you this beautiful milky white mocktail.

Pineapple juice 200ml
Lemon ½
Coconut water ½ cup
Vanilla ice cream 2 scoop
Ice cube 4 to 5


Put the pineapple juice, juice of half lemon ,coconut water, vanilla ice cream in your blender. Blend it well and then serve it in your favorite glass. Put some ice cube in it.
Your tasty milky white mock tail is ready.
Boys mocktails are not always lady's drink this can be a healthy choice for you too.Give it a thought.


Jumat, 17 Juli 2009


A friend of mine is suffering from anemia (blood disorders, occurs when the level of healthy red blood cells (RBCs) in the body becomes too low.) That is when her dietician prescribed this very healthy and yummy dish. Last night she cooked this liver fry and called me for dinner.
I can’t believe that this turned out so delicious. Try out this lovely delicious liver fry and let me know.


Boiled mutton liver
chunks 300grm
Butter 2tbsp
Onion 1 large chopped
Tomato 1 chopped
Green chilly 2chopped
Grated raw papaya 1 cup
Lemon juice 2tbsp
Chopped cilantro 2tbsp
Salt and pepper according to taste


Place a pan on flame and give the butter in it as the butter start to melt add chopped onion. Stir for a minute and then add chopped green chilies, tomato, and the boiled mutton liver chunks .Stir it for one minute. Then add the grated raw papaya, salt and pepper .Stir for few minutes add lemon juice mix well then put off the flame . Garnish with chopped cilantro.
Serve with bread or you can use it as sandwich stuffing.


Senin, 13 Juli 2009

Effect Of Thought Over Food And Drink

A friend of mine e-mailed this to me and reading this I thought this e-mail have many things which I want to share with my friends because this can heal your health and you can live a happy healthy life.

The food stuffs or drinking matter is been used since an eternal time to change the mentality or attitude of human being. Because it is the most easy but vital means to carry up the thoughts from one person to other.
Man can affect matter by the power of his thought.
Whatever the type of thought is, pure or impure, it can reach into the depth of our mind through food stuffs like rice, spices, vegetables, betel leaves, betel nut, etc. or drinks, e.g. coconut water, normal water, milk, juice etc. and can effect in either way.
Sacred Food or Prasad is considered to have a pure effect on human mind & health since it is made with pious mentality, it has a positive power. Food or drinks made with impure attitude will off course have a negative effect.
Day by day the positive power & effect of pure food & drinks are lost and the negative power & effect are increasing a lot today. However we can regain the positive power and use our food & drinks as the important means. As food or drink can affect a person’s mentality, you can off course apply it to yourself to begin with.

Test with drinks:
Take some milk or water or juice in a glass or in a small pot. Take
such a quantity that you will be able to drink the full. Take the pot in front of your eyes and spread the thoughts into it like following : “This drink is getting pure with the help of my pure thoughts come from the Spiritual Source, the Supreme Being, God, the Almighty. This drink will surely make my mind and health pure. This drink will off course bring pure dreams in my sleep and pure thoughts on the morn onwards”.
Repeat this thought at least 10 times. Then keep it in a certain
place. Drink it before going to bed. You will find that you are getting automatically pure thoughts like magic on the morrow.

However this is nothing but just a spiritual trick .
You can again use food stuffs in the same way as you did with drinks.
Food cooked in pure state of mind will always have a positive effect on the mind of anyone. 50% of your mental state depends on which food you take? What type [ingredients] of food, where it comes from, who cooks it [the mentality of the cook, at least at the time of cooking], the place of cooking etc. really matter for at least 50% of your mental state. Rest of the 50% depends on the Samskara [innate nature] of the person.
It is said that you are what you eat! Someone said, “You tell me what your friend eats, I will tell you what type of person he is !”
Let me quote here the well-known proverb, “As the food thus the mind, as the company thus the person.”

Eating in silence, in the remembrance of Supreme God makes the mind, words, health & character elevated and powerful. In some religion it is believed that if a person eats in silence for continuously 18 years then the words spoken by him become true, he gains a good health through pure digestive power, his forehead gets sparkled, his words become sweet and his character becomes magnetic.

Let’s realize the importance of the effect of thought over food or drinks.


Selasa, 07 Juli 2009


I am fan of chicken rolls but nowadays cut it short because of too much use of oil.But a friend of mine bring a very better option of cooking chicken rolls using not a single drop of oil. Believe me it turned out awesome. So I thought why not share it with all my loving friends.


Flour 150grm
Baking powder ½tsp
Egg 1
Milk according to need
Chicken 1cup boiled
Onion 1 chopped
Capsicum ½ chopped
Butter/diet butter 2 tbsp
Salt and pepper according to taste


In a bowl take chicken, onion, capsicum , salt and pepper and 1tbsp cook it in micro high for one minute.
In a mixing bowl add milk, eggs, salt and flour knead it to make a soft dough. Roll outon a floured surface to ¼ inch thickness and 6 inch diameter.
Place the chicken mixture in the center of each circle and then fold up the edges to center; pinch tightly to seal in the filling.
Now in a greased dish put the rolls and brush some butter on it and then grill it for 2 min in your micro wave. Bring it out and then flip it and brush butter on the other side and again place it in the micro wave for another 2 minutes. Your baked yummy chicken roll is ready to serve,have it with mustard sauce and tomato ketchup.You may add a plate of salad with it and your breakfast is complete.


Rabu, 01 Juli 2009


Color play an important role in our life. If you are stressed out with a heavy mid week work load and deadlines then just give a few moments to yourself relax with delicious with this energy booster and you are ready to meet the challenges again totally refreshed.
I am waiting to know from you.


Red ripe tomato 4
Grated carrot 1
Basil leaves 4 to 5
Grated apple 1
Lemon juice 1 ½ tbsp
Black salt 1 pinch
Sugar 1pinch
Black pepper 1pinch (freshly ground)
Chopped celery ½ tsp


Put tomatoes pieces, grated carrot, basil, grated apple in a blender. Blend it well and then strain the whole mixture in a bowl then add black salt , sugar, pepper mix well. Warm it a little then pour it in a serving glass and garnish with chopped celery.
Relish this wonderful red juice and let go your stress.